
lā xiàn
  • Stay wire;infiltrate a spy;act as a go-between
拉线 [lā xiàn]
  • [act as a go-between; pull strings and make contact] 拉关系

  • 他俩交朋友是我从中拉线的

  • (1) [stay wire]∶将传输线的电杆锚固在地面上的钢索

  • (2) [tie line]∶铺设铁路轨道时,在铺钢轨之前用来使枕木一端对齐所用的线

  • (3) [line]∶指用于丈量或水准测量的线

  • 用一根拉线使基础保持水平

  1. 他找到拉线,猛力一拉,灯灭了。

    He found its cord and yanked , the light went out .

  2. 拉线释放支架的分叉时,不得使置入器的位置发生变化

    Keep introducer 's position during rope back to set the stent free .

  3. 通过某一类拉线V型铁塔的实例研究计算,得出了对工程实际具有指导意义的结果。

    Through calculating a case , author obtains the result corresponding with facts .

  4. 气动与PLC技术相结合在电筒筒身拉线机自动化改造中的应用

    The Combination of Pneumatic and PLC in the Application of the Flashlight Body Wire-Drawing Machine Automation Transformation

  5. GD包装机条包拉线检测装置设计与应用

    Design and Application of Carton Tear-Tape Monitor in GD Packing Machine

  6. 这些设计一些纷繁复杂的拉线战术的人,他们是依靠ME中的一些人为漏洞来不公平的击败AI的。

    They design multi-arrowed exploitative tactics that rely on artificial holes in the ME to unfairly outwit the AI .

  7. 用FX2对拉线机实现单机控制

    The wire drawer is controlled with FX 2

  8. 输电线路拉线UT线夹防盗螺母的研制

    Development of Tow Line UT Cable Clamp Anti-Theft Nut on Power Transmitting Line

  9. 基于SI雇员和普通玩家的广泛反馈,以及他自己的游戏经验,他决定取消游戏中的拉线。

    Based on extensive feedback from SI employees , mods and general users , plus his own playing experience , he decided to take the arrows out of the game .

  10. 战术成功不再是做出一些花哨的拉线,直到你设计出一个阵型是AI难以抵挡的。

    Tactical success is no longer going to be about drawing a plethora of arrows until you find a system the AI can 't cope with .

  11. 10kV杆塔拉线的简易计算与安装

    Simplified Calculation and Installation of Guys for 10 kV Pole-towers

  12. 220kV带拉线水泥双杆的改型设计

    Retrofit Design to 220 kV Dual Concrete Power Pole with Polling Lines

  13. 并列安装的拉线开关的相邻间距不小于20mm;

    Ceiling switch of parallel installation should be more than20mm away from each other .

  14. ±500kV直流拉线杆塔空气间隙放电特性的研究

    Studies on Flashover Characteristics of Air Gap of ± 500 kV DC Guyed Tower Under Composite Voltage

  15. 放松牵拉线后,对照组14(14/16)只,利多卡因组21(21/22)只清醒大鼠ST段骤降。

    ST segments of 14 ( 14 / 16 ) rats in the control group and 21 ( 21 / 22 ) rats in the lidocaine group decreased suddenly when the pulling thread was released following 30 min of coronary occlusion .

  16. 本文介绍了±500kV直流输电线路真实拉线杆塔空气间隙电气强度的试验研究结果。

    This paper presents the test results of air clearance electric strength of a full-scale gayed tower for ± 500kV DC transmission lines .

  17. 农网10kV配电线路拉线坑的定位计算本产品适用于架空电力输配电线路。

    The Location Calculation of the Wire Pole of 10 kV Distribution Wire of Rural Power Gird The cable is designed for aerial electricity transmission and distribution line .

  18. 系统的绞车重36kg,电机功率600W,拉线最大拉力为175kg。

    Its winch weight is 36 kg ; motor power is 600 W ; and maximum pulling force is 175 kg .

  19. 在最初的关于FML中取消拉线的争论中,我们批评的最多的就是ME的完整性和取消拉线游戏的观赏性。

    When we originally had the debate about the removal of arrows in FML testing , the only criteria we used were the integrity of the ME and the look of the football .

  20. 利用两跨一基耦合模型,对比分析了江苏境内500kV输电线路某段拉线塔体系的动、静力位移指标,验证了静风载计算的不足。

    Finally , the dynamic and static displacement index of some stayed tower in a 500 kV transmission line of Jiangsu province were compared and analyzed , and the shortage of static wind load system was verified .

  21. 从FM08中你就可以发现,缺少了拉线,游戏引擎反而显得更为出色,这也是我强烈要求去除拉线的原因。

    You can already see this in FM08 , which looks a far better engine without user arrows and is , for me , the biggest argument for their removal .

  22. 本文针对实验力学云纹干涉图像去包裹处理中容易导致拉线的问题对RIPI(区域识别、划分和积分)去包裹法进行了研究。

    This study investigates a new 2-dimensional phase unwrapping method named RIPI ( Regional Identification , partition and Integral phase unwrapping method ), which is aiming at the problems of " line-draw " and loss of useful data while phase unwrapping in processing moir é interferometry experiment images .

  23. 现代化拉线机中连续退火的电控技术

    The Electrical Control Techniques of Continuous Annealing in Modern Enamelling Machines

  24. 波顿拉线必须始终松弛。

    The Bowden cable must always be set free of play .

  25. 将驻车锁拉线绑到支架上并牢牢接合。

    Attach parking lock cable to the support and engage securely .

  26. 双列喷淋式四组多段喷陶拉线轮,操作简单,维护容易。

    Spray double-lay slip type four multi-step ceramic coated capstan rings .

  27. 从支架上导出换档拉线和选档杆拉线。

    Guide the shift and selector cables out of the support .

  28. 换档拉线和选档杆拉线布置在控制台的底部。

    The shift and selector cables are routed underneath the console .

  29. 可以在拉线端件进行一些较小的修正。

    Minor corrections can be made on the cable end piece .

  30. 电力电缆拉线机的变极电机的保护控制

    The protection of pole-changing motors of the power cable wiredrawing machine