
  • School of Law;general jurisprudence
  1. 理想与现实之间&论法学流派与法治

    Between the ideal and the reality & On law schools and the legalized rule

  2. 三大法学流派存在的意义

    The Value of the Three Famous Jurisprudence School

  3. 法律实证主义是西方的重要法学流派,同时又是一个饱受误解的学派。

    At the same time , legal positivism receives so many criticisms that people misunderstands it .

  4. 本文在评析主要法学流派的基础上,提出最有利于人的生存和发展是法律效力的来源的观点。

    In mis thesis , I think that the maximal benefit to existence and development of human being is origin of legal validity .

  5. 历来法学流派的分野,在很大程度上正表现在对法的渊源和法的形式取不同态度方面。

    The dividing lines of various schools of jurisprudence in history at a considerable extent manifested in different attitudes adopted towards sources of law and forms of law .

  6. 该部分首先对法律不确定性思想作了理论梳理,分析了历史上各大法学流派对法律是否具有确定性思想的论述。

    Firstly the part makes the theoretical combing about the thought of legal uncertainty and analyzes the dissertation about whether the law has the certainty or not in the history from the scholars of major law schools .

  7. 法学流派的涌现是中国法律学人的夙愿。虽经中国法学者的多方呼吁,但法学流派的“建构”依然步履蹒跚。

    The forming of various schools in science of law , though it is not easy , has been a long-cherished wish of Chinese law scholars , in spite of whose appealing it is still far from being fruitful .

  8. 耶林关于权利哲学思想新颖、精辟且极富创造力,其权利理论体系是经过批判性采集18、19世纪多家法学流派之精华、兼收并蓄的宝贵成果。

    His right philosophy ideology is novel , penetrating to have creativity , his right theoretical system is to gather the cream of the domestic law school of 18-19 century , the valuable accomplishment which receive and save simultaneously .

  9. 这一部分分为两个部分,首先是对法律的经济学分析之前传统法律分析方法的局限,分别介绍了传统三大法学流派存在的局限性,引出对法律的经济分析的探讨。

    This section is divided into two parts , first economic analysis of law before the limitations of traditional legal analysis , introduced the existence of the traditional limitations of the three law schools , leads to the economic analysis of law .

  10. 在法学三大流派中,只有分析法学最能满足现代法治之需。

    In the view of " rule of law ", we have to choose the legal positivism .

  11. 故本文拟从历史视角对女性主义法学中各理论流派的演进作一个梳理,并试图分析理论演变的原因。

    So in this article I want to comb to the progress of every school theory of Feminism Jurisprudence from the historical visual angle , and attempt to analyze the reason of the development .

  12. 在近现代西方法学史上,新康德主义法学流派虽不占主导性地位,但是却写下了浓墨重彩的一笔,成为我们对法学进行反思的丰富的智识之源。

    In modern Western legal history , neo-Kantian schools of jurisprudence have not occupied a dominant position , but they have a profound impact , as well as providing the rich source of intellectual for us to reflect .

  13. 发现与创设西方法学立法原则流变浅谈西方三大法学流派对立法原则的影响

    " Discovery " Versus " Creation " - the Evolution of Legislation Principles of Western law & an Analysis of the Influence of the Three Genres of Western Law to the Legislation Principles

  14. 人们在法学知识的发展历史中发现,各个法学流派对法律本质等问题的认识莫衷一是,但又都能言之成理。

    In the history of the development of legal knowledge , people find that each law science school has its different views .

  15. 现实主义法学是兴起于20世纪初的著名法学流派,它的出现极大的颠覆了传统的法律思维范式,对美国乃至世界法学观念和法律制度的变革都产生了深远的影响。

    Legal Realism was a famous legal faction which emerged in the early 20th century . Its appearance broke the traditional legal concepts and impacted the legal system of America even the world .

  16. 在西方法律思想史的发展过程中,主要产生了自然法学、功利主义法学、分析实证主义法学以及社会法学等流派。

    In the development of Western legal thought history , the natural law , utilitarianism law , analysis of legal positivism and social law and other schools were created .

  17. 我首先考察了西方法理学的自然法学,分析实证法学和法律社会学三个主流法学流派的历史渊源,代表人物和他们的主导观点,为进一步研究打下基础。

    Firstly I have studied the historical origins of the new natural legal theory , the new analysis substantial evidence legal theory and the legal society as well as the leading views of the representing figures , by this doing , I have laid a foundation for further studies .

  18. 在本章中,笔者首先总括性的介绍了西方后现代法学思潮的基本特征,并简要介绍了西方后现代法学流派中一些代表人物及其主要观点。

    In this chapter , the author begins with a introduction to the basic characteristics of Western post-modern law theories , including some of the major representatives of the post-modern jurists and their views .

  19. 后现代法学是继自然法学、分析实证法学、社会学法学三大流派之后的又一具有重大影响的法学思潮。

    Post-modern jurisprudence is the legal trend of important influence after natural jurisprudence , positivist jurisprudence , sociological jurisprudence .

  20. 在法学研究史上,因对这两种方法取舍的不同而形成了不同的法学流派。

    In the history of the legal studies , some law schools were formed by using either the two kinds of methods .

  21. 法学的神性思维以自然法学最富代表性,形成一种独特的法学弥塞亚主义并演绎在各个法学流派中。

    The natural jurisprudence is the typical case in the religious thinking of jurisprudence that forms a distinctive messiah existing in the various schools of jurisprudence .

  22. 恓惶的爱情,迷幻的弥塞亚&屠格涅夫小说《阿霞》解读法学的神性思维以自然法学最富代表性,形成一种独特的法学弥塞亚主义并演绎在各个法学流派中。

    The Perplexed Love and the Confused Messiah in Culture Way on Turgenev 's Asya The natural jurisprudence is the typical case in the religious thinking of jurisprudence that forms a distinctive messiah existing in the various schools of jurisprudence .