
jīnɡ diǎn xiǎo shuō
  • classic novel
  1. (电影公司将会把这部经典小说改编成电影。)

    The movie studio is going to adapt this classic novel for the cinema .

  2. 安部公房(KoboAbe)的经典小说《砂女》(TheWomanintheDunes)的背景就设在这里,但在日本游客中,日本人口最少的地区鸟取在47个县吸引的游客数方面仅排在第43位。

    They were the setting for Kobo Abe 's classic novel " The Woman in the Dunes , " but among Japanese tourists , Tottori , the least-populated region in Japan , ranks just 43rd among 47 prefectures in attracting visitors .

  3. 改编自CSLewis的经典小说《纳尼亚王国历险记》的电影《狮子、女巫、魔衣橱》有可能会撼动哈里波特系列电影的统治地位。

    Based on the classic novels of CS Lewis , The Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe poses a threat to the dominance of the Harry Potter films .

  4. 这本书是简·奥斯汀经典小说《傲慢与偏见》的续集,剧情设定原著故事结束的6年后。在这位BBC新改编剧中,丹·史蒂文斯是出演达西先生的热门候选人之一。

    The book was written as a sequel to Jane Austen 's classic and set six years after the end of the story , and Stevens has been tipped as the frontrunner to play Mr Darcy in a new BBC TV adaptation .

  5. 中国古代经典小说美学风格的变换及其意蕴

    The Implication of the Transformation of Aesthetic Style in Chinese Classics

  6. 一部中国古代经典小说甚至对门不当户不对的婚姻发出过警示。

    An ancient Chinese classical novel even warned against unmatched marriages .

  7. 这部反乌托邦的电视剧根据玛格丽特·阿特伍德的经典小说改编。

    The dystopian drama is based on the classic Margaret Atwood novel .

  8. 你有没有读过简·奥斯汀的经典小说《傲慢与偏见》?

    Have you ever read Jane Austin 's classic novel Pride and Prejudice ?

  9. 它可能成为美国下一部经典小说

    This could be the next great American novel .

  10. 拉尔夫·埃里森的这本关于种族歧视的经典小说不容错过。

    Ralph Ellison 's classic novel about racial prejudice should not be missed .

  11. 就是这个人,从失败中爬了起来,写下了世纪经典小说《艾文荷》。

    Yet this man rose up in life to write the classic , Ivanhoe .

  12. 出版于1939年,这本悬疑谋杀经典小说已经售出1亿本。

    Published in 1939 , this murder mystery has sold over 100 million copies .

  13. 在革命的阳光下谈情说爱&论十七年经典小说中的情爱叙事

    On the Narration of Love in Chinese Classic Novels in the 17 Years after 1949

  14. 为什麽不尝试将印度电影风格跟经典小说结合?

    Better still , why not combine Bollywood style with an updating of a classic novel ?

  15. 里面他的妻子也有献唱哦。有意思的是歌词还启发了恐怖小说大师史蒂芬·金,他随后写出了《闪灵》这部经典小说。

    Fun fact : the song 's lyrics inspired Stephen King's1977 horror novel , 'The Shining . '

  16. 它的经典小说,完成与维多利亚的主题,在现代匹配龙腾灯耀庆!

    It 's the classic novel , complete with Victorian theme , in a modern matching extravaganza !

  17. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特这部写于1847年的英文经典小说已经被一次又一次地改编。

    The English classic written in 1847 by Charlotte Bronte has already been done and redone many times .

  18. 一九四零年,格雷安葛咸撰写过一本有关天主教的经典小说〈权力与荣耀〉。

    By the1940s , Graham Greene had written a classic novel of such Catholicism in The Power and the Glory .

  19. 通过完成拼图游戏或读一部经典小说来挑战锻炼你的大脑是很重要的。

    It is important to exercise your brain by completing puzzles or challenging the brain by reading a difficult classic novel .

  20. 一大批以红色经典小说改编的电视剧问世,引起人们的浓厚兴趣。

    A large number of TV series adapted from red classics appear this year , which intrigue the public very much .

  21. 《围城》之所以成为现当代经典小说,除揭示了深刻的主题外,《围城》的讽刺别具一格。

    As a contemporary classic novel , the tragic humor in BESIEGED CITY is original as well as its profound topic .

  22. 本文运用关联理论探讨经典小说《围城》中幽默言语翻译的可译性限度。

    This thesis explores the issue of limit of translatability in humorous utterance of Fortress Besieged in the light of Relevance Theory .

  23. 《围城》是中国经典小说之一,其语言一直以来都是学者们研究的焦点。

    Fortress Besieged is one of the classical novels in China , and its language is always the focus of scholars ' research .

  24. 本文从生态批评的视角解读经典小说《蝇王》,重新阐释戈尔丁的海岛文学实验。

    Approaching Lord of the Flies from the perspective of eco-criticism , this paper reinterprets William Golding 's literary experiment on the island .

  25. 但由意识流小说改编的电影并没有取得戏剧作品和经典小说改编成电影的双赢效果。

    But the stream of consciousness novel has not made the film and the classic novel of the dramatic win after the results .

  26. 阅读经典小说会改变你的世界观,会让你用更简洁、更优美的英语思维来思考。

    Reading a classic novel can change your view of the world and will make you think in more precise , elegant English .

  27. 一套以简·奥斯汀小说为主题的邮票今日开始发行,邮票上印有最新委托绘制的经典小说情节插画。

    A set of stamps featuring illustrations of Jane Austen novels goes on sale today , including newly-commissioned artwork depicting scenes from her books .

  28. 在十七年经典小说中,革命叙事话语的夹缝里赫然地镶嵌着情爱叙事。

    In the classic novels of the 17 years after 1949 , the narration of love exists impressively in the discourse of revolutionary narration .

  29. 时间的处理在威廉·福克纳的杰作、意识流经典小说《喧哗与骚动》中起着至关重要的作用。

    The treatment of time plays a vital role in The Sound and The Fury , an outstanding classical stream-of-consciousness novel by William Faulkner .

  30. 以革命历史为题材的红色经典小说,塑造了一个崭新的人物序列&红色兵。

    Red classic fiction , the theme of the historical revolution , shaping a " new " sequence of characters-the " red soldiers " .