
  • 网络cgt;C.G.T.
  1. 法国总工会系列紧凑指南幻灯片的理想,高负荷,迫使需要和最低空间可用。

    The CGT series Compact Guide Slide is ideal where high load and force are required and minimum space is available .

  2. 法国总工会去年反对Titan收购一家位于亚眠的固特异工厂。

    The CGT last year opposed a Titan takeover of the Goodyear plant in Amiens .

  3. 其次,极左政党的大溃败削弱了最大工会&法国总工会的部分影响力。

    Second , the crushing defeat of the hard-left parties robs the biggest union , the Communist-backed Conf é d é ration G é n é rale du Travail ( CGT ), of some of its force .

  4. 以前法国最大的抗议中有许多都是法国总工会在幕后策划。

    The CGT has in the past been behind many of France 's biggest street protests .