
  • 网络security;safety and security;guard;safeguard
  1. 昨天有人袭击总统,以后的安全保卫工作将要加强。

    Security will be increased after yesterday 's attack against 〔 on 〕 the president 's life .

  2. 建议在二级或以上综合性医院急诊科以及精神病医院加强安全保卫工作,增加员工工作场所暴力防范意识。

    We suggest that hospitals at grade 2 or above should strengthen safety security and all employees should learn to protect themselves against workplace violence .

  3. 《民用航空安全保卫条例》修订草案规定,国内所有民航从业人员都必须接受安全背景调查。

    According to the draft of the revised Regulation on Safety and Security of Civil Aviation , all of the country 's civil aviation personnel must undergo background security investigations1 .

  4. MohammadSalimZadaran居住在英国文化中心附近。他说他看到几名安全保卫和警察受伤。

    Mohammad Salim Zadaran lives near the British Council building , and says he saw he saw several injured security guards and police .

  5. 医院安全保卫工作社会化后的几点思考

    Several consideration about the socialization of security defence in hospital

  6. 大学新校区安全保卫工作的特点及其对策

    Characteristics and measures for the safeguarding work on new campuses of universities

  7. 周一日落时分,以色列举行了独立日庆典,安全保卫非常严格。

    Independence Day begins at on Monday amid tight security .

  8. 国内安全保卫职能新论

    A New Opinion about the Functions of National Safeguard

  9. 高校安全保卫工作的新特点及其对策

    Characters and Countermeasures of safeguarding in the Higher Colleges

  10. 当前高校安全保卫工作存在的主要问题及对策研究

    Research of the Primary Problems of Security Guard in College and Its Strategies

  11. 打破奖局做好安全保卫工作;

    Breaking Awards Game to better the safety system ;

  12. 总统办公室外的过道上部署了安全保卫人员。

    Security guards are posted in the hallway outside the president 's office .

  13. 试析和谐校园建设中的高校安全保卫工作

    Analysis of Security Work for Building a Harmonious Campus

  14. 安全保卫机构的头目以前是一位警察。

    The head of security was a former policeman .

  15. 现场秩序良好,安全保卫措施到位;

    Good order with enough security staff on site .

  16. 浅谈如何做好科研卫生事业单位的安全保卫工作

    Discussion on the Security for Health Research Institutes

  17. 总统的安全保卫仍然需要加强。

    The president 's retreat is still vulnerable .

  18. 谈大型活动期间的消防安全保卫工作

    On the Fire Security Work for Important Occasions

  19. 高校新建校区安全保卫工作探讨

    The Discussion Of Security In New University Campus

  20. 高校安全保卫工作是高校管理工作的重要组成部分。

    Safeguarding work is an important part of the management of colleges and universities .

  21. 在这些大型活动中,安全保卫占有极其重要的地位。

    In these large events , the safeguard of the security have the utmost importance .

  22. 派出所国内安全保卫工作的问题与对策

    Reflections on the Problems and Counter Measures of National Security tasks to Local Police Stations

  23. 对大型活动安全保卫工作市场化的思考

    Pondering over Marketable Safety-guarding in Large-scale Activities

  24. 设有安全保卫机构并配备相应的人员和装备;

    It has established a security unit and is provided with corresponding personnel and equipment ;

  25. 制定停放车辆、安全保卫、消防等管理制度;

    Drawing up management systems of parking , safety and security , and fire control ;

  26. 在苹果的网站上,为新产品安全保卫处的人员列了两份工作清单。

    Two job listings appeared on Apple 's website for managers of'new product security ' .

  27. 本文所研究的是新时期高校安全保卫队伍建设问题。

    What the article is about the safety and security in Colleges and Team Building .

  28. 浅析市场经济条件下大型活动安全保卫工作机制

    A Discussion of Safety Guard Working Mechanism of Large - scale Activities in Market Economy

  29. 对银行体制改革过程中内部安全保卫工作的调查与思考

    Investigation and Consideration on Bank Interior Guard

  30. 浅析加强派出所(警署)国内安全保卫基础工作

    An Analysis of Strengthening the Basic Work of Domestic Safety Guard of Local Police Station