
è yì ɡōnɡ jī
  • malicious attacks
  1. 随着Android平台的流行,针对Android平台的恶意攻击也日益增多。

    With the popularity of Android platform , malicious attacks aimed at Android are increasing .

  2. 从这七个习惯开始尝试编写更安全的PHPWeb应用程序,可以帮助您避免成为恶意攻击的受害者。

    Starting with these seven habits for writing more secure PHP Web applications will help you avoid becoming an easy victim of malicious attacks .

  3. 很遗憾,他所谓的大胆新闻报道是一种恶意攻击,对工作人员进行了负面的报道。

    Unfortunately , his idea of bold journalism was a hatchet job , portraying the staff in a negative light .

  4. 如果恶意攻击成功,则Web服务器就可以在用户的计算机上安装任意程序,比如病毒、木马。

    If the attack is successful , the web server could install any program on the client machine .

  5. 简单说来,现有的C语言运行时函数实在难以在当今充斥着恶意攻击企图的大环境下立足。

    Simply put , the existing C-runtime functions are not good enough in light of today 's hostile environment .

  6. 由于Internet的开放特性,Web应用系统处于开放环境中,容易受到来自Internet的恶意攻击。

    Due to the open Internet properties ; web applications in an open environment are vulnerable to attack from the Internet .

  7. Web应用系统逐渐被人们接受并使用的过程中,针对该系统的各类恶意攻击行为层出不穷。

    During the time that Web application system has gradually been accepted , various kinds of malicious attack behavior according to the system emerge one after another .

  8. 用访问控制表保护Web服务,然而,这并不能减轻Web服务(以及非Web服务)漏洞受到恶意攻击的危险。

    Securing Web services with ACLs , however , does not mitigate the risk of exposing Web services ( and non-Web services ) vulnerabilities to a malicious attack .

  9. 但在实际应用过程中,移动agent往往会遭受恶意攻击、数据破坏和商业欺诈等诸多安全威胁。

    But in real application . Mobile agent requires the resolution for several security issues , such as malicious attack , data destroying , commerce fraud and so on .

  10. 与其他入侵容忍数据库相比,文中提出的数据库安全体系结构能有效抵御来自于OS级、DBMS级以及事务级的恶意攻击,同时降低了安全成本。

    It can effectively resist malicious attacks with legal identity , and reduce the cost of security .

  11. 另一方面,TCP/IP的缺陷也成为不公平数据流或恶意攻击数据流产生的重要原因。

    At the same time , the draw back of TCP / IP protocol is a main source of unfair flow and vicious attack .

  12. 当然,真正的恶意攻击包含了将这些cookies发送给黑客的操作。

    Of course , a real attack would consist of sending these cookies to the attacker .

  13. 随着Web技术的迅速发展,网络上的信息量呈爆炸式地增长,新的安全问题和恶意攻击也呈指数级增加,传统的主动防御技术根本无法应对。

    With the rapid development of Web technologies on the Web to grow the amount of explosive , new security and malicious attacks are exponential increases , traditional active defense technology simply cannot cope with .

  14. 在发生bug或恶意攻击时,此代码不会损坏它操作的数据。

    In the event of a bug or a malicious attack , this code cannot damage the data on which it operates .

  15. 在P2P系统中节点的信息传输往往需要经过多个中间节点的传递,由中间节点产生的威胁最大也最难防范。网页恶意攻击的防范

    In peer-to-peer systems the data should be transferred through several middle nodes , so vicious attack from middle node is most harmful . Prevention on vicious attack on web page

  16. Linux内核防火墙实现了一种性价比较高的安全方案,有效地阻止恶意攻击,成了很多网络安全管理员的选择。

    The Linux kernel firewall realized one kind of high costly with price lower security plan , effectively prevents hacker to slander and has become very good choice for many network security manager .

  17. 这将使您的IPMI接口极易受到恶意攻击!

    This will make your IPMI interface extremely vulnerable to malicious people !

  18. 此外,本文最后在实际环境下用多个Web应用程序对该方法进行了评估测试,实验表明该系统不要修改浏览器代码,并且能够有效地防御多种常见的恶意攻击类型。

    In addition , in this paper we evaluate our system against several real web applications at last , show that it does not require modifying the codes of browser , and it can protect against a variety of common malicious attacks effectively .

