
  • 网络governing law
  1. 第十四条适用的法律14.1本合同的法律含义、效力、履行等均受中华人民共和国法律管辖。

    Article 14 Governing Law 14.1 The construction , validity , and performance of this Contract shall be governed by the laws of the People 's Republic of China .

  2. 该法官表示,这种请求应由另一项法律管辖,即1994年《通信协助执法法案》(CommunicationsAssistanceforLawEnforcementAct),该法案涵盖了通信和宽带企业。

    The judge said such requests should fall under a different law , the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994 , which covers telecommunications and broadband companies .

  3. 对于在猪扒是寻常餐食选择(chops,既可指公章也可指猪扒——译者注)的法律管辖区做生意的任何人来说,这听起来或许不是什么大事。

    That may not sound like a big deal to anyone doing business in jurisdictions where a chop is a carnivorous meal option .

  4. 请注意,当您使用aconex系统时,您的信息被储存在受中华人民共和国法律管辖的电脑系统里。

    Please note that when you use the aconex system , your information is stored on computer systems that are governed by the laws of the prc .

  5. 本协议受香港法律管辖。

    This Deed is governed by the laws of Hong Kong .

  6. 其中大部分属英国法律管辖,其形势仍不明朗。

    Most is governed instead by English law and its status remains unclear .

  7. 自2007年4月以来,达能与宗庆后在数十个法律管辖区对打官司。

    Danone had battled Mr Zong in dozens of legal jurisdictions since April 2007 .

  8. 而商业秘密是由州法律管辖。

    Trade secrets are governed by state law .

  9. 本标题中的规定并不决定法律管辖权和法院所在地的选择。

    The provisions of this Title do not determine legal jurisdiction or a legal venue .

  10. 本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。

    This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of china .

  11. 上述的任何争议依照英格兰法律管辖和解释。

    Any dispute above mentioned shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England .

  12. 本协议的释义、解释和执行应受特拉华州法律管辖。

    The laws of the State of Delaware shall govern the construction , interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement .

  13. 但是马来西亚并不认可联合国难民公约,这就造成难民们成了法律管辖的真空地带。

    But Malaysia has not ratified the U.N. convention on refugees , leaving these people in a legal limbo .

  14. 他还有这些法律管辖区的海事仲裁员认证资格,和温哥华海事仲裁员协会的董事。

    He is also an accredited maritime arbitrator in these jurisdictions and a director of the Vancouver Maritime Arbitrators Association .

  15. 从其他法律管辖区域访问本网站的人员,其行为皆属自愿,须自行负责遵守适用的地方法律。

    Those who access this site from other jurisdictions do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws .

  16. 本协议和将根据本协议签订的各份文件受中国法律管辖、依中国法律解释。

    This Agreement and the documents to be entered into pursuant to it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with PRC law .

  17. 本合同和双方的权利及责任将按照中华人民共和国法律管辖和解释。

    This Agreement and the Rights and Duties of the Parties Shall Be Governed and Interpreted in Accordance With the Laws of the PRC .

  18. 力拓是一家两地上市公司,受相关法律管辖,而澳大利亚商业律师认为,法庭可能觉得90%股东同意就已足够。

    Rio is governed by dual-listed company legislation and Australian corporate lawyers believe the courts would probably accept a figure of 90 per cent shareholder acceptances .

  19. 而一个关键点是美国需求的公司保留美国军队的法律管辖,这样他们就不会受到阿富汗法律的起诉。

    A key sticking point is the firm U.S. demand to retain legal jurisdiction over U.S. troops so they would not be subject to prosecution under Afghan laws .

  20. 本协议的解释与执行将由纽约州的法律管辖(排除法律法规选择权)。

    The interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York ( excluding its choice of law rules ) .

  21. 虽然契约当事人有选择法律管辖的自由,但该问卷所提供的保险受制于英国法律。

    While the parties to the contract are free to choose the law governing it , the cover referred to in this proposal is subject to English law .

  22. 遗嘱法属于各省法律管辖,所以我们的律师团队概括了某些通用于各省的法律事项;

    The law applicable to Wills is generally within the jurisdiction of each province , so our legal team has outlined certain legal considerations that are generally applicable to each province ;

  23. 船舶污染的法律管辖会涉及海洋各国的利益,尤其是专属经济区的司法管辖权。

    Jurisdiction on pollution discharged by vessels will be in relation to interests of the coast countries , particularly in the Exclusive Economic Zone ( EEZ ) of the coast countries .

  24. 各种选项对不合作者偿债、与他们达成协议,把重组后债务转归国内法律管辖,以及完全违约看来都代价高昂、令人耻辱、很难实现,或有破坏性。

    The options – paying the holdouts , reaching a deal with them , transferring restructured debt into domestic law and outright default – look costly , humiliating , difficult or damaging .

  25. 欧美政府应将监管重新关注于在其法律管辖范围内开展的所有金融活动,让它们不那么容易受到冰岛或其它国家监管质量的影响。

    European and US governments should refocus regulation on all financial activities that take place in their jurisdiction , making them less vulnerable to the quality of regulation in Iceland or elsewhere .

  26. 而依据传统的法学原理,对外资银行市场准入进行监管,实质上也是跨国银行的法律管辖权问题。

    According to the traditional theory , market access is also the law jurisdiction problem of the multinational banking . The multinational bank must accept the rule over of the host country government .

  27. 本《承诺函》英国法律管辖,视为符合英国法律的规定,会导致与另一管辖区域法律冲突的法律或原则除外。

    This commitment letter shall be governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of england , except for the conflict of laws principles that would cause the laws of another jurisdiction to apply .

  28. 在2008年股市暴跌期间,其它法律管辖区包括英国、美国、加拿大、法国、德国、日本、澳大利亚、台湾和韩国全都匆忙出台了各种针对卖空操作的限制。

    Other jurisdictions including the UK , the US , Canada , France , Germany , Japan , Australia , Taiwan , and South Korea all rushed through various restrictions on short selling as markets plunged in 2008 .

  29. 在企业税率为全球最高水平的法律管辖区,企业会想方设法,利用转移定价等手段尽可能地少报在美国实现的利润。高税率也会鼓励债务(而非股权)融资。

    Corporate rates in jurisdictions that are at the very high end of the world range encourage businesses to manage their affairs so as to minimise reported US profits using devices like transfer pricing , and support the use of debt rather than equity finance .

  30. 五港同盟的海军服务对王室的各种军事活动做出巨大贡献,同盟由此获得了更多特权,其主要体现在同盟城市自治权、法律管辖权、议会代表权和雅茅斯鲱鱼集市管理权等方面。

    Cinque Ports ' naval service made a significant contribution to the various military activities of the royal family , alliance thus gained more privileges , such as the autonomy of alliance city , the legal jurisdiction , parliamentary representation and the management of Yarmouth Herring Fair .