
This industry has long described WHO as its biggest enemy .
I can give you all the kingdoms of the world right now .
Mt.4:8 Again , the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory .
Many countries have redesigned their child health records , upgraded their anthropometric equipment and retrained health staff to incorporate the WHO standards into their work .
WHO is able to issue commercial licences to companies wishing to incorporate and distribute WHO classifications in their software products for sale to customers in certain countries .
He also set an example across the United Nations , with strict rules against tobacco use , and the conversion of the fleet of WHO cars to small , environmentally-friendly fuel / electric vehicles .
As a precaution , samples have been taken and will be sent for H5N1 testing at a WHO collaborating laboratory in the United Kingdom .
Samples taken from the suspected cases have tested positive for H5N1 in the national laboratory and are being forwarded to a WHO H5 Reference Laboratory for confirmation and further analysis .
A supermodel and a mother , Mrs Kebede will help WHO in its campaign to improve the health of mothers and children .
In 2011 the Guinness World Records handed the title of ' world 's oldest living person ' to Georgia resident , Besse Cooper who retained the record until she passed away in 2012 at the age of 116 .
It will also highlight WHO 's role in these achievements .
You become the God of continent and your name will last forever .
Today I will outline the most pressing issues that currently face WHO .
Samples from the patient will be sent for further analysis at a WHO reference laboratory .
The samples will be sent to WHO Collaborating Centre for further testing including virus characterization .
The Holocene sedimentation is then divided into five sedimentary provinces that belong to two major sedimentation regions .
This dissertation is devoted to study enterprise income taxation concerning international investment in the context of economic globalization .
A compilation of historical audio and interviews will feature the founding of WHO and other public health milestones .
Once finalized , these TORs will be submitted to a special Intergovernmental Meeting of WHO Member States and regional economic organizations .
I have promised staff that I will continue ongoing reforms at WHO , but will not introduce changes that cause upheaval .
It will be hosted by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Training in Blood Transfusion Medicine and the Thai Red Cross Society National Blood Centre .
and if emotions , well recognized as feminine . are inimical to feline life , then jealousy would soon leave the whole world catless .
The conference will build on the work of the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety and the contribution of the participating scientists and government officials .
It 'll be future researchers who have better perspective and will be able to really draw a line between the Holocene and the Anthropocene epics .
I would have the smartest people in the world serving in my cabinet to solve all the important issues that I don 't know much about .
The campaign will be conducted with the technical assistance of WHO and the support of the GAVI alliance ( the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization ) .
The IHR Review Committee is considered a WHO expert committee and so its operations and structure follows regulations for WHO expert advisory panels and committees , and provisions of the IHR .
The WHO regional expert for water and sanitation has arrived in Baghdad and a joint WHO-UNICEF assessment mission to Babil and Misan will take place as soon as the security situation allows .
And I suspect , you know , the reason we 're hearing this from Sweden is what 's actually happening at the moment is , the WHO 's Emergency Committee has met .
Shall not have died in vain ; that this nation , under God , shall have a new birth of freedom ; and that government of the people , by the people , for the people , shall not perish from the earth .