
  1. 在创立中美战略经济对话机制之前,中美联合经济委员会、中美商贸联委会是两国经贸协调与合作以及经贸争端磋商的主要机制。

    Before the foundation of SED mechanism , Sino-U.S. Joint Economic Committee and Sino-U.S. Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade are the main mechanisms of bilateral economic and trade coordination , cooperation and disputes negotiation .

  2. 为了促进商品贸易的顺利和快速运动运输,美国政府与墨西哥当局开展监管者间的直接对话,其中多是由两国高层协调监管合作委员会从中进行协调。

    To facilitate the smooth and rapid movement of trade goods , the U.S. government engages in regulator-to-regulator dialogues with Mexican authorities , many of which are coordinated by our bilateral High Level Regulatory Cooperation Council .

  3. 中方的这一外交主动,带动了苏联的政策变化,随后,两国领导人协调步调,亲密合作,合力促进了一系列战役的重大胜利。

    The diplomatic initiation of China brought about a change of policy of Soviet Union . After that the leaders of the two countries coordinated and worked together to promote the great victory of a series of battles .

  4. 在5月份,美日两国讨论如何协调他们的GPS系统以更好的监视空间和海洋。

    In May , Washington and Tokyo discussed ways tocoordinate their GPS systems to better track what 's going on in space and onthe oceans .

  5. 即使能够避免这种情况,两国在如何协调短期的反周期政策、同时兼顾转变经济增长模式的长期需要方面,也面临着严峻挑战。

    Even if this can be avoided , the two nations face a tough challenge agreeing how to reconcile short-term counter-cyclical policies with the longer-term need for both countries to change their growth models .

  6. 两国应进一步加强协调与合作,共同应对挑战,为促进世界和平、安全、繁荣而努力。

    The two countries should further strengthen coordinationand cooperation , work together to tackle challenges , and promote worldpeace , security and prosperity .

  7. 上周,两国甚至签署了协调气候变化努力的协议,这将有助于它们在哥本哈根会议上采取一致的姿态。

    Last week they even signed an agreement to co-ordinate climate-change efforts , which will help them to take a united stance in Copenhagen .

  8. 最后,两国财长同意进一步加强中韩两国协调与合作,促进本国和区域经济的稳定和发展。

    Lastly , they agreed to further strengthen the coordination and cooperation between the two countries to promote the stability and development of the economies of the two countries and the region .