
jìn kǒu xiàn zhì
  • import restriction;restriction of imports
  1. 据传进口限制是暂时性的,但我们不这样认为。

    Rumor circulated state import restriction shortly however ourselves unbelieving .

  2. 以上紧急进口限制措施已根据印度相关主管机构提供的关于疫病控制措施的信息及健康状况进行了审核。

    The above emergency import restriction measures have been reviewed on the basis of health status and information on disease control measures provided by the relevant authorities of India .

  3. 她主张实行进口限制

    She argued for import control , ie the restricting of imports .

  4. 中国将压缩《中国禁止进口限制进口技术目录》,为技术要素跨境自由流动创造良好环境。

    China will shorten its catalog of technologies prohibited or restricted from import to create a favorable environment for the free flow of technologies across borders .

  5. 根据wto的贸易规则,只要不对某些国家实行厚此薄彼的优惠,国家就可以单方面地大幅削减进口限制。

    Under WTO rules , countries may slash import barriers unilaterally as long as they do not favour some countries over others .

  6. 台湾目前对逾2000种产品类别实施进口限制,部分违反了台湾加入世界贸易组织(wto)时的承诺。

    Taiwan currently bans more than 2000 product categories , partially in violation of commitments when it joined the World Trade Organisation .

  7. 包括欧盟(EU)和中国在内的其它9个经济体效仿美国,实施了新的钢铁进口限制。

    Nine other economies , including the European Union and China , followed the US lead by imposing new steel import restrictions .

  8. 在中国和77国集团(g77)的支持下,印度已发出呼吁:联合国哥本哈根气候谈判形成的任何协定,都要禁止以气候问题为基础、设置针对发展中国家的进口限制和关税。

    India , with the support of China and the G-77 developing countries , has called for any agreement coming out of the United Nations climate negotiations in Copenhagen to ban import restrictions and tariffs against developing countries based on climate issues .

  9. 针对大陆活鸡的进口限制将于7月2日到期。

    The ban on chickens imported from China expires on July2nd .

  10. 进口限制向来是贸易保护主义者最青睐的武器。

    Import curbs have long been protectionists ' weapon of choice .

  11. 进口限制扩展到了造纸工业。

    Import controls were extended to the paper industry .

  12. 中曾根首相宣布了一个人们等待已久的放宽进口限制的三年计划。

    Yasuhiro Nakasone unveiled a long awaited three-year plan to ease import restrictions .

  13. 进口限制相当于销售税,而且往往是针对必需品。

    Import restraints are equivalent to a sales tax and often apply to necessities .

  14. 俄罗斯当局称进口限制不会对食品供应和价格造成显著影响。

    Russian authorities say the import limits will not drastically affect food supplies or prices .

  15. 他主张实行进口限制。

    She argued for import control .

  16. 第三,在实施新的进口限制方面,大多数国家仍以美国为指导。

    Third , much of the world still follows the US lead regarding new import restrictions .

  17. 因此,肯尼亚撤消对上述来自印度商品的进口限制,且立即生效。

    Kenya therefore withdraws the import restrictions on the stated commodities from India with immediate effect .

  18. 日本十分敏锐的看到了将团结一心的宣言转化成放宽进口限制。

    Japan is keen to see a declaration of solidarity translate into easing of import restrictions .

  19. 欧共体将努力争取更多地放宽对中华人民共和国的进口限制。

    The european economic community will strive for an increasing liberalization of import from the people 's republic of china .

  20. 这些调查是各国应本国产业的要求发起的为保护自身业务不受影响,这些产业呼吁施行新的进口限制。

    Such investigations are opened at the request of domestic industries calling for new import restrictions to protect their businesses .

  21. 进口限制有时与把进口价格和数量都固定下来的特别贸易安排结合在一起。

    Import restrictions are sometimes associated with special trade schemes in which both the price and quantity of imports are fixed .

  22. 包括进一步放松资本流出和进口限制,以及到国外进行采购的特别计划。

    Policies can-indeed , already do-include further liberalisation of capital outflow and imports , along with special programmes to buy goods abroad .

  23. 实证结果表明,我国贸易壁垒对第十章谷物类产品的进口限制效果较为显著,尤其是对大宗农产品,其限制效果更为显著。

    The empirical results show that the restrictive effect on the import of cereal products is obvious and stricter to agricultural commodities .

  24. 134.中国代表进一步表示,1993年,中国对53类产品实行进口限制。

    134 . The representative of China further stated that in 1993 , China had applied import restrictions to 53 product categories .

  25. 进口限制以及担心盗版使得那些外国游戏机巨头(如索尼,任天堂,及微软)没有大举进入中国。

    Import restrictions and fear of piracy mean that the big foreign console-makers-Sony , Nintendo and Microsoft-have not made much headway in China .

  26. 津巴布韦政府随即采取了种种措施应对日益恶化的经济状况,包括放宽进口限制,确保更多商品进入国内市场等等。

    The government has quickly the worsening economic conditions , including by easing restrictions on imports to ensure more products can flow into the country .

  27. 典型例子是关税或进口限制、某种类型设备的经营许可证、通信设备、技术资料批准机关等。

    Typical examples are customs duties or restrictions on imports , licences to operate certain equipment types , communication equipment , approval authorities for technical documentation etc.

  28. 发达国家通过制定各种繁杂苛刻的技术法规、技术标准等进行进口限制或产业保护,严重影响了国际间的公平贸易。

    Developed countries limit trade or protect domestic industry by making many diverse harsh technical regulations and technology standards , which has seriously affected fair trade environment .

  29. 不过,调查数量的增幅和自2007年以来实际实施的进口限制数量,仍低于过去二、三十年的历史水平。

    However , the sharp rise in investigations and actual impositions of import restrictions since 2007 remain below historical levels of the past 20 to 30 years .

  30. 表现形式以技术性贸易壁垒为主,同时伴有少量的知识产权纠纷、紧急进口限制措施、反倾销等。

    The manifestation of Sino-Japanese trade friction was the technical trade protectionism primarily , simultaneously accompanied by the intellectual disputes , the urgent import restrictions , counter-dumping .