
  • 网络Amore Pacific;Amore Pacific Group;AMOREPACIFIC Corporation
  1. 韩国是美貌的重要阵地,拥有120亿美元资产的化妆品工厂和国产品牌,有顺应潮流的爱茉莉太平洋集团公司和LG生活健康株式会社,或者说从电视剧到流行音乐等文化输出的“韩流”。

    South Korea is a beauty powerhouse , with a $ 12-billion cosmetics industry and home-grown brands from the likes of Amore pacific Corp and LG Household and Healthcare riding a wave , or " hallyu , " of cultural exports , from television dramas to pop music .

  2. 林正植供职于韩国最大的化妆品公司——爱茉莉太平洋集团。他估计现在20%的年轻男士会偶尔擦些粉底。

    Lim Jung-shik , from South Korea 's largest cosmetics company Amore Pacific , estimates that 20 percent of young men now occasionally wear some kind of foundation .

  3. 相应的,去年,爱茉莉太平洋集团在上海设立其在中国最大的海外生产基地和物流中心,该基地每年能生产1亿件产品。

    To reflect this , Amore Pacific set up in Shanghai last year its largest overseas manufacturing base and logistics center in China with a capacity to produce 100 million products every year .

  4. 根据一家英国市场调研公司敏特公司报道,今年的第一季度,爱茉莉太平洋集团在中国收益三十四亿元(五亿三千五百多万美元)。

    In the first quarter of this year , Amore Pacific generated revenues of 3.4 billion yuan ( $ 535.4 million ) from China , Mintel Group Ltd , a market research firm in the United Kingdom , reported .

  5. 爱茉莉太平洋集团,韩国领先的个人护理公司的公共关系主任季惠临则表示,“预计到2020年,中国销售额在公司全球销售额中所占比例将从目前的10%增长到28%。”

    Amore Pacific Group , South Korea 's leading personal care firm , " expects China to contribute 28 percent of the company 's global sales by 2020 from the current 10 percent , " according to Ji Huilin , the company 's public relations officer .