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  1. 他将礼作为治国的根本原则,并认为礼是万物的准则。

    He will be officiating as a basic principle of the rule by law , and that the ritual is all criteria .

  2. 三是重视教育的政治功能,实施政教合一的文教政策,将礼秩乐和作为社会和教学的理想。

    The third was to attach importance to the political function of education , implement education connected with politics policy , and also seemed the ritual rank teaching as a social ideal .

  3. 叔向固守周礼,将礼作为臧否人物以及立身处世的准则,同样也被当做治国的根本之道。

    Shu Xiang clinged to the rites of Zhou Li , as comment different characters and rules of the fundamental way to get on in the world , also known as the country .

  4. 本文通过对古代礼仪礼俗文化的概述,结合电视剧《甄嬛传》中对礼的演绎,将礼文化分为礼仪、礼俗、礼乐、礼制。

    In this paper , through an overview of ancient etiquette etiquette and custom culture , combined with the TV series " enrollment biography " of " ritual " deduction ," Li " culture , custom , etiquette is etiquette , etiquette .

  5. 荀况看到了儒家学说空谈仁义道德、王道政治而远于实践的一面,认为要使儒术变得切实可行,必须将礼和法相结合。

    Xun Kuang see Confucian doctrine about " humanity , justice and virtue ," " benevolent government politics " in the far side of the practice that has become feasible for Confucianist method must be " Ceremony " and " law " combined .

  6. 在该部分的最后得出了唐婚姻制度的特点,以宗法思想为指导,将礼与法有机结合,在必要时用国家强制力来干预,以最终实现治国齐家的政治目的。

    In the final chapter the characteristics of the institution of marriage come from the Tang to patriarchal thinking , the combination of ritual and law , where necessary , coercive power to interfere with the state to the final rule regulating the family to achieve political objectives .

  7. 张载在《西铭》中,将《礼运》提出的大同理想具体化、现实化了,描述了一个建立于宗法血缘基础上的大同社会。

    He concretely describes in Xi Ming , with th ideal of Great Harmony suggested by Li Yun , a society of Great Harmony established on the basis of patriarchy and consanguinity .

  8. 黛米·摩尔同布鲁斯·威尔斯之女RumerWillis同男友MicahAlberti携手亮相金球奖红毯,她作为明星子女将在颁奖礼上担任金球小姐,递出奖杯。这是金球奖的一项传统。

    The20-year-old actress will be handing out the trophies on stage as Miss Golden Globe , an honor traditionally given to the daughter ( or son ) of a celebrity ( Demi Moore , Bruce Willis ) .

  9. 最后,经过夏、商、周三代的漫长历史过程,乐发展成为国家体制中的重要要素,周公将其与礼一同纳入周代国家管理体系中最核心的礼乐制度中。

    Lastly , the music became part of national system through three dynasties of Xia , Shang , and Zhou .

  10. 本文主要将《周礼》中的赦免制度分为总则性赦免和补充性赦免两大类。

    Zhou-Li in the pardon system is divided into general principles of amnesty and pardon they are two complementary types .

  11. 在比佛利山庄酒店召开的新闻发布会中,杰西·马卡特尼和朱莉安·哈克与莱米尔一同宣布了各项提名得主和将在颁奖礼上献唱的艺人。

    Jesse McCartney and Julianne Hough joined Kimmel to announce the nominees and performers during a press conference at the Beverly Hills Hotel .

  12. 黑池将在节礼日下午3点对利物浦的比赛开始前3个小时对球场状况进行检测,以确定比赛能否进行。

    Blackpool will hold a pitch inspection three hours before their scheduled3pm kick-off against Liverpool on Boxing Day to see if the match can go ahead .

  13. 特雷弗·诺亚的发言人向《滚石》透露,原定将担任今年颁奖礼主持人的特雷弗·诺亚仍将担任主持人。

    A rep for Trevor Noah , who was tapped as the host for this year 's event , confirmed to Rolling Stone that he will remain the host .