
  • 网络Import substitution;import-substitution;Import Substitute
  1. 圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)对淳朴田园生活的理想化,为印度独立后的政策定下了基调:注重重工业的进口替代,而对创造劳动力密集型制造业的工作机会持有偏见。

    Mahatma Gandhi 's idealisation of rural simplicity set the tone for post-independence policies that concentrated on heavy-industry import substitution but was biased against creating labour-intensive manufacturing jobs .

  2. 进口替代战略和出口导向战略之比较

    Comparison of the Import Substitution Strategy and the Export Guidance Strategy

  3. 因此,在WTO体系中进口替代被视作一个不受欢迎的名词。

    So , in the WTO system , the word of import replacement is not welcomed .

  4. 产品质量全面达到IPC有关技术标准,性能价格比高,是优良的进口替代产品。

    The quality of product reaches IPC standards and the products of the company will play as substitution to imported ones for cost and performance factors .

  5. 对于大陆来说,没有贸易转移效应,且净贸易创造效应为正,表明CEPA的实施创造出大陆对香港产品的更多需求,这些需求是来自以香港进口替代大陆自行生产的。

    As for the mainland , there is no trade diversion effect , and net trade creation effect is positive . The implementation of CEPA creates more demand for products in Hong Kong by the mainland , which is the substitution of its own production .

  6. 电镜类进口替代品定价模型研究

    Study on the Pricing Model of EM Import - Substitute Products

  7. 印度在工业化时期大规模实施进口替代。

    India practiced extensive import substitution when it was industrializing .

  8. 进口替代与出口导向的综合实施

    An comprehensive implementation of both import substitution & export orientation

  9. 大萧条促使更多的国家转向进口替代工业化。

    The Great Depression caused many more countries to turn toward ISI .

  10. 我国古代对外贸易中的进口替代

    The Import Substitution in Our Country 's Ancient Foreign Trade

  11. 对外贸易战略:进口替代还是出口替代

    Foreign Trade Strategy : Import Substitution or Export Substitution

  12. 1949-1978年中国进口替代政策研究

    The Study in Import Substitution during 1949-1978 in China

  13. 评进口替代和出口导向综合战略:困境与出路

    Comments on comprehensive strategy of import substitution export orientation ; dilemma way out

  14. 中国近代人才进口替代的三种推动力量浅析

    Superficially Analyzing Three Types of Impetuses of Import Replacement of the Talent of Modern China

  15. 有关进口替代工业化战略评价中的几个问题

    Issues in assessing the import substitution model

  16. 关于进口替代工业化战略的再思考

    Reconsideration of the import-substitution industrialization strategy

  17. 进口替代与出口替代

    Import substitute and export substitute

  18. 通过压低人民币实际汇率,中国为其出口商品及进口替代品的生产提供了补贴。

    By keeping its real exchange rate down , China subsidises production of its exports and import substitutes .

  19. 本文拟对尼日利亚的进口替代工业化历程作一次整体的梳理和分析。首先,深入地探讨尼日利亚选择进口替代工业化发展战略的原因。

    First , thoroughly analyze the reason why Nigeria chose the Import Substituting Industrialization as the development strategy .

  20. 由于贸易活动的减少,进口替代品的生产兴旺起来,殖民地的经济因而更加自给自足。

    As exports and imports fell , import substitution abounded , and the colonial economy became considerably more self-sufficient .

  21. 泰国经济从上个世纪60年代开始,先后经历了进口替代、出口导向和协调发展的三个阶段。

    Since 1960s , Thai economy has gone through three stages : import substitution , export-oriented and coordinated development .

  22. 在推动人才进口替代方面,国家、个人、社团均起了相应的作用。

    In pushing forward the talents developing for ourself , country individual and mass organization have played important roles .

  23. 以色列的工业政策经历了从进口替代到出口导向战略的转变。

    Israeli industrial policy has underwent the significant transfer - from import - instituting industrialization to export-oriented development strategy .

  24. 进口替代工业化的另一个社会副作用就是它对发展中国家内收入不平等程度的影响。

    Another social side effect of ISI is its impact on the degree of income inequality within developing nations .

  25. 日本以政府为主导力量,实行进口替代和出口导向战略完成工业化。

    Japan takes government as the leading strength , use import substitution and exports guidance strategy to complete the industrialization .

  26. 据1936年《中国经济年鉴》记载,中国近代工业行业中,进口替代行业占了行业总数的77.8%。

    According to China Economic Annals o / 7936 , the import-substitution industry occupied 77.8 % of the industrial sect .

  27. 初创的工业部门和交通体系在进口替代工业化时期直接转化为生产力。

    The incipient industrial sector and the transportation system were directly transformed into productivity in the period of import substitution industrialization .

  28. 巴西向日本提供了亟需的大宗商品;反过来,日本为巴西的进口替代工业化提供了廉价的消费品和资本货物。

    Brazil provided Japan with much-needed commodities ; in turn , Japan supplied Brazil with cheap consumer and capital goods for import-substituting industrialization .

  29. 过去从贸易保护主义出发推动进口替代的办法已经失败了,现在这种做法可以从全球市场一体化中获益。

    Unlike past failed efforts to favor import-substitution interests behind protectionism , this approach can capture benefits from regional integration within global markets .

  30. 无论是进口替代战略还是出口导向战略,都不适应当今国际经济环境,也不适合我国国情。

    Neither the import substitution strategy nor the export-oriented strategy suits the current international economic environment , nor does it suit Chinats national condition .