
  1. 作恶是坏事,扬恶恶更甚。

    It is bad to do evil , but worse to boast of it .

  2. 每季度做什么事情、每个月做什么事情,甚至每天做什么事情,有个计划,有个目标比较好。不要每天昏昏恶恶。

    Set a5-year goal or a10-year goal , planning what to do every quarter , every month , and even every day .

  3. 要恶恶好善,在城门口秉公行义。或者耶和华万军之神,向约瑟的馀民施恩。

    Hate the evil , and love the good , and establish judgment in the gate : it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph .

  4. 行刑法以刑罚为基础,立足于以恶制恶。

    The law is based on punishment and " evil for evil " .

  5. 善的尽头是恶;恶的尽头是善。

    The end of good be an evil , and the end of evil be a good .

  6. 格里芬肯定世界中存在着真正的恶,恶是不和谐和琐屑。

    David Ray Griffin affirms that there is genuine evil in the world , which is " discord " and " triviality " .

  7. 平庸之恶与恶之平庸之间的联系正是人类放弃判断能力的危险。

    The connection between the banality of evil and the evil of banality is the danger of a surrender of our human powers of discrimination .

  8. 该母题本质上看是以暴抗暴,以恶制恶观念的一个直观形象的处理方法,其实,也体现了佛教对于以惩戒训喻的重要方式。

    The motif is in nature the direct way of violence for violence and evil for evil , but it indicates in effect an important Buddhistic way of educational punishment .

  9. 恳切求善的,就求得恩惠;惟独求恶的,恶必临到他身。

    He who seeks good finds goodwill , but evil comes to him who searches for it .

  10. 在西方朦胧深处,善、恶、至恶、至善都已长眠。

    Far down within the dim West , the good and the bad and the worst and the best have gone to their eternal rest .

  11. 他们弯起舌头像弓一样,为要说谎话。他们在国中增长势力,不是为行诚实,乃是恶上加恶,并不认识我。这是耶和华说的。

    Their tongues are bent like a bow to send out false words : they have become strong in the land , but not for good faith : they go on from evil to evil , and they have no knowledge of me , says the lord .

  12. 耻感以恶为对象,恶是丑的,但耻感却是美的。

    The evil is ugly , but the sense of shame is esthetical .

  13. 恶始必有恶终。不慎始者,常得恶果。

    Bad beginnings have ever bad endings .

  14. 恶上勿加恶。

    Do not add evil with another .

  15. 而占星家把星宿底恶影响叫做“恶容”;

    and the astrologers , call the evil influences of the stars , evil aspects ;

  16. “有汾、浍以流其恶”之“恶”解

    Water 's " rubbish ":" fen River and Hui River can flow with the rubbish "

  17. 恩格斯与恶动力说&恶是历史发展的动力的表现形式论析

    Engles and Evil-Motive-Force Theory

  18. 要救你脱离恶道,(恶道或作恶人的道)脱离说乖谬话的人。

    To deliver thee from the way of the evil man , from the man that speaketh froward things ;

  19. 若被迫在较大的恶或较小的恶当中抉择,就改以选择寻求较大的善。

    When forced to make a choice between a greater evil and a lesser evil , choose to look for the greater good instead .

  20. 年龄与恶低温饮食、恶凉性饮食及喜较烫饮食的发生率之间呈显著中度正相关;

    Moderate positive correlation was significantly shown between age and incidence rate of aversion to low temperature diet , cool nature diet and preference to high temperature diet ;

  21. 因而,实行我国刑法的善、恶以及善与恶结合的均衡性,对构建刑事法治具有重要意义。

    Therefore , realizing the balance of china 's criminal law 's good , evil and combination of them is very important to establish society of rule-of-law in china .

  22. 复仇心理又使他动辄屠城、院俘,伤害无辜,成为潜伏于其政治生命中的恶瘤,这个恶瘤在楚汉战争中爆发;

    It broke out in the war of Chu-han . His vengeful mentality made him incapacity in politics . On the Victory and Failure of the War Between Chu and Han .

  23. 主啊!祈求您在斋月的第二十五天使我的心恶主之所恶,爱主之所爱;追随您封印的先知;主啊,您确是一切先知心灵的守护者!

    ALLAH , on this day , make me among those who love Your friends , and hate Your enemies , following the way of Your last Prophet , O the Guardian of the hearts of the Prophets .

  24. 既往慢性病或症的发生率与恶低温饮食、恶凉性饮食、喜较烫饮食及恶热性饮食的发生率之间呈高度正相关;

    High positive correlation was shown between previous incidence rate of chronic diseases or syndromes and incidence rate of aversion to low temperature diet , aversion to cool nature diet , preference to high temperature diet and aversion to hot nature diet ;

  25. 恶低温饮食、恶凉性饮食、喜较烫饮食及恶热性饮食等不同体质状态,在同一人体中重叠出现率大于单独出现率。

    Repeated presence rate of different constitution status such as aversion to low temperature diet , aversion to cool nature diet , preference to high temperature diet and aversion to hot nature diet in the same man was higher than solo presence rate .

  26. 接着,论文讨论了阿伦特关于恶的思想变化的转折,即从根本的恶到平庸的恶的转变及两者关系。

    Then , the paper discusses the transformation of Arendt ' sthoughts on evil , which changes from " the radical evil " to " the banality of evil " aswell as the relationship between them .