
  • 网络Legal Evening News;Legal Mirror
  1. 人气颇高的《法制晚报》(LegalEveningNews)撰文称:北京奥运会开幕式上的烟花和集体舞表演明确传达出这样一个信息,属于中国的时代已经到来了。

    The fireworks and mass acrobatics of Beijing delivered a clear message : China 's time has come , declared the Legal Evening News , a popular newspaper .

  2. 法制晚报称,剧组搭建的布景中主要包括一个古代道具城楼,用于一个场景的拍摄。

    According to the Legal Evening News , a film crew built a set which included a prop ancient tower for a scene .

  3. 法制晚报的报道称,他们们没能与中国驻阿富汗大使馆取得联系。

    The Legal Mirror report says that they failed to contact the Chinese embassy in Afghanistan .

  4. 他的一个儿子对《法制晚报》说,溥任——又名金友之——之前“几乎聋”了。

    One of his sons told The Legal Evening Newsthat Puren - who took the Chinese name Jin Youzhi - was ' almost deaf ' .

  5. 据《法制晚报》调查发现,该网站是在去年1月17日被一个名叫“minghuizhao”的人注册的,而不是人教社。

    The Legal Mirror uncovered that the website was registered on January 17 for one year by " Minghuizhao " instead of the People 's Education Press .

  6. 据法制晚报报道,一名曾在网上撰写旅行博客的中国背包旅行者兼自由记者恐怕是在阿富汗和巴基斯坦边界附近失踪了。

    Chinese backpacker and freelance journalist who writes a popular travel blog is feared missing near the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan , the Legal Mirror reports .

  7. 这名女孩告诉法制晚报网,她当时用英语回应了他们“你们很粗鲁,走开”,但是并没有什么用。

    The girl told fawan.com that she did reply " you guys are rude , go away " in English at the time , but it didn 't work .

  8. 被扣留的《法制晚报》记者认为,警察这样做是不想让记者采访遇难者家属。

    A detained reporter from the Legal Evening News said the local police did it because they did not want the reporters to interview relatives of the air crash victims .

  9. 互联网专家邹良东向《法制晚报》透露,人教社某种程度上失去了对该域名的控制,然后被其他人购买、篡改了网站的内容。

    The PEP somehow lost control of the domain name and it was then purchased by another person who then changed the content , Zou Liangdong , an Internet expert , told the Legal Mirror .

  10. 受害人向法制晚报网讲道,她试图拍下打人者的照片,但是她的手机被其中一个打人者抢走了,直到有一个中国男人帮她抢了回来。

    The victim described to fawan.com that she tried to snap a photo of the attackers but her phone was snatched by one of the attackers until a Chinese man helped her to retrieve it .

  11. 据北京《法制晚报》报道,一位网民日前向网络监督局举报,称高三学生使用的《中国古代诗歌散文欣赏》教材中含有一个色情网站。

    A Net user reported to the Internet supervision department on Saturday , saying that the Chinese Ancient Poetry and Prose Appreciation textbook used by high school seniors contains a porn website address , according to Beijing-based newspaper the Legal Mirror .

  12. 据中国新闻网站法制晚报报道,一名中国女留学生4月8日在巴黎地铁上被三名年轻人口头侮辱,之后遭到殴打,却并没有得到旁观者或者之后到来的警察的任何帮助。

    A Chinese female student was verbally and later physically attacked by three young people in Paris Metro train on April 8 , and received no immediate help from either onlookers or later the police , fawan.com , a Chinese newspaper 's website reported .

  13. 据周一法制晚报的报道,北京市交通委主任周正宇表示,油价走低和网络约车的兴起是2015年北京市道路拥堵加剧的两个主因。

    Zhou Zhengyu , head of Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport , cited the falling oil price and the surge of online car hailing as two major reasons for Beijing 's worsening traffic congestion in 2015 , the Legal Evening News reported on Monday .