
  • 网络Melodies Francaises;melodie;french art song
  1. 全文共分三部分,第一部分介绍了艺术歌曲及其发展概况;第二部分通过代表人物及其作品对19世纪上半叶的德国艺术歌曲和19世纪下半叶的法国艺术歌曲进行审美分析;

    I divided the whole thesis into three parts , the first part introduces the art song and a brief account of its development , the second part aesthetically analyze the works of the representative composer of the German art song and French art song of19th century .

  2. 柏辽兹是法国艺术歌曲的奠基人。

    Berlioz was the founder of the French art songs .

  3. 创作法国艺术歌曲的作曲家在作曲的技法、文学的选用、歌曲的乐念等,是有其独到之处的。

    Each French composer of M ? lodie is unique in the techniques of composition , selection of literature , and music notions .

  4. 他的艺术歌曲超凡脱俗,并且始终坚持自己的创作原则,为法国艺术歌曲的发展做出了巨大贡献。

    His art songs Step beyond , and always adhere to their own creative principles for the development of French art songs and made great contributions .

  5. 从演唱法国艺术歌曲的角度而论,笔者认为,演唱者要先对诗词的意境与内涵作深入地了解。

    But the theory in term of singing the French artistic songs , I think , the singer should understand deeply to the artistic conception and intension of the poesy first .

  6. 法国艺术歌曲的发展始于十九世纪后半期,福列和德彪西是法国艺术歌曲的重要作曲家,他们奠定了法国艺术歌曲的基石,同时创作了大量的优秀作品。

    The development of French artistic song can be dated back to the latter of 19th century . Faure and Debussy were two important composers who laid strong foundation for French artistic song and created large amount excellent works meanwhile .