
  • 网络CONTRACT;Import Contract
  1. 进口合同转化为国内合同的应用

    Transforming import contract into domestic contract

  2. 经许可或者登记的技术进口合同终止的,应当及时向国务院外经贸主管部门备案。

    Any licensed or registered technology import contract which has terminated shall be submitted with the competent foreign trade department under the State Council for filing .

  3. 谈谈技术服务进口合同的履约

    Fulfillment of technical service contract

  4. 对于符合规定的技术进口合同,外国企业可以享受减免企业所得税的优惠。

    For the technology import contracts that comply with relevant regulations , the foreign enterprise may enjoy the benefits of enterprise income tax reduction and exemption .

  5. 菲律宾等一些国家急于签订大米进口合同,而越南、印度等一些国家则对大米出口加以限制。

    Some , such as the Philippines , are rushing to sign contracts for rice imports , and others , including Vietnam and India , have moved to restrict exports .

  6. 通过实例介绍,说明了进口合同转化为国内合同不仅节约时间,还节省资金,具有一定的推广价值。

    T Trough introducing an instance , this article states that transforming import contract into domestic contract not only save time , but also economize on funds , has some popularization value .

  7. 因为我不知道能否同时签定两个合同:一个是牛羊肉出口合同,另一个是等额的棉花进口合同。

    We 're not sure whether we could simultaneously sign two contracts , that is , one sales contract for beef and mutton , and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton .

  8. 技术进口合同的受让人按照合同约定使用让与人提供的技术,侵害他人合法权益的,由让与人承担责任。

    Where the receiving party to a technology import contract infringes another person 's lawful rights and interests by using the technology supplied by the supplying party , the supplying party shall bear the liability therefore .

  9. 500kV变电站进口设备合同履行的要点

    Notion for Fulfilment of the Contracts of Import Equipment of 500 kV Substation

  10. 进口药品合同的签订和要求

    Matters Considered in Signing a Contract for Importing Drugs

  11. 我们同时签两个合同,一是牛羊肉的销售(出口)合同,另一个是等额的棉花购买(进口)合同。

    We should simultaneously sign two contracts , one sales contract for beef and mutton , and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton .

  12. 我们同时签两个合同,一是牛羊肉的销售(出口)合同,另一个是等额的棉花购买(进口)合同。一切与本合同有关的进出口手续,均由乙方办理。

    We should simultaneously sign two contracts , one sales contract for beef and mutton , and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton . All import and export procedures in connection with this Contract shall be taken care of by Party B.

  13. 招标人将与中标人签订进口设备外币合同(注:国产设备签订人民币合同)。

    Tenderee shall sign the contract in foreign currency with the successful Bidder . ( The homemade equipment shall be signed in RMB ) .

  14. 作为国际货物买卖合同的一种,进口船舶设备合同具有鲜明的行业特点,受国际国内宏观环境及行业环境影响较大。

    The import contract for marine equipment , kind of contract for international sale of goods , has typical industrial character . The macro-environment and the marine industry business environment all have big effect on the contract , from the contract negotiation to the completion .

  15. 第三,银行应当注意对进口押汇中有关合同条款进行完善;

    Third , the band should improve the clauses of its contract .

  16. 小浪底水电站进口水轮机供货合同争议的处理实践

    Handling of Dispute for Imported Turbine Supply Contract in Xiaolangdi Water Power Station

  17. 按约来华监装出口、进口商检或者参加合同验收的;

    Coming to China under contract for supervision over export shipment , import commodity inspection or checked on the completion of a contract ;

  18. 因为此次在贵公司购买的设备为免税进口设备,因此合同条款中涉及到的备件也属于免税报关的。

    Due to our purchase of equipment for the duty-free import of equipment from your company , the spare parts the contract related to are also duty-free import and export declarations .

  19. 代理进口的,提供与货主签订的代理进口合同或协议复印件。

    For hereditary substance of animals imported by agency , a photocopy of the contract or agreement with the consignor for import by agency shall be provided .