  19. CNN节目主持人卡弗蒂对中国的恶意攻击是肤浅的,不负责任的,中国人民将对CNN的行为进行谴责。

    CNN 's news director Kafudi malicious attacks on China is superficial and irresponsible , and the Chinese people will condemn the conduct of CNN .

  20. 有一次在杜兰杯(DurandCup)抽签决定的半决赛中赛中,边防保安队(BorderSecurityForce)队凭着恶意攻击,让莫罕巴干队个个一瘸一拐不能上场重新比赛,激起了全场观众的愤怒。

    On one occasion the Border Security Force team so hobbled Mohun Bagan with vicious tackling in the drawn semi-final of the Durand Cup that MB could not take the field for the replay .

  21. 但是,P2P网络固有的开放性和匿名性也为提供虚假文件、恶意攻击等恶意行为提供了可乘之机,这些恶意行为严重影响了P2P网络的发展。

    However , the inherent characteristics of P2P network , such as openness and anonymity , provides an opportunity for the malicious acts which have a serious affect on the development of P2P network .

  22. 实验结果表明,算法更合理地将水印嵌入在MPEG-4视频流中,水印容量得到较大提高,对恶意攻击的认证精度定位在块级别。

    Through experiments the method can hide watermark in MPEG-4 video stream more rationally , the capacity of watermark increases greatly and the authentication precision locates in block level .

  23. 节点工作期间可能遇到外部恶意攻击或者各种内部错误,造成节点系统的故障或叛变,影响WSN的可用性。

    The node which encounters malicious external attack , internal fault , accidents during the work , may run disorders or be " mutiny ", and affect the availability of the WSN .

  24. 腾讯总裁刘炽平(martinlau)周三为此进行了辩护,称这是一项紧急措施,意在保护qq用户免受腾讯所称的由360发起的恶意攻击。

    Martin Lau , Tencent president , defended the step on Wednesday as an emergency measure to protect QQ users from what Tencent alleges was a malware attack by 360 .

  25. 该协议灵活运用HMAC,确保代理每次租借时客户总是激活的,从而尽量避免恶意攻击。

    The protocol uses HMAC to guarantee the client being active , then protects leasing from attacks .

  26. 本研究结果能够从网络动力学方面解释无标度网络(scale-freeNetworks)对随机攻击具有鲁棒性和对恶意攻击具有脆弱性的原因。

    The dynamics reported in this paper can be applied to the reasons why the scale-free networks possess the robust-yet-fragile property , that is , they are robust against random failures of nodes but fragile to intentional attacks .

  27. 尤其是P2P文件共享应用倍受人们青睐,这在给广大用户带来方便的同时,也给带来了一些新的问题,如网络带宽的消耗问题、知识产权问题和病毒木马的恶意攻击问题等等。

    But when people enjoy the convenience of P2P file-sharing , it has brought rise of many new issues for society , such as network bandwidth exhausting , intellectual property and malicious Trojan horse virus attacks and so on .

  28. 分布式拒绝服务(DDoS,DistributedDenialOfService)攻击是一种常见的恶意攻击形式,由于其隐蔽性和分布性而难于检测和防御,近年来它给因特网业务带来了不可估量的损失。

    DDoS ( Distributed Denial of Service ) is a common malicious attacks . With the hiding and distributed attack , and it is not easy to detect and defend the DDoS . The DDoS has brought immeasurable loss in recent years .

  29. 实验结果表明:使用携带数字签名的OSPF路由协议可以防止网络中非法路由器的恶意攻击,为LSA数据提供端到端的集成认证。

    The results show that the use of digital signature in OSPF can prevent malicious attacks from illegal routers in the network and provide LSA data with end-to-end integrated authentication .

  30. 但是P2P网络并非是完美的,由于P2P自身的特性,诸如匿名性、动态性、开放性等,导致了P2P网络容易受到入侵、欺骗、恶意攻击等问题的困扰。

    But P2P network is not perfect , as a result of the characteristic of P2P network such as anonymous , dynamic , open and so on , and causes the P2P network easily to receive puzzles from invasion , deceit , malicious attack and so on .