
fǎ tánɡ
  • Dharma Hall;law court;a hall for preaching the Buddhist doctrine
法堂 [fǎ táng]
  • (1) [court of law]∶旧时指官吏审案的公堂

  • (2) [family hall for worshipping Buddha]∶说佛法的场所

  1. 在虹霓门前转入寺内,法堂两侧可见用泥石混合并铺瓦的土垣和乌竹。

    When you enter the temple from Hongyaemun , you can see black bamboo trees and tiled earthen walls on either side of the sanctuary .

  2. 中职英语教学法探究&一堂公开课的反思

    Research on English teaching methods in vocational school