
  • Admirer;adorer
  1. 于是她买了一个新的手机号,让杜小梅假装成白雪飞的爱慕者给他发短信。

    Therefore she has bought a new handset number , lets Du Xiaomei disguise the adorer who the white snow flies to him to send the short note .

  2. 漂亮的女人必定有许多爱慕者。

    A beautiful woman must have many admirers .

  3. 数百名爱慕者围困那个著名飞行员。

    Hundreds of admirers besieged the famous aviator .

  4. abunchof…一串…,一束…。怀特小姐收到爱慕者所送的一束花。

    Miss White received a bunch of flowers from her admirer .

  5. 虽然Mac可能永远不会成为世界上销量最大的电脑,但它的爱慕者却遍布世界各地,五年来其销售增长速度超过了个人电脑业的总体销售增速。

    While it may never become the world 's biggest selling computer , it is lusted after worldwide , and its sales have outgrown those of the overall PC industry for five years running .

  6. 我多年来都是你的爱慕者。

    I have been an admirer of yours for many years .

  7. ‘爱人,生生世世我都是你的爱慕者’

    " Beloved , in every birth I 'm your worshipper "

  8. 在她所有的爱慕者当中,约翰爵士最有恒心。

    Of all her admirers the most permanent was Sir John .

  9. 她的爱慕者少一些,胖一些,感情不那么热烈。

    Her admirers were fewer , and fatter , and less ardent .

  10. 她比她的爱慕者和合作过的明星都要长寿。

    She had outlived most of her lovers and costars .

  11. 威廉,你现在有秘密的爱慕者啦!

    Ah . I can see you have a secret admirer William !

  12. 那女孩收到爱慕者所送的一束花。

    The girl received a bunch of flowers from her admirer last night .

  13. 她收到了匿名爱慕者的鲜花。

    She received flowers from a secret admirer .

  14. 我是你的头号爱慕者

    " I 'm your number one fan "

  15. 对于办公室里那些一厢情感的爱慕者们乱触乱摸的手该怎么办呢?

    What can be done about the straying hands of unwanted admirers in the office ?

  16. 你一定是有了一个爱慕者。

    You must have an admirer .

  17. 她只是某个爱慕者而已。

    She 's some sick stalker .

  18. 她有许多爱慕者。

    She has many admirers .

  19. 娜塔莉有位神秘的爱慕者。他昨天送了一打玫瑰花到她公司。

    Natalie has a secret admirer . He sent a dozen red roses to her office yesterday .

  20. 这录音带据称是王妃和她的一个秘密爱慕者之间的谈话。

    The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer .

  21. 我还在等你给我解释划过天际的那颗彗星呢你妈妈有个爱慕者哦

    I 'm still waiting for you to explain that comet in the sky.Your mother has an admirer .

  22. 成百上千的爱慕者把照片发在网络上,觉得他长得像演员钟汉良。

    Hundreds of admirers posted pictures online , with many pointing out his resemblance to actor Wallace Chung .

  23. 一个死去的爱慕者霸占着我的想法让我惶恐,看来在当时似乎也颇有道理。

    The idea that a dead suitor was keeping me captive rattled me and seemed at that moment plausible .

  24. 长腿的年轻女孩以及她们的爱慕者通常比较青睐迷你裙,而其他人则喜欢不那么暴露。

    The young and leggy -- and their admirers -- often view the look favorably . Others prefer more coverage .

  25. 她冷漠地拒绝那些有很强占有欲的爱慕者的追求,她更喜欢她的屋子里能时刻保持高朋满座。

    She turned away possessive lovers coldly ; she preferred that her house be full of people at all hours .

  26. 这是一位不具名的爱慕者送来的情人节礼物。为所爱的人选购礼物应该是一种很温暖的体验。

    This is a Valentine from a secret admirer . Buying gifts for those we love should be a heartwarming experience .

  27. 他的粉丝和爱慕者极为震惊,纷纷到谷歌网站,搜索有关其演出生涯以及自杀和忧郁症的信息。

    His death shocked fans and admirers flocking to Google to seek information about his career , as well as topics on suicide and depression .

  28. 振奋士气的小调《希特勒只有一个睾丸》在二战期间非常流行,他的爱慕者米特福德说希特勒“缺乏男子气概的某些东西”。

    Morale-boosting ditty ' Hitler has onlygot one ball ' was popular during the Second World War and his admirer Unity Mitford suggested he ' lacked something in the manly department ' .

  29. 比她小6岁的菲尔德先生是个男同性恋,所以他并不是她的爱慕者之一,但是他们的关系很亲密,无论是工作上还是私下。

    Mr Field , a poet six years her junior , is gay , so he was never one of her many lovers , but the relationship is clearly very close , both personally and professionally .

  30. 研究声称:“除了觉得别人都变美了之外,酒精摄入者还可能在别人眼中变得更有吸引力,从而引起潜在爱慕者更强烈的‘性趣'。”

    The study states : ' In addition to perceiving others as more attractive , an alcohol consumer may also be perceived by others as more attractive , and therefore receive greater sexual interest from potential mates .