
  • 网络exchange rate reform;currency rate/exchange rate reform
  1. 人民币汇率改革对资本流动的影响

    The Effect of RMB Exchange Rate Reform on Capital Flow

  2. 论经济转型期中国汇率改革作用的局限性&客观、冷静地对待国际收支双顺差

    The Limited Effect of Exchange Rate Reform in the Transitional Economy China

  3. 不过,纽约梅隆银行(bankofnewyorkmellon)西蒙德里克(simonderrick)表示,美元或欧元从储备累积或多样化调整中受益的程度,将取决于中国采取何种汇率改革模式。

    Simon derrick at Bank of New York Mellon , however , says the extent to which the dollar or the euro benefit from reserve accumulation or diversification will depend on the type of currency reform China introduces .

  4. 上周末在埃森举行的七国集团(G7)峰会上,保尔森向中国央行行长周小川谈到加快汇率改革进程的必要性。

    He spoke to Zhou Xiaochuan , governor of the People 's Bank of China , at last weekend 's Group of Seven summit in Essen of the need for faster progress .

  5. 人民币汇率改革与我国经济发展战略

    The Excharge Rate of RMB Reforms and Our Economy Development Strategy

  6. 一次很小的汇价调整,一个巨大的结构变革&评人民币汇率改革的深远意义

    A Small Exchange Rate Shift , a Big Structural Reform

  7. 他们对中国汇率改革的非公允报道正是来源于他们的特定的意识形态。

    Such biased and opposed reports are due to their specific ideologies .

  8. 人民币汇率改革安全机制与政策设计分析

    Reforms on RMB 's Exchange Rate Safeguard Mechanism and Policy Plan Analysis

  9. 从制度经济学视角看人民币汇率改革

    On the Exchange Rate Reform of from A Perspective from Institutional Economics

  10. 汇率改革促进中国金融生态发展

    The Exchange Rate System Reform Improve Chinese Financial Ecology

  11. 汇率改革后,通货膨胀目标作为名义锚将是我国货币政策的合理选择和努力的方向。

    After the reform inflation targeting will be an ideal anchor in China .

  12. 转型期中国汇率改革的路径约束

    The constrained Path on Reforming Chinese Exchange Rate Institutes

  13. 人民币汇率改革的效应和趋势分析

    An Analysis of Effect of RMB Exchange Rate Regime Reform and its Trends

  14. 中国会自行推动汇率改革。

    China will push reform of the exchange rate on its own initiative .

  15. 我们在1994年就开始了人民币汇率改革。

    We started the reform of RMB exchange rate regime back in the1994 .

  16. 第五部分从理论上阐述了中国汇率改革的影响。

    Part V discusses on the possible influence about national exchange rate regime .

  17. 自汇率改革以来,人民币开始显著、持续升值。

    After RMB exchange rate reform , RMB began to appreciate remarkably and constantly .

  18. 关于人民币汇率改革的探讨

    Discussion on reform of exchange rate of RMB

  19. 人民币汇率改革的多维思考

    Multidimensional Reflection on Reform of RMB Exchange Rate

  20. 石化通用机械行业如何面对汇率改革?

    How does the general petrochemical machinery industry face the foreign exchange rate reform ?

  21. 关注人民币汇率改革

    Pay Attention to the Exchange Rate Reform

  22. 浅析人民币汇率改革及中国黄金企业的对策

    A brief discussion on RMB exchange rate reformation and countermeasures of gold enterprises in China

  23. 中国的汇率改革自九四年开始,至今仍未有停止。

    Beijing had never ceased reforming the exchange-rate regime since it was introduced in 1994 .

  24. 人民币汇率改革问题研究

    Renminbi Exchange Rate Reform Problem of Study

  25. 人民币汇率改革初见成效

    First Success of RMB Exchange Rate Reform

  26. 这就是中国在汇率改革方面一直进展缓慢的关键原因。

    This is a key reason why China has been slow in undertaking currency reforms .

  27. 商业银行如何应对人民币汇率改革进程中的汇率风险?

    How to tackle FX risk of RMB exchange rate regime reform for commercial banks ?

  28. 金融危机对人民币汇率改革影响的相关问题研究

    The Relevant Issues of the Impact of Financial Crisis on the RMB Exchange Rate Reform

  29. 自汇率改革之后,人民币汇率基本上是一直处于升值状态。

    After the exchange rate reform , the RMB exchange rate has been in appreciation state .

  30. 人民币汇率改革后我国企业面临挑战

    Chinese enterprises facing challenges RMB revaluation