
shēn rù jī cénɡ
  • go down to the basic units
  1. 大批干部深入基层。

    Large numbers of cadres go to the grassroots level .

  2. 干部常常深入基层。

    Cadres often go down to the grass roots .

  3. 随着高速网络的快速发展和普及,网络的使用范围逐渐深入基层,结构日趋复杂,网络中的安全威胁也变的多种多样。

    With the rapid development and popularization of high-speed network , the network structure becomes increasingly complex .

  4. 近年来,机关工作中深入基层调研多了,研究解决实际问题多了。

    In recent years , the organs work more grass roots research , study and solution of practical problems .

  5. 各级政府工作人员特别是领导干部要深入基层,主动为群众排忧解难。

    Government employees at all levels , especially senior officials , need to visit ordinary people in their communities and take the initiative to help them solve their problems .

  6. 1963年调到凉山工作后,他经常深入基层调查了解少数民族的历史、文化、生活习惯等,记录整理了大量的资料。

    Liangshan in1963 transferred to work , he often go to the grassroots minority investigating and understanding of history , culture , lifestyle , a large number of records compiled information .

  7. 其最后一项内容是让参与者投入一项“深入基层”计划,即体验一下贫困生活的滋味。

    For the last part of the program , the participants were told to embark on a " grassroots immersion " scheme-to experience what it was like to live in poverty .

  8. 各级政府工作人员要深入基层,深入群众,倾听群众呼声,关心群众疾苦,及时解决群众反映强烈和不满意的问题。

    Government officials at all levels should go to the people in their neighborhoods and homes , listen to their views , care about their hardships and promptly attend to their grievances .

  9. 英国的多数吧馆针对中产阶级,所以我也受到了教育,看到吧馆可以象在非洲那样深入基层。

    Most of the cafes in England are aimed at middle-class people , so for me it was an education that it could reach such a grass-roots level as it does in Africa .

  10. 比喻贴近现实生活,符合客观实际;也比喻深入基层,体察民情,解决实际问题。

    Being in touch with real life , in accordance with objective reality ; also to penetrate the grass roots , to experience and observe the condition of the people , resolve practical problems .

  11. 因为在当时的历史情境下,只有把政权的力量深入基层并动员起广大的人民才可以脱离旧的体制进而建立起新型的民族国家。

    Because at the time of the historical context , only the power of the regime and mobilized the majority of the grassroots people can turn away from the old structure to build a new nation-state .

  12. 思想政治工作者必须深入基层,深入群众,研究新情况,解决新问题,开辟新途径,探索新方法,创造新经验。

    The political worker in thought must go deep into the basic level , crowd , study the new circumstance , resolve the new problem , develop the new path , investigate the new method , create new experience .

  13. 士绅因宗族组织将皇权意志和儒家文化深入基层社会,为官与民之间的媒介,成为地方社会的实际统治者。

    The Gentry made the will of the emperor 's right and the local society for the Patriarchal Clan 's organization and became the medium of the official and the folk . They become the really governor of the local society .

  14. 完善招生体制,建立激励措施,鼓励一条龙训练体系发展;深入基层学校,发现优秀运动人才,赶在其他省份之前,招入本校。

    Improve the recruitment system , set up incentives to encourage " one-stop " training system development ; the grass-roots level in schools and found that exercise of outstanding talent , drive in the other provinces before enrolled in school . 5 .

  15. 论述了区域性民族医药学存在的现状、开展研究的必要性和主要思路,认为开展区域性民族医药学研究应有深入基层、联合研究、成果转化、综合利用和借鉴众长的意识

    The present condition , the necessity and the main way of development of regional ethnic folk medicine are disserted in this paper , the author think that the consciousness of going deep into basic level , unite research , result conversion and multiple utilization should be possessed

  16. 摘要本文从饱满的民族情怀;精心考证,立论得当;注意利用新的考古学和民族学成果;不辞辛苦,深入基层搞调查等方面介绍并论述了《黑龙江锡伯族》一书的学术价值和科研成果。

    The article with the full national enthusiam proves carefully , argues properly , pays attention to utilize the achievement of Archaeology and ethnology , investigates in the grass-roots unit with hardship and introduces and discusses the academic value and research achievement of " heilongjiang Xibo nationality " .

