
liǎnɡ ɡuǎnɡ
  • the Two Guangs—Guangdong and Guangxi provinces
  • Guangdong and Guangxi provinces
两广 [liǎng guǎng]
  • [Guangdong and Guangxi provinces] 指广东和广西

  1. 两广茶区10个茶树品种染色体数目研究

    Study on chromosome numbers of 10 tea varieties in Guangxi and Guangdong

  2. 两广地区香蕉根际寄生线虫的调查与鉴定

    Investigation and Identification of Nematode Parasites of Banana in Guangdong and Guangxi

  3. 重庆酸雨分布的一个数值模拟两广大陆地区酸雨的时空分布规律和化学特点

    A numerical simulation of distribution on the acid precipitation in Chongqing area

  4. 历史上两广经济关系述略

    A Review of the Historical Relationship in Economy between Guangxi and Guangdong

  5. 两广云开隆起区基底的组成演化及其基本结构格局

    The evolution and basic structural framework of the basement of the Yunkai uplift

  6. 患病人群主要分布在河南及两广地区。

    People with anaplasmosis usually live in Henan , Guangdong and Guangxi provinces .

  7. 桑蚕两广二号产卵率与产卵温度的关系

    The Relationship between Egg laying Rate and Temperature of silkworms Liang guang No.2

  8. 两广(广东、广西)区域创新体系的比较研究

    A Study on Comparison of the Regional Innovation System Subjects of Guangdong and Guangxi

  9. 我国两广城镇大众体育现状的比较研究

    Comparative study of city sport for all status in Guangdong province and Guangxi province

  10. 两广枝角类新纪录

    New records of Cladocera from Guangdong and Guangxi

  11. 晚清时期香港与两广的贸易关系

    Trade relations between Hong Kong and the two Guang provinces in late Qing period

  12. 热带风暴黄蜂肆虐两广、波及湘贵

    Tropical storm " Wasp " swept Guangdong , Guangxi and spread to Hunan and Guizhou

  13. 东汉在此设立交州,管辖两广及越南北部地区。

    The Han Dynasty administered Guangdong , Guangxi , and northern Vietnam as Jiao Province .

  14. 两广火炬松引种栽培区气候生态区划的研究

    Study on Ecological Climate Division of Introduction and Cultivation of Loblolly Pine in Guangxi and Guangdong

  15. 两广云开隆起区存在中-古元古代基底的年代学证据

    Chronological evidence for the existence of the Meso - to Paleoproterozoic basement in the Yunkai uplift area

  16. 他对两广事变先持中立态度,后持反对态度;

    He took a neutral attitude to Guangdong-Guangxi Incident first , then took an opposed one to it ;

  17. 广西石油、天然气矿产发现于1935年。1936年两广地质调查所派员调查。

    In Guangxi , oil and natural gas were discovered in1935 . In1936 , Liangguang geological investigation institute dispatched its staff to investigate .

  18. 作者等在两广交界罗定一带新发现了中晚古生代的枕状熔岩和二叠&三叠纪的构造混杂岩,结合区域构造,分析并提出了钦州-岑溪-罗定-云浮构造混杂带的存在。

    Based on the Middle-Late Paleozoic pillow lava and Permian-Triassic tectonic melange , this paper shows that there is a melange zone along Qinzhou-Cenxi-Luoding-Yunfu .

  19. 农药毒死蜱对家蚕两广二号残毒期的统计分析市售蔬果中毒死蜱农药残留风险评估的研究

    Research in statistical analysis of toxic residue period of Chlopyrifos on " LiangGuang ⅱ" Silkworms variety Risk Assessment of Chlorpyrifos in Vegetables and Fruits in Shanghai

  20. 历史上,伏波神是百越人所崇奉的神灵,主要流行于岭南的两广、海南等地。

    In our history , as a god worshipped by people of Baiyue , Fubo God was popular in the areas of Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan .

  21. 两广交界处的岑溪二叠纪岛弧型玄武岩是华南地区(狭义)首次报道的、有较为可靠同位素年龄的晚古生代活动大陆边缘型玄武岩。

    This paper reported our recent discovery of Permian island arc type basalt at Cenxi , a border district between Guangdong and Guangxi provinces , southern China .

  22. 少林寺武术伤科源自少林寺,但从各种秘方作者及抄本出处来看,却是形成发展于两广、福建。

    However , when referring to the authors of various secret recipes and the provenances of codex , it originated and developed in Guangdong , Guangxi and Fujian provinces .

  23. “广东”和毗邻的广西从字面意思分别为“宽阔的东部”和“宽阔的西部”,因此,人们将广东与广西并称为“两广”。

    " Guangdong " and neighboring Guangxi literally mean " expanse east " and " expanse west " . Together , Guangdong and Guangxi are called the " Dual-Guangs " .

  24. 清末两广总督张鸣岐是一个动荡时代的复杂历史人物,学界对其一生行迹与活动的认识,虽多以否定为主,然也颇多歧异。

    Zhang Mingqi is a complicated historical figure in the turbulent times in the late Qing Dynasty . Although the academic circles mainly deny his activities and his life , there are different opinions .

  25. 本文着重研究两广产的三种蛇(金环蛇,眼镜蛇及过树龙)蛇胆中胆汁酸成分的差异。

    This paper reports the study on the difference of bile acid composition in the three kinds of snakes , i.e. , Naja naja Linnaeus , Bungarus fascialus Schncider , and Ptyas Korros Schlegel .

  26. 隋唐时期佛、道两教盛行,在两广地区隋唐墓的随葬品中就有突出的表现,本文也对此做了梳理。

    Buddhism and Taoism are very population in Sui and Tang dynasties , there outstanding performance in the Sui-Tang tombs of funerary objects in Guangdong and Guangxi , this article has done a preliminary combing .

  27. 两广优良种源家系幼林期生长普遍优于对照,种源家系间和家系内存在着较大差异。

    The growth of fine provenance families in Guangdong and Guangxi in the young forest period was widely superior to that of the control , the relatively big differences existed among and inside the provenance families .

  28. 永州市位于湖南南部,与两广接壤,属于湘粤桂边境地区,湘粤桂省际边境区城是我国经济发展中普遍存在的省际边境区域相对落后的地带裂缝。

    Yongzhou city lies in the south of Hunan Province , which is a distant area connected with Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces . This region is a relatively backward " belt crack " in economic development among the provincial boundary regions in our country .

  29. 英军发现当地环境适宜,拟保留九龙半岛驻防,经英国驻广州领事白加士爵士与两广总督交涉后,获得九龙半岛南端(北至界限街)连同昂船洲的租借权。

    Finding it healthy , they wished to retain it as a military cantonment , with the result that Sir Harry parkes , consul at canton , secured from the Viceroy a lease of the peninsula as far north as boundary street , including Stonecutters island .

  30. 根据墓葬的构筑方式和构筑材料等可将其分为土坑墓、砖室墓、木椁墓和崖洞葬四大类,其中砖室墓是两广地区隋唐墓葬的主流。

    According to the build methods and materials of these tombs can be divided into the pit tomb , brick tomb , wooden outer coffin tomb and cave buried four major categories . Brick tomb is the mainstream of the Sui-Tang tombs of Guangdong and Guangxi .