
  1. 两同心旋转球之间粘性不可压流体的刚体流动

    Rigid Flow of Viscous Incompressible Fluid between Two Concentric Rotating Spheres

  2. 两同心各向异性等离子体球电磁散射的解析解

    The Analytical Solution of Two Concentric Plasma Anisotropic Spheres Electromagnetic Scattering

  3. 两同心旋转球间流动问题分歧解的连续算法

    A continuation algorithm for the branching solution of the flow between two rotating spheres

  4. 两同心旋转球间流动的弱解的存在唯一性

    The Existence and Uniqueness of Weak Solution of the Flow Between Two Concentric Rotating Spheres

  5. 介绍由两同心圆组成的等投影面积五象限声-电测量装置的工作原理。

    The operation principle of a five-quadrant sound-electronic consisting of two concentric circles is introduced .

  6. 该流函数形式为研究两同心旋转球间隙区域上不可压缩磁流体的稳定性及动力学行为提供了重要的理论基础,使得利用谱逼近及数值研究磁流体的稳定性和动力学行为成为可能。

    These equations provide a theoretical basis for evaluating the stability and dynamical behaviors of axisymmetric and incompressible electrical conductive fluid between rotating concentric spheres .

  7. 理论分析和数值计算的结果表明:当两同心等离子体球媒质参数相同时,本文所得的结果可退化为单层各向异性等离子体解析解。

    The theory and numerical results show that the present method can be degenerated to a single plasma anisotropic sphere when the two plasma anisotropic media have the same character .

  8. 用分歧理论证明了当两同心球旋转角速度相等时,其间的粘性不可压流体的稳态流动为刚体流动,即不随雷诺数的变化而发生分歧。

    Using bifurcation theory it is proved that the steady flow of viscous incompressible fluid between two concentric rotating spheres is rigid flow , there is no bifurcation when the Reynolds number changes , if the angle velocities of the two spheres equal .

  9. 两个同心施转圆柱间的Taylor问题

    Taylor Problem Between Eccentric Rotating Cylinders

  10. 由于软X射线多层膜的反射率还不能像其它波段反射镜反射率那样高,因此由两块同心球面反射镜组成的Schwarzschild物镜在软X射线波段得到了广泛的应用。

    The Schwarzschild objective which consists of two concentric mirrors is extensively used in soft X ray range because the reflectivity of multilayers is lower than that in other range .

  11. 两个同心旋转球之间流动的谱方法

    Spectral method for the flow between two concentric rotating spheres

  12. 研究两个同心旋转圆柱之间的两种流体的交界面几何形状问题。

    The shape problem of interface surface of bicomponent flows between two concentric rotating cylinders is investigated .

  13. 商环是由能将包皮锁住的两个同心塑料环组成的一次性包皮环切器械。

    The Shang Ring is a disposable device consisting of two concentric plastic rings that lock together over the foreskin .

  14. 为了求解两个同心圆的半径,必须计算分析各测点对之间的噪声相干性和信号相干性。

    We must analysis the coherence of noise and signal of every site pairs for the comfirmation of the two radius .

  15. 墨盒是由两个同心圆筒,一个内细丝网屏幕和一个外网的屏幕。

    The cartridge is formed by two concentric cylinders , an inner fine wire mesh screen and an outer wire mesh screen .

  16. 就像地球的核部一样。地幔也可分为两个同心圆圈层,下地幔和上地幔。

    Like the core of earth , the mantle can also be divided into two concentric layers , the lower mantle and the upper mantle .

  17. 通过对两个同心圆光栅干涉产生莫尔条纹过程的分析,提出了一种测量二维平面位移的方法。

    First , the authors established the mathematic model of two concentric-circle gratings , by using a low-pass filter to moir é fringe the authors obtained the real moir é fringe .

  18. 有助于更好地理解板壳声辐射问题潜在的物理机理。(5)理论研究两个同心圆柱壳体间通过周期环板和附连流体的耦合效应。

    This will lend themselves to better understanding the underlying physical mechanisms of fluid loading on plates and shells . ( 5 ) The coupling effects on two concentric cylindrical shells with periodic annular plates as well as entrained fluid are investigated theoretically .

  19. 用球形颗粒填充聚丙烯(PP)的流变模型及两组分同心层状结构的流变模型的串联,推导出了液态低熔点金属/聚丙烯(LMPM/PP)复合体系的粘度与组成的关系式。

    The rheological formula of the composites of low melting point metal and polypropylene ( LMPM / PP ) was deduced by the combination of the rheological model of PP filled with spherical particle and the model of concentric laminated flow of two components .

  20. 两个共面同心圆线圈产生的均匀磁场

    The homogenous magnetic field produced by two coplanar concentric circular coils

  21. 介绍了两种典型同心光学系统的结构和特性。

    The structure and properties of two such monocentric systems are discussed .

  22. 两个非同心旋转圆柱间粘性流动的基本流及其数值解

    The Basic Flow of Viscous Fluid Between Two Eccentric Rotating Cylinders and Numerical Solution

  23. 我们采用由两个均匀同心层组成的月球模型,分别对均布表面载荷和均布径向体力求出了弹性力学解。

    In this paper we adopted the model composed of two different uniform compositions for the Moon and worked out the elastic solution with uniform surface load and uniform body forces , respectively .

  24. 中空夹层钢管混凝土是一种新型的钢管混凝土结构,其构件是将两层钢管同心放置,并在两层钢管之间浇注混凝土而形成的构件。

    Concrete-Filled Double Skin Tube is a new Steel Tube Confined Concrete Structure . The component is placed on the two concentric steel tube and pouring concrete between two layers of formed steel components .

  25. 根据等厚干涉的基本原理,用平行的激光束投射到磨边工件表面,可以得到两个干涉同心圆,这两个像分别反映了工件前后表面的球心点位置。

    According to the basic theory of interference of equal thickness , by projecting a laser beam on the surfaces of a edged workpiece , we can get two coaxial interference rings which show the position of the two surfaces ' spherical points .

  26. 这两个接头不同心,你可以从这个位置上看出来来。

    These two subs are not properly aligned , as you can see from this position .

  27. 两个尺盘的刻度均以日为刻度单位,且分别成圆周状布置在两个同心圆上。

    The scales of the trays of two ruler take days as scale unit , and the scales are respectively distributed around two concentric circles .