
  • 网络rule of law
  1. 主要运用法治主义范式锻造问责权。它从问责权的法治化规定和法治化制约两个层面展开分析。

    Mainly through the rule of law paradigm this part forges accountability power , it analyzes two aspects of constraints from the aspects of regulation and interference .

  2. 西方法治主义传统可以溯及古希腊罗马,是中世纪独特历史经验的产物。

    Occidental tradition of rule of law can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome and is derived from the unique mediaeval historical experience .

  3. 人文精神的理性追求奠定了近代法治主义的思想基础;

    Rational pursuit for humane spirits has laid an ideological foundation for modern constitutionality .

  4. 秦始皇是中国历史上最早提倡“法治主义”的政治家。

    The first emperor was the first politician that advocated ruling the country by law .

  5. 韩非法治主义是综合诸子思想并有重大理论创新的法家思想传统。

    Han Feis " rule of law " is the synthetic result of various scholastic thoughts and a great theoretical development as well .

  6. 主要从良法治理和普遍守法两个层面对法治主义范式的当代内涵予以解读。

    Mainly it interpreted the meaning from the two levels of the rule of law paradigm : good law governance and the universal law-abiding .

  7. 规划中立和法治主义应当是最重要的阶段性目标,分门别类进行渐进性改革则是可行的实施路径。

    The neutrality of planning and the rule of law should be the most important initial target while the gradual implementation of the reform is the feasible path .

  8. 而在实现这一功能的同时,对法治主义的权威和行政相对人的权益的伤害也一直被人诟病。

    Achieve this function in the same time , the authority of the Rule of Law and Administration harm the interests of the relative also has been criticized .

  9. 以刑事政策的选择为导向,指明了我国金融刑事政策的法治主义、人道主义、科学主义和效益主义的价值目标。

    Oriented to the choice of criminal policy , it states that our criminal policy should choose the objects of rule by law , humanity , science and efficiency .

  10. 必须适应构建和谐社会的经济、政治、文化、社会四位一体发展的需要,大力推进法律观念转变和法律理论的创新,建立法治主义的法律文化。

    Therefore , it is necessary to advance the transformation of legal idea and the innovation of legal theory and establish the law culture by the rule of law .

  11. 对法律的信仰是西方法治主义的重要传统和内容,而中国缺乏这种普遍法律信仰的传统,这是有其历史渊源的。

    It is an important tradition and content of politics in the west to keep faith in the law while it is empty of traditionally and universally juristical faith in China .

  12. 在从价值观上实现由“形式法治主义”到“实质法治主义”转变的前提下,应当从四个方面对我国的行政拘留制度进行重构。

    On condition of value transformation from " formal Rule of Law " to " Substantive Rule of Law ", we should reconstitute the system of administrative detention in four elements .

  13. 随着社会的发展和社会公共行政事务的不断扩张,政府部门的数量也随之增加。在法治主义的今天,法治政府还应该是一个有限政府、责任政府。

    Along with society 's development , social public administration business expands unceasingly , in law principle today , the government also inevitably is the limited government and the responsible government .

  14. 本文拟从法治主义、权力分工与制约、司法自治原理的视角对司法变更行为的存在给予理论上的分析。

    This article tries to make a theoretical analysis on the existence of jurisdiction to modify administrative acts from the perspective of constitutionalism , separation and restriction of powers and judicial independence .

  15. 在我国,财政立宪的主体内容就是在横向和纵向两个方面合理配置国家财政权,为此,必须遵循财政议会主义和财政法治主义原则。

    The main content of financial constitutionalism is wisely distribute the state financial power in the horizontal and vertical layer in accord with the principle of finance by congress and finance by law .

  16. 无论是新的教育理念的创建,还是法治主义语境中的高校自治的推进,都表明学生权利保护的迫切性与必要性。

    Both the establishment of new concepts in the education field and the advancement of " self-governance of college " in the rule of law indicate the emergency and necessity of students rights protection .

