
  1. 刑事责任的本质定义是犯罪人需要用生命、肉体、自由及名誉等承担犯罪恶害,恢复社会安定的刑罚份额。

    Nature definition is that criminal need use his life , body , freedom and reputation to take his responsibility .

  2. 他独出特行的“性恶论”认为,人性好利恶害,人们并因此引发争夺、导致战乱。

    His view ," humans are evil in nature ", expresses that human desire is to take advantages of others .

  3. 人之性好利恶害,在韩非看来,不过是一个基本的、自然的事实。

    Nature of good advantage wicked evil the human , looks like in Han Fei , but is one basic , the natural fact .

  4. 韩非主张人性的自利自为,好利恶害,所以为他的法治论提供了理论依据。

    Han Fei advocated that the human has the nature of self-interest , be apt to advantage but wicked evil , this has provided the theoretic basis for his thought of law .

  5. 你的过恶,或能害你这类的人。你的公义,或能叫世人得益处。

    Thy wickedness may hurt a man as thou art ; and thy righteousness may profit the son of man .