
ài ɡuó xīn
  • patriotism;patriotic feeling
  1. 安娜有强烈的爱国心。

    Anna 's patriotism was profound .

  2. 这出戏激发了观众的爱国心。

    This play aroused the audience 's patriotism .

  3. 这些话语唤起了他的爱国心。

    These remarks awakened his patriotic sentiments .

  4. 塔尔顿夫人,请问,你的爱国心到哪里去了?

    Now , where 's your patriotism , Mrs. Tarleton ?

  5. 国玺跟我们的爱国心有什么关系?

    What does a national seal have to do with our patriotism ?

  6. 现在,他们都为有了自己的国家而骄傲,他们有炽热的爱国心。

    Now they were fiercely proud of their nationhood , passionately patriotic .

  7. 人类最高尚的道德是什么?那就是爱国心。

    What is the highest standard of morals ? It is patriotism .

  8. 所以,我们要相信:爱国心没有党派之分。

    So let us agree that patriotism has no party .

  9. 她的爱国心不允许她购买外国汽车。

    Her patriotism would not permit her to buy a foreign car .

  10. 广告中流露的熊熊爱国心使不少感性观众哽咽欲泣;

    The muscular patriotism brought lumps to the throats of sentimental viewers ;

  11. 你应该对谁显示你的爱国心?

    Where should you be showing your patriotism to ?

  12. 她的爱国心使她和祖国紧密联系在一起。

    Her patriotism has bound her to her motherland .

  13. 而正因为这样,他们也有爱国心。

    And for that reason they also felt patriotic .

  14. 他的爱国心与反动性均以其个人理想为中心点。

    Both his patriotism and his counteraction are based on his individual ideal .

  15. 因为那是没有爱国心的开始。

    Because it 's unpatriotic for a start .

  16. 他为爱国心所驱使。

    He was prompted by patriotism .

  17. 这些唤起了他的爱国心。

    These awakened his patriotic sentiments .

  18. 爱国心使他们变得盲目起来。

    They were blinded by patriotism .

  19. 以没有爱国心的方式。

    In an unpatriotic manner .

  20. 我说,你们看,你们整天在迪士尼乐园讲的爱国心都是装样的吗?

    And I said , look , is all this patriotism stuff in the parks a farce ?

  21. 将爱国心[精神]灌输给年轻人

    Inculcate young men with patriotism

  22. 他也把人民的爱国心和干部的可靠性考虑了进去。

    Jung also took into consideration the patriotism of the people and the political reliability of officials .

  23. 报纸老谈公民的爱国心和自尊心,但是没有一个字提到这些事情。

    The newspapers were always talking about civic patriotism and pride but never a word about these things .

  24. 中日两国由于受社会本位、整体主义以及国家主义的东方伦理的影响,两国都具有爱国心教育的历史和传统。

    As China and Japan are influenced by Eastern moral principles , they both have the tradition of patriotism education .

  25. 与其他和我交谈的美国人一样,外界对美国的批评让这个年轻小伙子更有爱国心。

    Like other Americans I spoke to , criticism of the US had made this young man much more patriotic .

  26. 危险的转向:爱国心取代个人的尊严&兼论日本《教育基本法》(修正案)

    A Dangerous Shift : " Patriotism " Replaces " Individual Dignity " & Comments on Amendment of Education Basic Law ;

  27. 从道德和爱国心来看,他能被看作是一个虚伪奸诈的政治投机者。

    Under the fa ? ade of morality and patriotism can be perceived the false and tricky political opportunist that he is .

  28. 高中阶段鼓励学生为社区服务,参加公益活动跟存在爱国心。

    During high school years students are encouraged to serve the community , to participate in charitable activities and to be patriotic .

  29. 你可以认为是一个无聊的礼物,但是他将会对你的爱国心留下深刻的印象!

    You may think that 's a boring gift , but he will be touched by your thoughtfulness and impressed by your patriotism !

  30. 该官员同时警告这些商人可能会利用中国人的爱国心而抬高价格。

    The official also warned business people might exploit the patriotic concerns of the Chinese to raise bidding prices for their own gain .