
dào cì
  • barb;hangnail;agnail
倒刺 [dào cì]
  • (1) [hangnail;agnail]∶指甲附近翘起的小片表皮,撕扯不当会深入肉里,很痛

  • (2) [hang-nail]∶鱼叉鱼钩等尖端的倒钩

倒刺[dào cì]
  1. 更为主要的是,外侧倒刺的结构设计使鱼饵不易从钩体上脱落,钓鱼的效果得到大幅度的提升。

    More importantly , the structure design of the outer side hangnail results in that the bait is not easy to fall off the hook body , the fishing effect is greatly improved .

  2. 膨胀舌张开后填充墙体内多余的缝隙的同时形成形似倒刺的结构使得本实用新型可以承受较重的物品而不易脱落。

    After being unfolded , the expansion tongues fill the redundant gaps in the wall body and form agnail structures , and the utility model is enabled to bear heavier objects with uneasy breaking-off .

  3. 黑脊倒刺鲃的繁殖与养殖技术

    The Technique of Breeding and Aquaculture of Black-spine Barbus Fish

  4. 骆驼屎!你实在是我们这边的一个倒刺。

    Camel dung ! $ you are indeed a thorn in my side .

  5. 因为他们的词就像有倒刺的鱼钩。

    Because their stingers are barbed like fishhooks .

  6. 镀金丝网顶端的倒刺。

    Barbs on the crown of gilded wire .

  7. 这名未确定身份的女子在爬越机场的倒刺铁丝围栏时受到轻微擦伤。

    The unidentified woman suffered minor cuts when she scaled the barbed wire fence .

  8. 有倒刺,又象只蜜蜂!

    Barbs has it , like a Bee !

  9. 黑脊倒刺鲃的精巢分化和发育都明显快于卵巢的分化和发育。

    The differentiation and development of Spinibarbus caldwelli testes were earlier than that of ovaries .

  10. 结果表明,倒刺鳞片的年轮特征为疏密切割型,新年轮出现时期主要在4~6月。

    The results show that the annual-ring feature belongs to the loose-close and cut pattern .

  11. 实际上,中国于本月在边境树起了带倒刺的围栏。

    Indeed , this month it has been throwing up a barbed-wire fence along the border .

  12. 上个星期在旺茨沃思人们发现有一个女孩子被人用一段有倒刺的铁丝勒死了。

    There was a girl found strangled with a piece of barbed wire at Wandsworth last week .

  13. 有时钉倒刺的现象发生,这是因为在角质层裂缝造成的。

    Sometimes nail barb phenomenon occurs , it is because there are cracks in the cuticle caused .

  14. 使用新型倒刺电极的骶神经调节治疗神经源性膀胱的初步临床结果

    Preliminary clinical report of treatment for neurogenic bladder by sacral neuromodulation using a new tined - lead electrode

  15. 通过试验,对金属倒刺螺母螺杆连接件接合与直角榫接合及木螺钉接合性能进行了比较和研究。

    The properties of converse-spine nut joint , dowel joint and tenon joint were separately and studied through experiment .

  16. 我不停地在倒刺铁丝围拦边来回走动着,想让自己瘦弱的身躯尽快暖和起来。

    Back and forth I walk next to the barbed wire fence , trying to keep my emaciated body warm .

  17. 结果证明,金属倒刺螺母螺杆连接件接口的接合性能优于直角榫接合和木螺钉接合的性能。

    The results prove these properties of converse-spine nut to be better than those of dowel joint and tenon joint .

  18. 采捕于溪河的野生黑脊倒刺,在池塘生态条件下进行人工驯养使其达到性成熟。

    The wild Spinibarbus caldwelli captured from the stream were domesticated in ponds and could mature under the controlled ecological conditions .

  19. 云南倒刺鲃的年龄可以通过鳞片、耳石、背鳍条上的年轮特征来鉴定。

    The ages of S. yunnanensis can be identified through the characteristics of the annual rings of the scales , otoliths and dorsal fin spines .

  20. 加拿大一名女子成功越过一机场的倒刺铁丝围栏后,闯入停机坪试图阻止飞机起飞。目前该机场的工作人员正在重新检查机场的安保系统。

    A Canadian airport is reviewing its security systems after a woman managed to scale a barbed wire fence and run onto the tarmac in an attempt to stop a plane from taking off .

  21. 钩虫钩虫属的大量小的寄生线虫,嘴部有倒刺,可以固定于寄主内脏壁上(包括人类),能引起钩虫病。

    Any of numerous small parasitic nematode worms of the family ancylostomatidae , having hooked mouthparts with which they fasten themselves to the intestinal walls of various hosts , including human beings , causing ancylostomiasis .

  22. 每秒针刺的次数、纤维网在机器上的移动速度、针的粗细及倒刺在针上的排列方式。

    The number of punches per second and the total number per unit area ; the speed of movement of the web through the machine ; and the size of the needles and the number and arrangement of the barbs on the needles .