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  • 网络faraway;A Thousand Miles Away;Miles Away;Thousands of miles away;Thousands of miles apart
  1. 千里之外,失业的卡尔文正在竭力寻找自己在后制造业时代的坐标。

    A thousand miles away , unemployed Calvin attempts to navigate the post-manufacturing age .

  2. 她人虽在这里坐着,心却在千里之外。

    Although she is sitting here , her mind is a thousand miles away .

  3. 我发现她相当严厉,拒人于千里之外,近乎冷漠。

    I found her a rather austere , distant , somewhat cold person .

  4. 他觉得她冷若冰霜,拒人于千里之外。

    He found her cold , ice-like and distant

  5. 认识千里之外的朋友

    To meet friends from afar

  6. 任何被这个系统认定为不安因素的事物,都会被他们拒于千里之外。

    They refuse to accept anything which this system finds unsettling .

  7. 你们不要忘记,我当时处在远离人烟千里之外的地方。

    Remember , I had crashed in the desert a thousand miles from any inhabited region .

  8. 第二枚来自塔希提岛,是一个美丽光洁的贝壳,那是在Samantha出生前几年在千里之外挑选的。

    The second was from Tahiti , another beautiful , smooth shell , chosen thousands of miles away years before Samantha was even born .

  9. 经常周游世界各地的旧金山律师安德鲁•布里奇斯(AndrewBridges)表示,这款游戏和其他的几种新技术手段调动起了他对千里之外地点的好奇。

    Andrew Bridges , an attorney at a San Francisco law firm who has traveled extensively around the world , the game is one of a number of new technologies that help stimulate his interest in distant locales .

  10. 于是,施乐PARC的工程师们开始研发友好的用户图形界面,以取代电脑屏幕上那些拒人于千里之外的命令行和DOS提示符。

    So Xerox PARC 's engineers began to develop user-friendly graphics that could replace all of the command lines and DOS prompts that made computer screens intimidating .

  11. 但医生们倾向于拒之于千里之外,因为“我们不知道这到底是怎么一回事”,罗切斯特大学医学中心(UniversityofRochesterMedicalCenter)的姑息医疗专家蒂莫西·E·奎尔(TimothyE.Quill)博士说。

    But doctors tend to give them a wide berth because " we don 't know what the hell they are , " said Dr. Timothy E. Quill , an expert on palliative care medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center .

  12. 视频面试减小成功机会如果你应聘一个千里之外的工作,Skype视频面试当然比面对面面试省钱。

    Video Job Interview May Weaken Your Chances If you 're applying for a job a couple thousand miles away , a Skype interview will certainly be cheaper than meeting in person .

  13. 在未来,即便他们身在千里之外,他们也可以戴着Oculus置身于宴会上。

    In the future , they could instead wear Oculus to put themselves in the middle of the celebration , even if they are really thousands of miles away .

  14. 在千里之外的美国,我听到了他亲切的声音,沙哑之中透出了卡累利阿(Karelia)空气的寒冷。

    Thousands of miles away in the US , I hear his dear voice , still husky from the frosty Karelian air .

  15. 他们会觉得自己是二等公民,身处千里之外。

    They feel second-class citizens , who are impossibly far away .

  16. 是我不想打开心门,拒人于千里之外。

    Is I does not want to open the ostium , aloofs .

  17. 尽管练习者是在千里之外。

    Who might be exercising thousands of miles from you .

  18. 别拒我们千里之外,小宏。

    No , don 't push us away , Hiro .

  19. 近年来约翰·巴顿身上有一种拒人于千里之外的力量。

    Of late years , John Barton had had a repellent power .

  20. 在我们的同事或熟人千里之外。

    Miles away from anyone we know or work with .

  21. 但是你总是爱我更多,在千里之外。

    But you always love me more , miles away .

  22. 你拒我于千里之外让我如何帮你呢

    How can I help you if you don 't let me ?

  23. 我患病的父亲远在千里之外。

    My ailing father was thousands of miles away .

  24. 你不要总是拒人于千里之外,让我来帮助你。

    No , it 's human . You 're gonna get through this .

  25. 这些图象可以使用无线传输的方式传送给千里之外的专家诊断。

    The pictures could also be sent wirelessly to distant experts for diagnosis .

  26. 她妈妈远在千里之外的地方工作。

    Her mother was working thousands of kilometers away .

  27. 美国人担心自己再度卷入一场千里之外的冒险行动。

    The Americans are fearful of becoming embroiled in yet another distant venture .

  28. 她这些议论分明是有意拒人于千里之外。

    Her comments were dearly intended as a snub .

  29. 你在千里之外统帅。

    You govern from thousands of miles away .

  30. 他的声音显得心事重重,仿佛他的思绪正在千里之外。

    His voice was thoughtful , as if his mind were somewhere far away .