
  • 网络dilemma;moral dilemma;dilemma problems
  1. 本文的主要研究内容为:1、提出了小波系数模极大值和Neyman-Pearson准则阈值的图像降噪方法,在一定程度上解决了图像降噪和保留图像高频边缘信息这个两难问题。

    The primary contents are as following : 1 、 A new image denoising method based on the wavelet coefficient modulus maxima and Neyman-Pearson principle threshold is presented , which overcomes the dilemma of image denoising and edge preserving .

  2. 因此,产生了经济科学与科学标准之间的两难问题。

    So arises the dilemma between the economic science and the standard of science .

  3. 博弈论(囚徒困境模型)论证了企业文化的重要功能,即坚定的共享价值观念(SharedValue)能够摆脱囚徒困境,解决囚徒两难问题。

    The paper mainly applies game theory ( Prisoner 's Dilemma Model ) to the significant function of corporate culture , namely the firmly shared value can help out of the Prisoner 's Dilemma to solve this problem .

  4. 如上市公司经理人激励的两难问题、上市公司股权融资偏好之谜、上市公司资本过度利用问题、上市公司控制权转移的补偿机制问题、上市公司MBO之谜等等。

    The riddle of equity financing preference of listed companies ; the capital overuse of listed companies ; the problem of compensation mechanism of control right transfer of listed companies and the riddle of MBO of listed companies etc.

  5. 那是我们还没有解决的两难问题。

    That 's a dilemma that we haven 't yet solved .

  6. 国际贸易政策的两难问题与GATT/WTO体制&GATT/WTO的政治经济学

    Dilemmas of International Trade Policy and the GATT / WTO Philosophy

  7. 例如,某位客户有一个有趣的两难问题。

    For instance , one customer had an interesting dilemma .

  8. 领导力与自我管理的两难问题是行为研究者们多年来一直感兴趣的问题。

    The Leadership – Self-management Dilemma has intrigued behavioral researchers for years .

  9. 两难问题儿童对策行为发展的实验研究

    The Experimental Research on Children 's Development of Countermeasure Behavior in Social Dilemmas

  10. 认识和解决道德上的两难问题的程序。

    The Processes for Recognizing and Resolving Ethical Dilemmas .

  11. 而如今资源减少问题已经成为包括我国在内的许多国家关注的焦点,因此对公共资源两难问题的了解和进一步研究也显得尤其重要。

    Nowadays , resource decrease problem has become the focus of many countries including China .

  12. 围绕美国债务上限及其后果的辩论就突显了这一两难问题。

    The debate about the US debt ceiling and its likely consequences highlights the dilemma .

  13. 这些是未来面对的两难问题。

    These are dilemmas for the future .

  14. 中国国家助学贷款两难问题的信息不对称范式研究

    A Study of the Paradigm of Information Asymmetry of the Dilemma of China National Educational Loans

  15. 除了技术,还有一个两难问题仍难以解决&戈尔在美国政界的未来角色。

    Technology aside , another dilemma remains unresolved - Gore 's future role in US politics .

  16. 因此,这是关于核电站的两难问题。

    Thus the great nuclear dilemma .

  17. 富与均:中国传统社会分配思想中的两难问题

    " Wealth " and " Equality ": A Dilemma in the Distribution Concept in Traditional Chinese Society

  18. 面向大规模定制的敏捷生产正是解决这个两难问题的有效方法。

    It is exactly that agile production Oriented mass customization is the effective method to solve this dilemmatic problem .

  19. 因此,如何制定过专利期原研药的价格成为两难问题。

    Therefore , how to make prices of original patented drugs over the patent protection period becomes a dilemma .

  20. 在公共政策的众多价值选择中,公平与效率的选择却是困扰政府行为的两难问题。

    Among numerous choices of value in public policy , justice and efficiency is a dilemma to the government conduct .

  21. 由于市场和企业发展的需要,配套型企业产权的私有化和多元化发展趋势并存:管理机制和组织行为方面普遍存在较大困扰与两难问题。

    Privatization and diversity of property rights coexist ; There are great harassment and dilemma in the managerial mechanism and organizational behavior .

  22. 在较低的意识水平上,杀害他人是否是错误有可能会成为道德上两难问题;

    Whether or not it 's wrong to kill other human beings may be a moral dilemma at lower levels of consciousness ;

  23. 当你的个人价值观受到探视,或者你面临道德上的两难问题,你要如何响应?

    Describe a time when your personal values were tested or your faced an ethical dilemma and how you responded to the situation .

  24. 第四种矛盾同样是一个两难问题,世界总的说来是否有一个原因。

    Finally , the fourth antinomy is the dilemma : Either the world as a whole has a cause or it is uncaused .

  25. 我国在完善金融市场过程中,面临的是自由优先还是秩序优先的两难问题。

    In the process of improving our financial market , we are in a dilemma of which should be a first priority . freedom ;

  26. 本研究通过实验室模拟实验,采用实证的方法研究了在公共资源两难问题解决中,社会价值取向和资源状况信息发挥的重要作用。

    This paper is organized with a lab experiment which examined the effects of social value orientation and resource information on public resource dilemma .

  27. 社会两难问题,尤其那些由于人口过多、资源减少、环境污染等引起的两难问题引起了社会学家、经济学家和心理学家等越来越多的关注。

    Social dilemma is more and more concerned by sociologists , economists and psychologists , especially on the topics of population , resource and environmental pollution .

  28. 在改革实践中,标准本位论、双向两难问题论、回归原位论都不能有效解决现实的评价问题。

    On the other hand , " criterion-standardized theory ", " bi-directional-problem theory " and " original-featured theory " are not effective to solve the problem .

  29. 现阶段我们面临资源紧张和内需不足的两难问题,这需要我们既要节约又要消费。

    Currently we are faced with the dilemma of resource constraints and insufficient domestic demand , which requires us not only to save but also consume .

  30. 第二种矛盾是一个两难问题:物质是无限可分还是为原子所构成的;

    In the second antinomy we have a discussion of the dilemma : Matter must be conceived either as endlessly divisible , or as consisting of atoms .