
  • 网络oxolinic acid;Oxolin acid;oxolinic
  1. 高效液相色谱法测定鳗鱼中氟甲喹和恶喹酸的残留量

    Determination of flumequine and oxolinic acid in eel with HPLC method

  2. 离子液体双水相体系-紫外分光光度法测定恶喹酸

    Ionic Liquids Aqueous Two-Phase System-UV Spectrophotometric Determination of Oxolinic Acid

  3. 恶喹酸和氟甲喹在鳗鱼体内的药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetic study of oxolinic acid and flumequine in Muraenesox cinereus

  4. 高效液相色谱法测定鸡肉中恶喹酸残留量的测量不确定度评定

    Assessment of Uncertainty in HPLC Analysis of Oxolinic Acid Residue in Chicken

  5. 老药新用途&恶喹酸的应用研究

    New uses of old drug-applied study of oxolinic acid

  6. 水产品中恶喹酸残留量的检测技术研究

    Study on the detection method of residues of oxolinic acid in fishery products

  7. 恶喹酸对水生生物细菌病的防治效果及残留研究

    Application of oxolinic acid against bacterial diseases in aquatic species and the body residues

  8. 恶喹酸、氟甲喹在鱼组织中残留量的检测方法研究

    Study on the Detection Method of Oxolinic Acid and Flumequine Residues in Fish Tissues