
  • 网络advanced life support,ALS;ALS;advanced life support, ALS;advanced life support ALS;ACLS
  1. 缩短基本生命支持(BLS)至进一步生命支持(ALS)的过程能取得更好的心肺复苏(CPR)效果;

    To shorten the procedures from basic life support ( BLS ) to advanced life support ( ALS ) received more effective results of CPR .

  2. 结果:影响心肺复苏成功的因素与基本生命支持(BLS)和进一步生命支持(ALS)实施尤其与气管插管的建立早晚、心肺复苏规范性有很大的相关性。

    Results : Basic life support ( BLS ), advanced life support ( ALS ), endotracheal intubation 's time and criterion of CPR were the important factors affecting CPR .

  3. 结论心肺复苏后仍须进一步生命支持和针对原发病的治疗。

    Conclusion Patient still should be carried out life support further and cured for its the primary affection after the CPR .