
  • 网络Malicious competition;animus competition
  1. 恶意竞争,破坏市场规则。

    Competing malevolently , break the rule of market .

  2. 放贷机构需要有人防止它们不断恶意竞争,最后大家都一跌到底。

    ' Lenders need someone to prevent them from competing their way to the bottom , 'he says .

  3. 要么彼此恶意竞争,和男生争锋,要么像老鼠一样躲在柜子里。

    They competed viciously among themselves and with their opposites , or they faded into the woodwork like mice .

  4. 在服务期内,我们丝毫不会因市场引诱,价格波动,行业恶意竞争而影响我们的服务质量。

    In service period , we still does not deceived , because market price fluctuation , malicious competition and influence our industry the quality of the service .

  5. 第三是竞争风险,优质项目越来越少,各个证券公司为了拿到项目进行恶意竞争。

    The third is competition risk , as there is fewer and fewer high-quality projects , all securities companies begin to compete maliciously in order to get those projects .

  6. 随着产业化进程的加快,我国的板栗产业出现了诸如板栗销售难、板栗加工企业恶意竞争等一系列问题。

    Along with the acceleration of industrialization , China 's chestnut industry has faced a series of problems such as difficulty of sales in domestic and international markets , malicious competition among many chestnut processing enterprises , etc.

  7. 同一区域港口间腹地争夺激烈,腹地重复划分严重,致使港口间恶意竞争、资源浪费、缺乏统筹规划,不利于港口及区域港口群的长远建设与发展。

    The ports in same area compete for the hinterland and the hinterland is repeated divided , resulting in the malicious competition between ports , waste of resources , lack of overall planning and is bad for long-term construction and development of the port and regional port group .

  8. 穆普鲁说,随着各家公司纷纷涌入网络争夺市场份额,这个市场出现了一些相当恶意的竞争。

    ' There are some pretty vicious wars as companies go online and duke it out to get market share , 'says Mulpuru .

  9. GATT引入反倾销的法律制度,其原意是为了维护国际贸易的公平竞争,防止因为恶意的反竞争行为对正常的国际贸易秩序造成伤害。

    GATT 's adoption of legal regulations on anti-dumping was intended to justify the fair competition of international trade , avoiding the negative effects of vicious contra-competition behavior on normal international trade order .

  10. 正像每个美国男孩儿都想成为美式足球场上的四分卫一样,每个女孩儿也都渴望在怀有恶意的真实竞争中,成为啦啦队队长。

    Just as every American boy yearns to be a football quarter-back , so girls yearn to head the cheerleading squad , amidst vicious real-life rivalry .

  11. 有些公司采取恶意营销手段打击竞争对手。

    Some companies adopt malicious marketing methods to beat competitors .

  12. 对域名、网络链按、恶意软件不正当竞争行为的法律规制面临着行为主体的认定、反不正当竞争法列举缺失、损害数额难以确定等问题。

    The domain name , web links , malicious software unfair competition regulation face the problems of identification of the subjects , the Anti-Unfair Competition Law imperfection , and difficulty to determine damage amount .