
xiào yuán wén huà
  • campus culture
  1. CUBA与高校校园文化

    CUBA and the Campus Culture of Universities and Colleges

  2. 再次,教师要通过转变传统的教学方式和公平对待每一个学生等方式改善师生关系。最后,调动X高中学生参与校园文化建设的积极性。

    Again , teachers improve the relations between teachers and students by changing the traditional teaching mode and treat every students fairly ; Finally , arousing students ' enthusiasm to construct the campus culture .

  3. 海勃湾地区城郊小学校园文化建设调查研究

    Haibowan Area Suburb Elementary School Campus Cultural Reconstruction Investigation and Study

  4. 高职院校建设特色校园文化之我见

    My Viewpoint of Construction of Characteristic Campus Culture in Vocational Colleges

  5. 建筑和景观与校园文化建设的思考

    Reflection on the construction of building , landscape and campus culture

  6. 高校广播事业的发展是校园文化建设的一个重要方面。

    University broadcasting constitutes an important element in campus culture construction .

  7. 网络时代高校校园文化战略建构

    Strategical Construction of University 's Campus Culture in the Network Times

  8. 大学的校园文化建设是维系学校精神文明发展的基础性工作。

    Campus culture construction is a basic work of spirit civilization .

  9. 论专科院校校园文化建设的缺陷与完善

    Defection and Perfection of the Construction of Campus Culture in Colleges

  10. 大理学院校园文化建设研究

    A Study on the Construction of Campus Culture in Dali College

  11. 论校报副刊对校园文化建设的促进作用

    On Promotion Function of College Newspaper Supplement on Campus Cultural Construction

  12. 应该如何建设网络学院的校园文化?

    How to construct campus culture in the school of network education ?

  13. 我国校园文化理论发展十五年历程

    The Fifteen Years of Development of Theories about Campus Cultures in China

  14. 高品位校园文化与大学生全面发展

    High-Level Campus Culture and the Overall Development of College Students

  15. 高校艺术教育与校园文化建设略议

    On the Artistic Education and Campus Culture Construction in Higher Education Institutes

  16. 温州特色高校校园文化建设问题研究

    A Study of the Building of College Campus Culture with Wenzhou Characteristics

  17. 大学图书馆与校园文化之间有着密切的联系。

    Academic library and the culture of campus are closely linked together .

  18. 葛赉恩与东吴大学校园文化建设(1911-1922)

    Cline and the Campus Culture Construction of Suzhou University ( 1911-1922 )

  19. 以校园文化活动为有效载体,强化大学生职业能力培养;

    Reinforce the cultivation of the occupational abilities through campus cultural activities ;

  20. 在现代社会中,校园文化与企业文化不可避免地会发生碰撞。

    In modern society , campus culture and enterprise culture conflicts inevitably .

  21. 论独立设置高职学院校园文化的建设

    On the Construction of Campus Culture for Independently Established Higher Vocational Institutes

  22. 大学校园文化与文科教育改革刍议

    Campus-wide Culture of University and Educational Reformation of Liberal Arts

  23. 浅谈高校学生党员党性锻炼与校园文化建设

    On the Training to Student Communist and the Culture Construction in Campus

  24. 谈高校校园文化中的精神文化建设

    On the Construction of the Spiritual Culture in Campus Culture

  25. 试论社会经济发展与校园文化发展的关系

    On Relationship between Developments of Human Economy and Campus Culture

  26. 校园文化是大学文化魅力的构成要素。

    Campus culture is the main elements of the university culture charm .

  27. 大学校园文化所包含的各种制度均有育人价值。

    Various system of university campus culture has educational meaning .

  28. 重解校园文化新人类的四大族群

    Four Young Groups of New Cultural People on the Campus New Culture

  29. 高品位的校园文化教会学生做事、做人。

    High-grade campus culture cultivates the student 's good manners .

  30. 信息时代学习的嬗变网络教育校园文化建设初探

    Approach on Constructing Campus Culture in Web - based Learning