
è miáo bìng
  • bakanae disease
恶苗病[è miáo bìng]
  1. 水稻抗恶苗病微效QTL的定位

    Analysis of QTLs for Resistance to Rice Bakanae Disease

  2. 氰烯菌酯(JS399-19)防治水稻恶苗病的研究

    Study of JS 399 - 19 on the Control of Rice Bakanae Disease

  3. 通过在浸种、催芽时浸菌接种处理,三叶期调查发病率,结果表明:催芽阶段对于水稻恶苗病的发生最为有利。

    Sprouting period was the most suitable period for disease occurring .

  4. 水稻恶苗病抗病性筛选方法的初步研究

    Study on screening methods for resistance to bakanae disease of rice

  5. 水稻品种抗恶苗病鉴定研究初报

    Study on the Identification for Resistance of Rice Varieties to Bakanae Disease

  6. 咪鲜胺与三氯异氰尿酸对水稻恶苗病防治效果比较试验

    Comparison test of Prochloraz and Trichloroisocyanuric acid on controlling rice bakanae disease

  7. 25%咪鲜胺乳油防治水稻恶苗病的效果

    Field Trial Report of 25 % Prochloraz EC for Control Gibberella fujikuroi

  8. 10%咪鲜胺微乳剂防治水稻恶苗病试验效果初报

    Preliminary Report on Effect of 10 % Prochloraz Micro-emulsion on Rice Bakanae Disease

  9. 水稻恶苗病防治研究

    Experiments on the control of bakanae disease of rice

  10. 不同育秧方式水稻恶苗病发生规律研究

    Study on the Variation of Rice Bakanae under the Different Methods of Seedling Raising

  11. 水稻恶苗病化学防治药剂的筛选

    Screen of Chemical Fungicides Against Rice Bakanae Disease

  12. 水稻恶苗病苗性状变化及对产量的影响

    Change in trait of bakanae disease infected leggy rice seedlings and its influence on rice yield

  13. 种子带菌量的高低和催芽时间的长短,对水稻恶苗病发生的轻重具有重要的影响。

    The rate of infected seed and the time of germination had important effect on rice bakanae .

  14. 沼液浸种可防治水稻恶苗病发芽,还能明显改善作物经济性状,提高产量。

    Biogas slurry soaking seed could control rice bakanae disease , improve its economical character and increase yield .

  15. 20%多·福·咪鲜悬浮种衣剂防治水稻恶苗病田间药效试验

    Test on the Effect of 20 % " Duofumi " Suspension Seed Coating Agent on the Controlling Bakanae Disease of Rice

  16. 结果表明:10%石灰水浸种催芽使秧苗期的恶苗病发病率低于10%;

    Soaking seeds in 1 0 % lime water to stimulate germination reduced the incidence of bakanae disease down below 1 0 % at the seedling stage .

  17. 对不同抗性品种感染水稻恶苗病后体内赤霉素含量及α淀粉酶的活性进行了测定。

    In this paper , the gibberellin content and the α - Amylase activity in different resistant rice varieties were measured after being inoculated by Fusarium moniliforme .

  18. 对苗期恶苗病、稻蓟马和稻飞虱的防效分别为94.7%~98.5%,83.0%~94.9%和74.2%~90.3%。

    The prevention rates to bakanae disease , thrips oryzae and planthoppers during seedling were 94.7 % ~ 98.5 % , 83.0 % ~ 94.9 % and 74.2 % ~ 90.3 % , respectively .