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  • 网络Canon of Laws
  1. 本研究以异9&3柱头外露棉为供体,将提取的基因组DNA通过花粉管通道法经微量注射导入受体抗虫棉707-1的胚囊内,在分离的群体中的田间筛选到柱头外露的转化植株。

    Via pollen-tube pathway the genomic DNA of the open-bud cotton Yi 9-3 was introduced into the insect-resistant cotton 707-1 . The variant line with open-bud was obtained from their segregation generation .

  2. 方法:采用分区切割法经尿道前列腺电切术(TURP)治疗重症BPH。

    Method : To treat serious BPH cases by applying transurethral resection prostate ( TURP ) .

  3. 用克隆形成法经SPSS软件绘制细胞存活曲线,获得不同处理条件下的放射增敏比。

    The cell survival curves and SERs ( sensitive enhancement ratio ) were obtained with clonogenic assay , after analysis with SPSS software .

  4. 目的研究接触法经内镜氩离子凝固术(APC)治疗隆起糜烂性胃炎的疗效、效率及安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of contact endoscopic argon plasma coagulation ( APC ) for treating protuberant erosive gastritis .

  5. 通过反应铸造法经普通的铸造工艺成功制备了原位VCp增强铁基复合材料。

    VC reinforced Fe matrix composites were produced by reactive casting process .

  6. 以淀粉、聚乙烯醇为基本原料,甲醛为交联剂,甘油为增塑剂,用浇铸法经PVC疏水化处理后制备了聚乙烯醇&淀粉生物降解膜材料。

    With starch and polyvinyl alcohol as basic materials , formaldehyde as crosslinking agent , glycerol as plasticizer , polyvinylalcohol-starch biodegradable agriplast film materials were prepared by casting process , through PVC hydrophobic processing .

  7. 通过溶胶凝胶(SOLGEL)法经涂刷、烧结、退火等工艺制备了添加不同含量SnO2的RuO2+SnO2+TiO2/Ti三元涂层钛阳极。

    RuO 2 + SnO + TiO 2 titanium anode coatings with different amounts of SnO 2 were obtained by a sol-gel procedure through brushing , sintering and annealing .

  8. 本文以TEOS为硅源、CTAB为模板、载玻片为基片,采用提拉法经两步法制得了介孔氧化硅薄膜。

    Adopting TEOS as silicon origin , CTAB as template and slide as substrate , mesoporous silica film was prepared through pulling method in two steps .

  9. 方法:选择临床诊断病毒性心肌炎患儿和正常小儿各25例,采用AnnexinV/PI双参数法经流式细胞仪定量检测两组小儿外周血淋巴细胞凋亡百分率。

    Methods : The rate of apoptosis of lymphocyte in peripheral blood was detected by Annexin V / PI parameter method with flow cytometry in 25 cases of children viral myocarditis and 25 normal children .

  10. 应用ChaitTrapdoor导管介入法经皮行内镜下盲肠造瘘术与顺行保留灌肠治疗成人神经性肠道功能失常

    Introducer method of percutaneous endoscopic cecostomy and antegrade continence enema by use of the Chait Trapdoor cecostomy catheter in patients with adult neurogenic bowel

  11. 采用水浴量热法经1260℃加热,保温20min,水冷处理的连铸945钢的再结晶温度进行了测定。

    The recrystallization temperature of continual casting 945 steel was measured by use of the method of measuring heat with water_bath up to 1 260 ℃ .

  12. 本试验采用滤纸法经对比试验研究了混合生长素(萘乙酸和吲哚丁酸等量混合物)对金花茶Camelliachrysantha(Hu)Tuyama空中压条生根的影响。

    Mixture auxins ( 1 / 2NAA + 1 / 2IBA ) were tested by the " filter paper method " to show the effect on rooting in air layering of Camellia chrysantha ( Hu ) Tuyama .

  13. 方法:采用Seldinger法经股动脉穿刺,将导管置入锁骨下动脉与胸廓内动脉开口处,注入化疗药物,观察其近期疗效。

    Methods : According to Seldinger method , catheter was put into the opening of subclavian artery and thoracic internal artery through subcutaneous femoral artery puncture , then anti-cancer agents were given and recent response of the lumps was observed .