  17. 性恶论是西方法治主义的根基,是西方法治思想的逻辑起点,同时也是分权制衡制度设计的基石。

    Evil nature of humanity formed the foundation of the western principle of rule of law and the logic beginning of the western thoughts of rule of law , meanwhile , it was also the cornerstone of separation of powers .

  18. “法外侦查”制度存在“相对合理性”,但是,它毕竟与侦查法治主义及其发展趋势格格不入,弊害越来越多、越来越深,必须革除。

    Though the criminal investigation system beyond law ever had its relative rationality , it after all has been conflicted with the current of legalization of criminal investigation systems , and it has so much canker that needs to be abolished .

  19. 我国行政诉讼制度很不健全,尤其是在司法实践中存在着受案范围小和诉讼条件苛刻的问题,这与现代法治主义原则是相违背的。

    There are many problems in the administrative litigation system in China , such as limited scope of accepting cases and the harsh conditions of litigation in judicial practice , which are contradictory to modern principle of the rule of law .

  20. 行政法治主义产生于资本主义革命胜利之后,在议会至上理念的指导下,它为防止行政权力的滥用提供了制度上的保障。

    After the victory of capitalism revolution , doctrine of administration by law came into being . Under the direction of the idea of the supremacy of parliament , administration legalism provided institutional ensurance to avoid administrative power 's being abused .

  21. 一方面,容易导致法治主义空洞化;另一方面,难于确定行政指导责任从而导致相对人合法权益遭受侵害。

    On the one hand , and easily lead to the hollowing out of the rule of law ; On the other hand , difficult to determine the responsibility of guidance leading to the relative violation of the legitimate rights and interests .

  22. 那时人们奉行管得最少的政府是好政府,法制上,采用机械法治主义,要求政府的任何行为都必须有法律的明确授权。

    At that time , people believed that : " the government which manages lest is the best " . In legal system , they adopted " mechanical constitutionalism " that demanded any act of the government be authorized by law clearly .

  23. 通过对三国高等教育立法的历史考察,比较了它们在高等教育立法方面的历史演进和成就,揭示了高等教育立法是法治主义与高等教育发展的产物。

    Through a historical investigation in-to the higher education legislation of three countries , their historical evo-lution and achievements in higher education legislation are compared , and higher education legislation is proved to result from the development of legal government and higher education .

  24. 英国行政法学家韦德曾说过:裁量权是行政法的核心问题。而在传统的严格法治主义推行者看来,裁量的存在就是对法治的极大挑战,应该对裁量进行严格地拘束。

    Wade once said : " Discretion is the core of administrative law . " The existence of discretion is a great challenge to the rule of law in the eyes of those who strictly obey the principle . They think discretion should be strictly bound .

  25. 在非宪政的政体之下,法治工具主义与法治目的主义不能并存;而在宪政的政体下,法治工具主义与法治目的主义则可以并存。

    Instrumentalism and teleology can not coexist under non - constitutional society , but can coexist under constitutional society .

  26. 略论国际刑法的间接实施刑事法治的人道主义路径

    Tentative Ideas on Indirect Enforcement of International Penal Law

  27. 刑事法治的人道主义路径第三章:从处罚方式和处罚原则两方面论述了污染环境犯罪的刑事责任。

    The Humanitarian Approach to the Penal Law System The third chapter discusses the penal ability of the crimes of polluting environment .

  28. 在制度层面上,法治的人道主义内涵体现了对人的尊严和权利的维护。

    As for the system level , the intension of humanitarianism for the law | government reflects the maintenance of person 's dignity and rights .

  29. 以此为延伸,刑事法治的人道主义观就是人道主义与神权、国家刑权力、刑事权利、人道主义的哲学基础的关系。

    In this dimension , humanitarianism in penal law deals with humanitarianism in the fundamental relationship with divine power , penal power of the state , penal right , and the philosophic foundation of humanitarianism .

  30. 20世纪70年代的全球性生态危机使人类开始彻底反思自亚里士多德以来的人本法治史。女权主义法学是女权主义法学产生于20世纪70年代。

    In the 1970 's the ecological crisis around the globe made human being begin to think thoroughly the history of human nature 's ruling by law .