  17. 何申曾经有过长时间的官场经历,而他能够坚持深入基层,与老百姓生活在一起,从而不断汲取着现实生活中的养分,其作品的叙述视角始终和日常生活相一致。

    He Shen had a long bureaucratic experience , and he is able to adhere to the grass-roots level , and the people are living together , so as to continuously learn the reality of life in the nutrient , the narrative perspective of daily life and always consistent .

  18. 尤其是在社会动员发面,由于民间力量更贴近民众,更深入基层,在资源调集和信息沟通等方面有着得天独厚的优势,所以公共危机处理中民间力量的社会动员能力日益值得关注。

    Especially in the social mobilization , the forces of civil society close to the people and in-depth grass-roots level , have a unique advantage in resource mobilization and information communication , so the social mobilization of popular forces in public crisis management capacity cause for concern day by day .

  19. 深入开展基层安全创建活动。促进职业安全卫生工作,迎接入世挑战

    Accelerating Development of Occupational Safety and Health for Challenge to Join WTO

  20. 本研究成果为今后深入开展基层材料抗冲刷性能室内试验研究和室外路面的抗冲刷性能预测提供了必要的基础。

    The results of this study set a necessary foundation for the future in-depth study of the anti-erosion performance of the base course material .

  21. 新政权重建了社会基础,国家权力深入到基层社会领域,逐渐形成国家与社会一体化格局。

    The new regime reconstructed the social base and the state power expanded into the grassroots society , gradually formed the integration pattern of state and society .

  22. 大学生村官深入农村基层工作,可以解决农村人才短缺和农民信息缺乏问题,同时为大学生就业问题提供出路。

    College-graduate village official deep into the grassroots and rural areas , can solve the rural talent shortages and peasant lack of information , at the same time they provide ways for college students ' employment problems .

  23. 但是在现行的二元经济体制下,农村的经济还相对比较落后,农业的工作环境比较艰苦,各方面的条件有待改善。这些不利因素使大多数农科学生选择留在城市,不愿深入到基层农村工作。

    Under the current binary economic system , the facts of relatively backward economics , hard working environments in rural area make most of college students in agricultural disciplines chose to stay in city but are reluctant to work in rural area .

  24. 第二部分是现行乡村关系的张力、成因,笔者通过深入农村基层一线调研,从实际分析了乡村关系张力的主要表现和主要成因;

    The second part Current rural tension , origin cause of formation , through deepen rural at the basic level airline survey and study I of relation , from analysing the main behavior of rural relation tension and main origin cause of formation actually ;

  25. 伴随乡村改革的不断深入,乡村基层社会组织的原有功能已大部分被剥离,中国乡村社会组织重构的时机已经到来。

    Along with promoting rural reform , rural society organizations have been stripped of their original function , the time of organizations restructuring has come .

  26. 自1996年刑事诉讼法修改后,随着庭审制度改革的深入,一些基层检察机关开始尝试量刑建议改革。

    Since 1996 , the Criminal Procedure Law is revised , and with the court system reform deepening , some grassroots procuratorates try to reform sentencing recommendation system .

  27. 本文采用正交敏感分析方法,结合半刚性基层沥青路面典型结构,深入分析了基层力学设计参数的技术要求,提出了半刚性基层材料合理厚度和模量范围。

    With orthodoxy design , based on typical structure of semi-rigid based asphalt pavement , mechanics design parameter is thoroughly studied . And reasonable resilient modulus and thickness ranges of semi-rigid base materials are concluded .

  28. 为了使中国土壤系统分类更实用、更易于普及,深入开展土壤基层分类研究,进一步发展和完善中国土壤系统分类是必要的,也是十分迫切的。

    In order to make CST more practical and easier to popularize , it is essential and urgent to keep on studying and developing the CST at lower unit level to establish basic soil classification units of CST .

  29. 针对半刚性基层的强度指标要求,本文运用正交试验分析方法,结合半刚性基层沥青路面典型结构,深入分析了基层力学设计参数的技术要求,得出了半刚性基层各设计指标的主要影响因素。

    For the strengthen index of semi rigid base , this article through orthogonal experiment analysis method , unified semi rigid base bituminous pavement modular design , analyzed the basic unit mechanics design parameter , Proposed the reasonable module scope .

  30. 近几年,虽然出现了一些关于选调生培养问题方面的研究,但是大多停留在理论或宏观方面,深入研究乡镇基层选调生培养方面研究的却还很少。

    In recent years , although there a number of issues about transferring college students training , but most remain in the theory or macro-depth study of rural primary transferring students to cultivate , but very few of the aspects of research .