  14. 应用右心室穿刺法经压力传感器与日本光电公司生产RM-6000型多道生理记录仪相连,测定右心室收缩压;

    We measured the right ventricular pressure by right ventricular puncture .

  15. 手套指套法经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术

    Perrectum Needle Biopsy of the Prostate with Needle Wrapped in the Gloves

  16. 该控制法经光伏水泵系统仿真试验验证其有效性。

    Its efficiency is verified by simulating photovoltaic pumping system .

  17. 强碱分离电位滴定法经实践适用于规模化生产的分析检测。

    Strong base separated potentiometry is recommended to the analysis in industrial scale production .

  18. 接触法经内镜氩离子凝固术治疗隆起糜烂性胃炎的研究

    Study on Contact Endoscopic Argon Plasma Coagulation for the Treatment of Protuberant Erosive Gastritis

  19. 比色测温法经本文所述改进后,可以获得更高的测温灵敏度。

    The colorimetric thermometry can obtain higher sensitivity from the reformation mentioned in this paper .

  20. B型超声显象法经直肠检查前列腺的研究&332例前列腺显象的总结分析

    A Study of prostate with Transrectal B-mode Ultrasonography & Analysis of the results in 332 subjects

  21. 陶瓷化单板是以木材单板为基材,陶瓷前驱液为浸注剂,采用溶胶-凝胶法经真空加压浸渍处理而成。

    Ceramic-veneer is a material prepared by Sol-Gel method and Vacuum-Pressure method , and constitutes with veneer and ceramic emulsion .

  22. 透照法经加用计算机技术并发挥近红外光的特点以来,在诊断乳腺疾病方面更具科学性。

    Transillumination has been improved in its usefulness in the diagnosis of breast diseases by the addition of computerized infrared light scanning techniques .

  23. 1969年该法经重新修订后,地方垄断仍然不变,但从理论上看,行业可以向非德国人开放了。

    The law was updated in1969 , leaving the local monopolies in place but opening up the profession , in theory at least , to non-Germans .

  24. 本试验确定的破碎匀质接种法经蜜环菌中试生产验证可以提高发酵产物生物量,大量节省菌种的投放量(节省40%)。

    The smashing and homogenizing inoculation method confirmed . It has proved that could raise the biomass and save the inoculation amount ( save 40 % ) .

  25. 研究了以国产大麦为原料,采用全酶法经预水解、液化和两段糖化制备大麦汁的生产工艺。

    It was researched on the new preparation process of barley wort through partial hydrolysis , liquefaction , two-steps saccharification by enzymatic method , used domestic barley as raw material .

  26. 后处理工艺中叠氮酸测定的离子色谱法经还原剂处理后。

    Single-Column Ion Chromatography With Determination of Hydrazoic Acid Produced in Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing After treated by reducing agent , the conductivity of polypyrrole decreases by seven orders of magnitude .

  27. “经理”是指依照本协议与有限责任企业法经选举、任命或者另外指定产生的自然人,包括总经理和财务主管。

    " Manager " means the natural person elected , appointed , or otherwise designated as a manager pursuant to this Agreement and the LLC act , including the chief manager and treasurer .

  28. 重症颅脑损伤患者脑室引流术后亚低温治疗医院感染的调查应用右心室穿刺法经压力传感器与日本光电公司生产RM-6000型多道生理记录仪相连,测定右心室收缩压;

    Nosocomial Infections in Severe Head Injury Patients after Ventricular Puncture and Drainage : A Survey of Related Factors due to Sub-Hypothermia Technique We measured the right ventricular pressure by right ventricular puncture .

  29. 20世纪前,世界发达国家基本还处在自由资本主义时代,缺失法经学产生的物质基础。

    Prior to20 ( superscript th ) century , laissez-faire capitalism is predominant in the world 's leading nations , hence , the absence of the material basis for the economics of law .

  30. 当上部为框架结构时,建议采用等代刚度梁的方法作为考虑上部结构共同作用的简化计算方法,该法经证明具有足够的精确度。

    As to the box foundations under frame structures , a simplified calculation method with consideration of the influence of the superstructure rigidity by equivalent beam method is proposed and it is proved that it is sufficiently accurate .