
  1. 国家风景名胜区经营性项目规制改革探讨

    Probe into the Regulatory Reform of Competitive Operations in National Scenic Areas

  2. 非经营性项目贷款存在的问题及对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Non-operating Project Loan

  3. 根据非经营性项目的特点,分析总结了这种以政府为投资主体的项目的主要融资方式。

    According to the non-sell projects ' characteristic , analyzed this kind project 's financing ways based on the government 's investment .

  4. 灾后重建项目按照项目收益的特性分为非经营性项目、准经营性项目和经营性项目。

    The reconstruction projects are divided into three types : " Non-operational projects ", " Quasi-business projects ", and " Profit-making projects " .

  5. 而对于政府发起的项目而言,大多数属于准经营性项目,这种项目的显著特点就是既有公益性,也有赢利性。

    And as to the project that the government initiates , which is usually quasi-operational project , must be public-spirited and also be beneficial .

  6. 由于高校的投资回收期相对于一般的生产经营性项目更长,其投资风险性也就更大。

    Because the repayment period of the investment in the universities ' construction is much longer than that of the enterprises ' production , it has much greater risk .

  7. 根据其他省市的经验和教训,四川省人民政府办公厅下发《四川省政府投资非经营性项目实行代建管理的暂行办法》,开始全面推行政府投资项目委托代建管理制度。

    Concerning about experiences of other provinces , the Sichuan government has implemented the temporary code of carrying out the consigning construction system on the non-profit items of Sichuan government , and began to push the government 's investment on non-profit items consigning construction system .

  8. 对PFI模式和水利项目的概念、特征进行界定。并依据项目区分理论,将我国不同属性的水利项目划分为纯经营性水利项目、准经营性水利项目和非经营性水利项目。

    This part aims to give a definition and define the properties of water conservancy projects . According to project distinction theory , different characteristics of water conservancy project in China is divided into pure management of water conservancy project , quasi-business water conservancy projects and non-business water conservancy project .

  9. 论文系统的研究了企业代建模式下非经营性公共项目中代建人的激励问题。

    This dissertation has systematically studied the incentive mechanism of agent in non-profit public projects .

  10. 企业代建模式下非经营性公共项目代建人激励研究

    Research on the Incentive of the Agency in Non-profit Public Projects Based on Market Agent Construction System

  11. 公益建设项目就是指为了追求社会公益目的而由政府出资的非经营性建设项目。

    Public construction projects are in order to pursue social welfare and are funded by government , which are non-commercial projects .

  12. 首先,本文以国内外关于经营性公路项目管理的理论和实际经验为研究基础,并阐述了本文研究的理论依据。

    First , the paper bases on domestic and abroad the management of commercial highway theory and practical experience , as the theory foundation .

  13. 分析了防洪工程建设具有系统性和社会性的特点,其效益机制和投资机制与一般生产经营性建设项目有明显的差别。

    It is analyzed in the paper that flood project construction is of systematic and social features and with evident difference from general production and business projects in benefit and input mechanisms .

  14. 政府非经营性投资项目推行代建制,改变了政府投资项目管理的原有方式,其实质是使现行的政府投资体制中投资、建设、使用三位一体的管理模式,各环节彼此分离、互相制约。

    By this way , the existing government investment project management mode that combined the investment , construction and application together has been broken and separated into three parts to let them restrict with each other .

  15. 最后本文通过伦敦地铁、北京地铁四号线及英法海底隧道三个案例进行了实例分析,总结出PPP模式在准经营性基础设施项目中的经验和教训。

    Finally through London Underground , Beijing Underground and European Tunnel analysis , it concludes PPP mode 's experiences and lessens in quasi-profit infrastructure .

  16. BT(投资-建设)模式是地方政府破解资金紧缺难题、加速城市发展进程的有力武器,被广泛应用于非经营性基础设施项目。

    BT ( build-transfer ) mode , adopted widely in non-profit infrastructure projects , has solved the fund shortage problem of the local government and accelerated the urbanization process .

  17. 非经营性政府投资项目,是政府利用财政性资金投资的工程建设项目。

    Non-business engineering projects that government invests use government fiscal fund .

  18. 天津开发区鼓励投资经营性基础设施项目。

    TEDA encourages the investment of operational infrastructure projects .

  19. 非经营性政府投资项目管理模式研究及政府监管

    Research on the Management Model of Non-operational Government Investment Project and Government Supervision

  20. 准经营性基础设施项目的社会公益特性及其对国民经济的带动作用,越来越受到广泛的关注。

    Quasi-commercial infrastructure projects influence on social welfare and play the leading role in national economy .

  21. 基于系统动力学的非经营性政府投资项目监督管理研究

    A Study on the Supervision of Governmental Non-profitable Investment Project ( GNIP ) Based on System Dynamics

  22. 代建制是针对我国非经营性政府投资项目特点发展起来的特有管理模式和制度。

    Agent construction system is the unique characteristic management model and regime of the Chinese non-profit government investment projects .

  23. 非经营性政府投资项目的投资规模巨大,对其他投资具有引导性。

    Non-business government investment projects have a huge scale of investment , they can be the guidance to other investments .

  24. 很大的原因是非经营性水利工程项目与现行的水利工程建设管理体制不相适应。

    The reason is that management system in water project construction are not matched with non - public project construction .

  25. 依照当前投资体制改革的精神,在非经营性政府投资项目中要推行代建制。

    According to the spirit of investment system reform , construction-agent system should be proposed in non-commercial government investment projects .

  26. 由于传统建设管理模式的诸多弊端,国务院于2004年提出对非经营性政府投资项目加快推行代建制。

    In view of the disadvantages of traditional management model , the State Council put forward the construction-agent system for non-operating government investment project in 2004 .

  27. 非经营性政府投资项目应采用何种管理模式,是世界各国普遍关心的难题,同时也是政府投资管理体制改革的焦点。

    What mode non-business government investment projects adopt is a difficult problem that countries in the world concern , and also the focus of reformation of government investment management system .

  28. 它通常具有以下特征:经营大量货币性项目,要求建立健全严格的内部控制制度;

    Usually , Modern commercial bank has its characteristic below : running a large number of currency item , being request to have a perfect & strict internal control system ;

  29. 近年来,全国各地为规范非经营性政府投资项目的管理,陆续成立国有独资的代建制企业,以负责非经营性政府投资项目的代建管理工作。

    In recent years , for regulate the management of non-operation of government investment project , local governments all over our country have set up one after another agent of the State-owned enterprises , which responsible for non-commercial agent of government investment project management .

  30. BT(BuildTransfer):意思是建设&移交,是基础设施项目建设领域中,政府利用私有资金来进行非经营性基础设施建设项目的一种投融资模式。

    BT ( Build Transfer ), which means building-transferring , is an investment and financing mode that government used to private funds for infrastructure projects of non-operating in the field of infrastructure projects .