
è tú
  • Villain;rascal;scoundrel;bad guys,hoodlums
恶徒 [è tú]
  • [bad guys,hoodlums] 非善良之辈

恶徒[è tú]
  1. 城市里有好人,大山里也有恶徒。

    Lot was upright in the City , wicked in the Mountain .

  2. 虽然又矮又瘦,吉米却勇敢地冲向那粗壮的恶徒。

    Thought short and thin , Jimmy walked into the stout hooligan .

  3. 我们唯有继续战斗,以铲除这些恶徒。

    We have only got to go on fighting to beat the life out of these villains .

  4. 你究竟会不会担心在好莱坞被定型成亚洲恶徒呢?

    Are you concerned at all that you may be typecast in Hollywood as the Asian bad guy ?

  5. 如果没有所谓这三位恶徒的话,唐三藏有可能无法到达西方。

    Without these three ferocious disciples , Xuan Zang might not have been able to reach the west .

  6. 当你孤单一人,遇见向你挥刀抢劫手机的恶徒时,你该怎么办?

    What should a woman do if a knife wielding man demands her mobile phone when she is alone ?

  7. 在蝙蝠侠系列电影的高谭市,蝙蝠侠用他的超凡威力、智慧和最先进的武器给恶徒布下天罗地网。

    On the mean streets of Gotham City , he uses his physical prowess , intellect and state-of-the-art weapons to snare villains .

  8. 他出巡犹太各城,将城中恶徒铲除,从以色列挽回圣怒。

    And he went through the cities of Juda , and destroyed the wicked out of them , and turned away wrath from Israel .

  9. 后羿既惊又怒,抽剑去杀恶徒,蓬蒙早逃走了。

    Hou Yi both startled and gets angry , pulls out the sword to kill the evil person , loose Mongolia early ran away .

  10. 其次,在恶徒来袭时,高跟鞋是极有效的防御武器。它的那对锋利的,致命的鞋跟可以轻易吓退恶徒。

    Second , heels are quite functional for defense against oncoming enemies , who can easily be scared away by threatening them with a pair of these sharp , deadly fashion accessories .

  11. 包公文学对昏聩吏治的讽刺,对凶党恶徒的揭露,对家庭道德问题的忧虑,都表现了一种批判现实、关怀人间的情怀。

    The literature on Bao Gong is a satire on stupefied official system , an exposure of the villains and evil officials and a deep concern over the family moral problems . All these express the writers ' critical realism and their concern for the people .