
  • 网络pathogenous delirium
  1. 要看见,恶中有善,善中也有恶。

    See the good in that which is evil , and the evil in that which is good .

  2. 我在圣会里,几乎落在诸般恶中。

    I was in almost all evil in the company of the people .

  3. 通过对礼义的学习,以及礼对人恶劣情欲的抑制,在逐渐积善和化恶中,促使人的气质发生变化,从而使理想人格得以养成。

    Pass to the study of the rite righteousness , and rite restraint to bad sensual desire of human , people can accumulate goodness and give up evil gradually , urge the person 's qualities occurrence change , and nourish ideal personality .

  4. 结论CK在原发性和转移性恶黑中均有不同程度的阳性表达。

    Conclusion There was positive expression in varying degrees of CK in primary and metastasis melanoma .

  5. 肾上腺肿瘤声像图特征在判断良恶性质中的价值

    Ultrasonographic Features in Differentiating Adrenal Benign and Malignant Tumors

  6. 科比在对阵超音速的恶比赛中,22投12中,共得到35分,在职业生涯中得分19686分。

    Bryant had35 points on12-for-22 shooting against the Sonics and now has19,686 points in his career .

  7. 人类在这个五浊恶世中,常常面临著不同的困难考验。

    People in this world of the Five Turbidities face different kinds of difficulties and ordeals .

  8. 在过去的十年里,超过五千个生命从各种恶习、伤害以及恶瘾中得释放。

    In the past ten years over 5000 lives have been set free from all kinds of habits , hurts , and addictions .

  9. 目的:检测黑素细胞痣及不同生长阶段恶性黑素瘤(简称恶黑)中血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)及β-连环蛋白(catenin)的表达,以探寻它们之间的关系及其临床病理意义。

    Objective : To examine the expression of VEGF and β - catenin in different growing stages of benign melanocytic nevi and malignant melanomas , for exploring their relationship and clinicopathologic significance .

  10. 这样,你就把那恶从以色列中完全除掉。

    Thus you shall utterly remove the evil from Israel .

  11. 宽容下的纵恶,坚忍中的麻木&汉味小说中武汉市民文化精神的一种状态

    Evil-indulging in Tolerance , Numbness in Firm Indignation & A State of Wuhan Civilian Culture Spirit in Wuhan-Flavoured Fictions

  12. 恶是生活中常见的一种社会现象,也是人性中与善相对立的因素。

    Evil is a common social phenomenon , which is also an inner factor of humanity as opposed to benevolence .

  13. 结论在吗啉恶酮结构中苯环4位和吗啉基之间插入亚甲基,不能提高化合物的抗菌活性。

    Conclusion Insertion of methylene group between 4-position of phenyl and morpholinyl group in linezolid derivatives can not increase the antibacterial activity .

  14. 善和恶的关系中包含善恶同源问题,善恶先后、宾主问题,善和恶相对等问题的探讨。

    The relationship between good and evil contained in the problem of good and evil identity , good and evil has , host and guest issues , issues of good and evil of the relative .

  15. 目的探讨伴有体腔积液的患者体腔液细胞端粒酶活性表达的情况以及端粒酶活性测定在疾病良、恶性质鉴别中的意义。

    Objective To investigate telomerase activity expression of cells in coelome fluid from the patients with benign disease or malignant tumour and the significance of detecting these cells for telomerase activity in diagnosis of coelome fluid .

  16. 我们需要通过心灵中的一次革命来实现意向的转变,也只有在与恶的斗争中才能意识到自身的力量,促进德性的成长,从而坚定地奉行一种趋向于善的生活方式。

    We need a revolution in heart to change disposition , and only through fighting against evil could we realize the internal power of ourselves , facilitate the growth of virtue and unswervingly pursue a lifestyle towards good .

  17. 中国悲剧的悲剧冲突主要表现在外在的正义力量战胜邪恶势力的过程中,西方悲剧的悲剧冲突则主要表现在内在的人性善战胜人性恶的过程中。

    The tragedy conflicts of Chinese tragedies are mainly manifested in the process of external just powers defeating evil forces while those of western tragedies are mainly expressed in internal kind human nature overcoming internal evil human nature .

  18. 本研究再次表明HMB(-45)和S&100蛋白在恶黑瘤诊断中的实用价值。

    This study confirmed that HMB-45 and S-100 protein are very useful in the diagnosis of melanomas .

  19. 采用柱前衍生气相色谱法测定广枯灵中恶霉灵在中药材头花蓼上的残留消解动态和最终残留量。

    Degradation dynamics and final residues of hymexazol in Polygonum capitatum Buch were estimated by GC-FPD with pre-column derivatization .

  20. 在女性人性恶的文化建构中,张爱玲小说具有极大的怨恨体验。

    With the cultural assumption that females were evil by nature , her novels provide a good experience of resentment .

  21. 善与恶是道德领域中的特殊矛盾,随着社会经济关系的变化,它们的内涵也随之改变。善恶的依据来自一定的社会经济关系,并随着社会经济关系的改变而改变;

    Being a particular contradiction in the field of ethics , virtue and vice constantly change in connotation with the change in social and economic relationship .

  22. 我们正在直播一场生动有趣的情侣谈话,由我在《杀人恶猿2》中的合演者,和她不相信女性也能有梦想的未婚夫出演。

    We 're listening to a really fun conversation between my costar from Serial Ape-ist 2 and her fiance , who doesn 't believe women should have dreams .

  23. 西方法律制度的构建是在人性恶的基本假设中推导而出的;西方法治发展和制度文明从此展开。

    The basic presumption of the evil nature of humanity deduced the western legal system , and then developed the western rule of law and the systematic civilization .

  24. 本文采用五种实验方法对复方磺胺甲(口恶)唑片中大肠杆菌的检验进行探讨,确认薄膜过滤法与供试液稀释法可行,而后者更简便。

    Five methods have been reported to detect the Escherichia coli in compound Sulfamethoxazole Tablets , and the membrane-filter procedure and the dilution of sample solution are feasible , and the last one is more simple .

  25. 从产生新意义的单位看,在《恶的象征》中,语义的创新是建立在词的基础上:通过对象征的词语,比如亵渎,宽恕、归向等进行创造性解释,产生新的语义。

    From the unit of generating a new meaning , in The Symbolism of Evil , the semantic innovation is on the basis of word : through the creative interpretation on the words of the symbol , such as blasphemy , forgiveness , the new meaning is produced .