
  • 网络law theory
  1. 法律说Facebook必须向SEC上报财务业绩。

    The law said Facebook had to disclose its financial results with the sec .

  2. 没有哪条法律说不让人拥有10部坦克的。

    There 's no law to stop anyone having 10 tanks .

  3. 法律说那只是个假设。

    The law says that 's an assumed risk .

  4. 法律说留下;乔纳森说走;而这时他已经飞出海面一英里了。

    The Law said stay ; Jonathan said go ; and by now he was a mile across the water .

  5. 如果当地法律说你必须脱掉面纱来辨识身份,那你就应该要这样做。

    And if the law of the land says that you need to remove your face veil for identification , then you should do so .

  6. 这条法律说,狗初次咬人,狗的主人不必向受害人支付赔偿金,因为仅咬一口并不能证明这条狗就是一条恶狗。

    The law said that the first time a dog bit somebody , its owner did not have to pay compensation to the victim because one bite did not prove that the dog was vicious .

  7. 法律说:“你可以向往任何可爱的东西,但是不以正道便不得接近。”习俗说:“不凭着诚实的工作,就不能改善你的处境。”

    " Laws to say : "" be allured , if you will , by everything lovely , but draw not nigh unless by righteousness . "" convention to say : "" you shall not better your situation save by honest labour . "

  8. 法律专家说她的案子不会成为判例,因为它是庭外和解的。

    Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement

  9. 从法律上说,这需要该国退出欧盟(eu)。那么,欧盟会不怕费事地邀请这个“罪人”回来吗?

    Legally , it would require the country to leave the European Union . Would the latter then take the trouble of inviting the malefactor back in ?

  10. 法律上说每个人都应该得到公正的判决。

    The law states that every person deserves a fair trial .

  11. 本部分意图考察法律命令说的真正提出者。

    This part intends to investigate the real presenter of this theory .

  12. 开发和利用他人文献的法律介说

    On Explaining the Law of Developing and Utilizing Others Documents

  13. 法律明明说对外国投资没有限制,一点儿也没有。

    The law says there are no restrictions on foreign investment – zero .

  14. 从法律上说,这是合法的.用来指法律上的争论。

    The law says this is quite legitimate . used of legal argumentation .

  15. 他们应该按照法律所说,接受公平的审判。

    They 're gonna get what the law says , a fair trial .

  16. 从法律上说,科索沃仍然是塞尔维亚的一部分。

    On paper Kosovo is still part of Serbia .

  17. 试析刑事证明标准理论之法律真实说

    The Analysis of the Doctrine of Legal Truth of the Criminal Proof Standard Theory

  18. 分别介绍了最有代表性的准物权行为说和法律效果说,并作简单的评价。

    Introduces the most representative quasi-property behavior and legal effect , and simple evaluation .

  19. 非此非彼的客观真实说与法律真实说

    Neither the Theory of Objective Truth Nor the Theory of Legal Truth Is Tenable

  20. 从法律上说,农民工的权利是完全有保障的。

    From the law , the peasant laborer 's right completely has the safeguard .

  21. 第三部分为法律命令说的要素。

    · The third part is about the elements of command theory of law .

  22. 从法律上说,这是合法的。

    The law says this is quite legitimate .

  23. 警方法律专家说那火是纵火者放的。

    The police forensic expert said the blaze was started by a fire bug .

  24. 你们就是在破坏证据,用法律术语说

    that 's destruction of evidence -- spoliation !

  25. 第四部分为法律命令说所面临的困境。

    · The forth part is about the dilemma of the commands theory of law .

  26. 可是法律没有说不能吸炭呵。

    There 's no law against charcoal .

  27. 从法律上说,她有罪;但一般人不见得这麽看

    In the eyes of the law she be guilty though few ordinary people will think so

  28. 法律上说,是的。

    Only in the legal sense .

  29. 对法律要说好话。

    Speak well of the law .

  30. 未成年人是从法律上说的,指未满18周岁的公民。

    The minor mean the citizens who are under 18 years old , which was appointed by law .