
  • evil spirits;Wraith
  1. 一种是早期欧洲人认为碰杯的声音可以驱逐恶灵。

    One is that early Europeans felt the sound helped to drive off evil spirits .

  2. 在庆典当中,人们会变装或戴面具,试着让自己看起来像恶灵一般。

    During the festival , people would wear costumes or masks to make themselves look like evil spirits .

  3. 在罗思的首部影片《尸骨无存》(CabinFever,2002年)中,一群来到一处乡间木屋的年轻人染上了一种会让人通身腐烂的怪病,并未受到恶灵的挟制。

    Mr. Roth 's first film , ' Cabin Fever ' ( 2002 ) , had young folks at a rural cabin succumbing to a flesh-eating disease rather than demons .

  4. 看守着囚禁恶灵的大门。

    To guard the door and keep the nameless ones contained .

  5. 他们也没有将抑郁外显化为一种恶灵进行驱逐

    They didn 't externalize the depression as an invasive spirit .

  6. 这招就可以骗过恶灵,帮你治好咳嗽。

    This will trick the evil spirits and help your cough .

  7. 如果得不到无名恶灵的秘密!

    If the secrets of the nameless ones are denied to me !

  8. 那个恶灵能轻易的上你的身。

    That spirit would have taken you over with ease .

  9. 我真希望得到无名恶灵的力量。

    I want the power of the nameless ones .

  10. 为什么无名恶灵没有释放出来呢?

    Why didn 't it released the nameless ones ?

  11. 我个人看过最烂的鬼片大概就是高校恶灵-富江了吧!

    The Haunting-I think it is the worst movie I 've ever seen !

  12. 我是在驱散她体内的恶灵

    I was removing evil energy from her body .

  13. 那恶灵还真有两下子。

    I got to give the phantom props .

  14. 就在他们跳着恶魔之舞的时候,所有的恶灵都崩溃坍塌了。

    While they dance The Infernal Dance , mayhem ensues until they all collapse .

  15. 能够证明我们对付的是个恶灵的证据。

    Proof that we 're dealingwith a spirit .

  16. 你已经看到了恶灵可以轻易伪装成人的样子。

    You saw how easily a demonic presence can lurk in a human form .

  17. 刚刚在菲格罗亚,有个恶灵袭击了我。

    A demon just attacked me , right out in the open on figueroa .

  18. 你释放了一个无名恶灵。

    You released a nameless one .

  19. 召唤一个恶灵怎么样?

    What about summoning a spirit ?

  20. 我必须得到那些无名恶灵,在他实现他注定的命运之前。

    I must control the nameless ones before he 's able to fullfill his prophecied destiny .

  21. “被他变成猿和猪的,是那些崇拜恶灵的人”

    " Of whom some he transformed into apes and swine , those who worshipped evil . "

  22. 所以,举个例子,不洁经常会和,恶灵以及不洁的恶魔联系在一起。

    So , for example , impurity was often connected with belief in evil spirits and impure demons .

  23. (尤指在人心中的)恶魔,恶灵这样做确保死了的灵魂安全或挡开恶灵。

    It was performed to ensure the safety of the departed soul or to fend off demonic spirits .

  24. 新娘下轿时会放烟花,这是为了恫吓恶灵。

    Firecrackers were set off to frighten away evil spirits as the bride departed in the sedan chair .

  25. 使用此魔法可以召唤来恶灵使得被害人被麻痹动弹不得。

    Usage this sorcery can be invoked bad work properly to make the victim paralyzed to move can not .

  26. 他们俩将在秋季上演的电影《恶灵凶宅》中扮演夫妻。

    The two co-star as husband and wife in the upcoming film Dream House , slated for a fall release .

  27. 还有一些人有着截然不同的想法:恶灵会趁打喷嚏时,进入人的身体。

    Others believed the opposite : that evil spirits use the sneeze as an opportunity to enter a person 's body .

  28. 此魔法可召唤黑暗的恶灵使被害者丧失很多防御力并奔向不幸。

    This sorcery can invoke dark bad work properly to make the victim lose much defense dint and rush toward misery .

  29. 我曾听过各种各样的故事,讲的是有人通过占卜板被恶灵控制了,这些故事把我吓坏了。

    I had heard all the stories about people getting possessed by the devil using the Ouija board and that frightened me .

  30. 铃铛被作为好运的象征是因为铃声可以阻止恶灵破坏婚姻。

    The bells are worn as a symbol of good luck because the ringing allegedly discourages evil spirits intent on destroying the union .