
  • 网络currency war
  1. 巴西认为,若真是那样的话,它会在“汇率战的下半场”无辜受伤。

    As Brasilia sees it , that would make it the innocent victim in currency wars Part II .

  2. 缺乏这种全球领导力,贸易保护主义抬头和爆发“汇率战”的危险正在不断上升。

    Without such leadership , there is a rising danger of a drift into protectionism and " currency wars " .

  3. 其它G20成员国担心会卷入一场全球汇率战。

    The rest of the G20 worries about being caught in the crossfire of a global currency war .

  4. 美国国会虽然愤怒,但并不准备打响全球汇率战,除非经济形势显著恶化。

    While Congress is angry , it is not ready to start a global trade war unless the economy worsens markedly .

  5. 关于“汇率战”迫在眉睫的风险,批评家们应该把目光放得更远。

    As for the risk that a " currency war " is imminent , critics should look at the long-term trends .

  6. 此外,此类行动有可能升级,将汇率战带入纷纷扰扰的新战场。

    Moreover , such actions are likely to escalate , taking the currency wars into a new and highly litigious theatre of battle .

  7. 然而,即使酝酿之中的汇率战可能引发全面贸易冲突,我们仍须牢记一个事实:这种时刻不会持续下去。

    Yet even as brewing currency wars threaten full-blown trade conflicts , we must remember one fact : this moment will not last .

  8. 然而如今,“汇率战”之说已经消退,政策制定者们把注意力转向了更为紧迫的抗击通胀问题上。

    Now , however , talk of " currency wars " has faded as policymakers focus instead on the more urgent war against inflation .

  9. 这可能只会造成贸易和汇率战升级,这不符合全球经济的较长期利益。

    This can only lead to an intensification of trade and currency wars , which is not in the longer-term interests of the global economy .

  10. 当前汇率战的两大主角中国和美国现在分别在试图加快和减缓这一进程。

    The two protagonists of the current currency war , China and the US , are now trying to speed or slow the process respectively .

  11. 分析师们表示,在各国竞相对本国出口商加以保护之际,此举将致使全球汇率战愈演愈烈,并可能引发金融市场的进一步动荡。

    Analysts said the move would intensify a global currency war as countries fought to protect their exporters and could provoke further instability in financial markets .

  12. 瓦诺克警告说:如果不采取措施,汇率战升级将导致贸易保护主义的浪潮,将进一步导致贸易紧缩从而阻碍经济复苏。

    Warnock warns that if not addressed in some fashion , escalating currency wars could feed a new wave of protectionism that would further hamper the economic recovery by crimping trade .

  13. 上周,汇率战波澜再起:瑞士决定,不能再放任市场将瑞士法郎不断推升至前所未有的高位。

    Last week also saw a further twist in the currency wars , as Switzerland decided that it could no longer allow the markets to drive the Swiss Franc up to unprecedented levels .

  14. 进一步加息只会吸引更多热钱流入该国,加剧巴西人口中的“汇率战”,推动巴西货币雷亚尔兑美元稳步升值。

    Further increases are only attracting more hot money inflows from abroad , worsening what Brazil calls the " currency war " , the steady appreciation of its currency , the real , against the US dollar .

  15. 但这一次的风险在于,他们仓促实施财政紧缩,开启汇率之战,将危害世界经济。

    But this time the risk is that they will do damage , with blunt fiscal austerity and currency wars .

  16. 英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本表示,西方七国首脑会议重申承诺,不会利用汇率货币战刺激出口,而是制定国内经济政策促进经济增长。奥斯本表示,讨论的焦点是在各国之间实行信息交换的新措施,以打击避税。

    British Treasury chief George Osborne says the G7 reaffirmed its commitment not to engage in an exchange rate currency war to boost exports but to create domestic economic policies for growth . Osborne says the discussions also centered on new initiatives for an automatic exchange of information between governments to crack down on tax avoidance .

  17. 替代汇率冲突和贸易战的手段是需求扩张。

    The alternative to currency conflict and trade war is demand expansion .

  18. 伊朗政府称这是幸存的经济制裁和总统所说的反对今天跌至纪录最低点的里亚尔对美元的汇率的“心理战”。

    The Iranian government says it 's surviving economic sanctions and what the president calls a " psychological war " against his nation after the rial plunged to a record low against the US dollar today .

  19. 支持汇率法案可能会在国际汇率战中开辟一条纠纷不断的新战线,可能影响到全球经济的方方面面,而这仅仅是为了促成三个商业意义不大的优惠贸易协定在国会获得通过。

    It risks opening a new and litigious front in the international currency wars , with a potential impact on the entire global economy , just to jam through three preferential trade agreements of minor commercial importance .

  20. 汇率水平仍然具有竞争力尽管存在“汇率战”。

    The exchange rate despite the " currency wars " remains competitive .

  21. 汇率方面较低级别的敌意,伴之以零星的“火花”,这就是过去18个月来所谓国际“汇率战”的主要内容。

    Low-level exchange rate hostilities with occasional flashpoints have dominated what have become known over the past 18 months as the international " currency wars " .