
  • 网络bar mitzvah;rite of passage;Bat Mitzvah
  1. 第一块手表往往都是别人送的,从天美时(Timex)起,不一而足。收到的场合可能是毕业,转正,找到第一份工作,也可能是成年礼。

    One 's first watch is often a gift anything from a Timex on up received at graduation , confirmation , first job or Bar Mitzvah .

  2. 看,我是犹太人,我们称之为犹太成年礼。

    See , I 'm jewish , and our ritual is called a bar mitzvah .

  3. 参加婚礼我要哭,出席犹太男子的成年礼我也要哭,什么洗礼,毕业典礼和生日宴会都会使我落泪。

    I cry at weddings , bar mitzvahs , christenings , graduations and birthday parties .

  4. 在杜兰大学的时期,Sykes开始他的创业生涯,他做定期交易投机股票。他把自己在成年礼上收到的12415美元变成了200万美元。

    While attending Tulane University , Sykes started his entrepreneur career by regularly trading penny stocks and turning the $ 12,415 he received in his Bar Mitzvah into $ 2 million .

  5. 我们将在早晨举行成年礼!

    We will hold the rite of passage in the morning !

  6. 你想毁了人家的成年礼外加收不到钱吗

    You wanna ruin their day and not get paid ?

  7. 欧文参加他的犹太成年礼你会不舒服吗?

    Would it make you uncomfortable having Irwin at the bar mitzvah ?

  8. 今天成年礼的主角,从男孩变男人

    The Bar Mitzvah boy who , today , becomes a man .

  9. 我们会打败斯坦的成年礼。

    We 'll blow the Stein bar mitzvah away .

  10. 那个怀胎少女的成年礼与之后她宝宝的迎婴派对。

    the quinceanera for that pregnant girl , and then her baby shower .

  11. 在其他文化中,这是成年礼时的一种仪式。

    In other cultures , it 's a rite of passage into manhood .

  12. 这是古典成年礼耳熟能详的名称。

    Even the name is a familiar term in the classical rites of initiation .

  13. 是的,成年礼加迎婴派对。

    Si , the Quinceanera / Baby shower .

  14. 雷军称这个案子是一家年轻公司的成年礼。

    Mr. Lei called the case a rite of passage for a young company .

  15. 被犹太家庭收养的几个女孩举行了成年礼。

    A couple of girls , adopted by Jewish families , were bat mitzvahed .

  16. 那个要举行成年礼的小兽在哪里?

    Where is that Brat Mitzvah beast ?

  17. 雷军称这个案子是一家年轻公司的“成年礼”。

    Mr. Lei called the case a " rite of passage " for a young company .

  18. 摩梭族孩子长到13岁,便要举行成年礼。

    When a Mosuo child reaches 13 , the rite of passage into adulthood will be held .

  19. 这是我高中毕业舞会戴的襟花,还有我犹太成年礼上剩的一块蛋糕。

    This is the boutonniere from my high school prom . A piece of cake from my Bar Mitzvah .

  20. 原型模式:雨王汉德森的成年礼&对索尔·贝娄小说《雨王汉德森》的另一种解读

    Prototypical Pattern : Henderson the Rain King 's Adult Rite & On Saul Bellow 's Henderson the Rain King

  21. 意料之中的是,在当代的美国社会,毕业典礼已近乎成为一种类似成年礼的仪式。

    Little surprise : in modern America , commencement ceremonies have almost become akin to coming of age ceremonies .

  22. 不像是骑车,你不一定要够高才能办成年礼。

    It 's not like a ride , you don 't have to be tall enough to be bar mitzvahed .

  23. 我不要你影响我的儿子,我不要你出席成年礼。

    I don 't want your influence around my son , I don 't want you at the bar mitzvah .

  24. 意料之中的是,在当代的美国社会,毕业典礼已近乎成为一种类似“成年礼”的仪式。

    Little surprise : in modern America , commencement ceremonies have almost become akin to " coming of age " ceremonies .

  25. 乔先生十分重视田野调查,认为做田野是人类学工作者的基本功和成年礼。

    Mr. QIAO attaches importance to field investigation , believing that fieldwork is a basic skill and the Initiation Rite of anthropologists .

  26. 去练墨西哥舞的时候,维丹妮和纳萨勒姐妹俩递给我一张请帖,是纳萨勒的成年礼晚会。

    When I went to practice ballet folklorico , venadi and nathareth , two sisters , handed me an invitation for nathreth Quinceanera party .

  27. 这边的朋友有时会伤心地说起自己错过了祖母的葬礼、兄弟的婚礼、侄子侄女的成年礼和坚信礼,以及其他大大小小的家族事件。

    Friends here sometimes talk with sadness about missing grandmothers'funerals , brothers'weddings , nephews'and nieces'bar mitzvahs and confirmations and other family functions large and small .

  28. 我们昨晚赚到的钱,加怀胎少女的成年礼与迎婴派对,绝对能赚到租金啊。

    Between the money we just got last night and that pregnant girl 's Quinceanera / Baby shower , we 're gonna make our rent .

  29. 幼兽一完成他的成年礼,长辈们就开始赞扬他掌握精神世界的奥秘的需要,激发他无穷的好奇心。

    From the moment a cub completes her rite of passage , elders praise her driving need to understand spiritual mysteries and encourage her boundless curiosity .

  30. 其实何止我那一代人的女性没有过成年礼,现在的中国女孩子一样没有。

    Actually , not only the females of my generation did not have this coming of age ritual , the girls in China today also do not have it .