
jiào dìng
  • revision;edit;emendation;blue-pencil;check against the authoritative text
校订 [jiào dìng]
  • [check against the authoritative text] 对照正确的资料修改另一份资料中的错误

校订[jiào dìng]
  1. 修订的行为或实例;校订。

    The act or an instance of revising ; a revision .

  2. 湖北毛茛科校订

    A revision of the family buttercup ( ranunculaceae ) in Hubei Province

  3. 我知道这篇草稿需要校订。

    I know that this draft text will need to be edited .

  4. 我呈交论文之前有点时间,很快地校订了一遍。

    I had time to do a quick edit of my essay before handing it in .

  5. 大多数合同都赋予出版商在书稿完成后进行校订的权利。

    The majority of contracts give the publisher the right to edit a book after it 's done .

  6. 作者对原稿做了校订。

    The manuscript was emended by the author .

  7. 由谁校订未决。

    It is not yet decided who will edit it .

  8. 据华纳家庭娱乐公司所言,她亲自校订并通过了他们收在密室DVD里的时间线。

    According to Warner Home Video , she personally edited and approved the timeline that they included on the DVD of Chamber of Secrets .

  9. 正如欧洲改革中心(centreforeuropeanreform)的查尔斯格兰特(charlesgrant)所言,提交至布鲁塞尔峰会的建立“稳定联盟”的提案基本上是德国编写的,尽管有几页法国进行了校订。

    As Charles grant of the centre for European reform has observed , the proposals for a stability union presented to the Brussels summit were essentially written in Germany , even if the odd page was edited in Paris .

  10. 在微软的个人信息管理系统MicrosoftOutlook中,当在收件人字段填入正确的个人资料后,执行校订时检查不出自动填充功能,这导致了电子邮件被发送到错误的收件人。

    ' Redacted ' failed to check that the autofill function in Microsoft Outlook had entered the correct person 's details into the email ' To ' field . This led to the email being sent to the wrong person .

  11. 鉴于肿瘤血栓水平侵犯并不影响患者生存结果,目前的TNM分期可能需要重新校订。

    The current TNM staging system may need to be revised , given the evidence that the level of tumor thrombus invasion does not affect the survival outcomes .

  12. 文章太乱了,需要仔细校订。

    The text is very messy and needs a close edit .

  13. 学生被要求缴交经过校订观点后的评论。

    Students are required to submit revised versions of this essay .

  14. 书稿的校订已开始。

    The editing of the manuscript is now in hand .

  15. 我已经校阅此篇并将我校订的地方以黄色标示出来。

    I have revised the work and highlighted my revisions in yellow .

  16. 她整夜坐在打字机帝,校订成稿。

    She sat at her typewriter all night tooling up the final draft .

  17. 他对自己那本书的手稿先进行校订,然后才把它交给出版社。

    He revised the manuscript of his book before sending it to the publisher .

  18. 写成了三千字的稿件,只等校订了

    three thousand words ready for editting .

  19. 这些模式必须随来自很多观测站新数据的增加经常进行校订。

    These models must be constantly revised as new data is added from many observations .

  20. 论文和校订之文章缴交时间在指定日期的刚上课的时候。

    Essays and revisions are due at the beginning of class on the day assigned .

  21. 校订者一定要仔细。

    An editor must be detail oriented .

  22. 这些海外学生大多来自二百多间与我校订有交流协议的夥伴院校。

    Most of them hail from the200 odd universities that have exchange agreements with us .

  23. 这是校订过的文本。

    This is the edited text .

  24. 维也纳的乔治柏巴赫开始校订《大汇编》的拉丁文译本。

    George peurbach of Vienna started to correct the Latin translations of the " almagest " .

  25. 阿里斯塔克斯希腊语法学家和鉴赏家,闻名于其校订和研究伊利亚特和奥德赛。

    Greek grammarian and critic noted for his arrangement of and commentary on the Iliad and the odyssey .

  26. 所有校正处皆清楚地以蓝色标出,这样您即可明确地看见被校订的部份。

    All edits are clearly marked in blue so that you can see exactly what edits were made .

  27. 王力《古代汉语》(校订重排本)词语注释商榷四则

    A Deliberation of Four Phraseological Annotations of " Classic Chinese " ( Revised Edition ) by Wang Li

  28. 此时,我们的重点转移到根据经过校订的关于功能范围的合约,开发剩下的功能。

    The focus shifts to building the rest of the functionality , based on the revised agreement on scope .

  29. 校订任何研究报告初稿都应保证所有资料正确提供。

    The rough draft of any research report should be edited to ensure that all data is correctly presented .

  30. 阁下可使用阁下之用户名称及密码,随时审阅及校订阁下之账户资料。

    You may review and edit your account information at any time by using your user name and password .