
  • 网络malicious websites
  1. 这往往是用来做恶意网址不太明显的一个诀窍是有十六进制编码的URL(或其他编码方法)的XSS的一部分。

    A trick which often is used to make malicious URLs less obvious is to have the XSS part of the URL encoded in HEX ( or other encoding methods ) .

  2. 实验结果初步证明了混合式客户端蜜罐以及采用这种技术的恶意网址收集系统有比单一一种技术更好的效果。

    Preliminary experiment demonstrates that hybrid client honeypot and the system has better effect compared to individual methods .

  3. 在此基础上,本文设计并部分实现了恶意网址收集系统。

    Base on this idea , this paper has designed a malicious website collection system and implemented most of functions .