
  • 网络The jade hairpin
  1. 在过去两年里,《牡丹亭》和《玉簪记》这两个剧目在中国进行了巡演,吸引到大批观众。

    Two productions , Peony Pavilion and the jade hairpin have toured China over the past two years , and have attracted large audiences .

  2. 浅论《玉簪记》对《西厢记》的承继与发展他还养有家伎小蛮、樊素、红萼、紫房等人。

    On the Inheriting and Development of The Story of the Jade Hairpin " to The Story of West Wing-room "; He also kept family performers who were called Xiao Man , Fan Su , Hong E , Zi Fang and others .

  3. 明人高濂突破前人窠臼,采用喜剧的形式将其改编为《玉簪记》传奇后,该剧便风靡大江南北,至今仍活跃在戏曲舞台上。

    Since Gao Lian , who lived in Ming dynasty , broke through the predecessor pattern , used the comedy form reorganized it to The Jade Hairpin , this play then was all the rage the whole country , until now still enlivened in the drama stage .