
  • 网络economic psychology;Economics Psychological;economical psychology;Economics Psychology
  1. 未来管理模式及其经济心理学分析

    Analysis of the Management Model in Future and Related Economic Psychology

  2. 经济心理学:超越与创新

    Transcending and Innovations of Economic Psychology

  3. 作为效应的象征性与利益性影响因素:后悔理论的经济心理学分析

    Symbolic and Economic Factors in Action Effect : An Economic-Psychological Analysis of Regret Theory

  4. 本文将纳税人意识纳入经济心理学中范拉伊模式的框架下进行研究。

    This paper analyzes taxpayer 's consciousness under the structure of Van Raaij Model .

  5. 经济心理学的辉煌

    The Prosperity of Economic Psychology

  6. 因此,从经济心理学的角度对股民投资预期形成的心理机制进行研究是十分迫切的课题。

    Thus , it is necessary to research the psychological mechanism of investment expectation formation from economic psychological view .

  7. 我愿更密切的关注经济心理学方面的研究。这一研究表明,一旦人们对某样东西产生拥有感,他们就非常不愿意放弃它。

    I would pay closer attention to research in economic psychology that suggests people are very unwilling to part with an item once they feel a sense of ownership .

  8. 1970年,他把《成功并不是你想像的那么难》作为毕业论文,提交给现代经济心理学的创始人威尔·布雷登教授。

    In1970 , he handed his thesis ," Success Is Not as Hard as You Thought ," to Professor Will Bladen , who was the founder of modern economic psychology .

  9. 经济心理学的实验早已证明,多数人宁可不做交易,也不愿自己接受一个小小的好处,而让别人拿到大头。

    Experiments in economic psychology have shown that most people would rather have no deal at all than accept a tiny gain while watching a fat cat guzzle the cream .

  10. 再次,对表征企业个体采用倾向的参数,从经济心理学的角度建立了定性的描述模式,并运用效用理论建立了测度模型;

    Thirdly , the paper builds the qualitative model by way of economic psychology and exercises the theoryof utility to erect the measure model focusing on the corporation individual adoption tendency .

  11. 在具体的优化对策上,分别分析了法律和税收行政制度的优化策略,并尝试运用经济心理学的分析方法对征、纳税人理念的优化提出了建议。

    We analyze the optimal strategies in the field of law and tax system and try to raise suggestions on the concept change of tax payer and publican by the method of psychology analysis .

  12. 根据经济心理学原理,设计了公路使用者消费偏好和消费行为的调查方法,初步得出了我国公路使用者的消费偏好与选择行为的主要考虑因素。

    Through having designed and made the investigation of road user behavior as consumer of road service according to principles of economic psychology , the important factors deciding the road user behavior of china are extracted .

  13. 第二章系统介绍了餐饮产品体验性设计的理论基础即体验经济、心理学、体验营销等相关理论;

    Chapter two : the writer systematically recommended the theoretical foundation of catering products experiencing design such as experience economy , psychology , experience marketing etc.

  14. 他在香港中文大学取得了社会科学学士学位,主修社会学,副修经济及心理学。

    He received his Bachelor of Social Science degree , major in Sociology and minor in Economics & Psychology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong .

  15. 许多人具有应用物理、计算机、经济、心理学以及运筹学的背景,因此他们对于同一个问题有着非常不同的思考方式。

    We have people with backgrounds in applied physics , computer science , economics , psychology , and operations research , so they all have very different ways to think about a problem .

  16. 纳粹宣传是政治、经济问题,也是心理学问题。

    Nazi Propaganda is not only a political , economic , but also a psychological question .

  17. 实践中,结构方程模型也被广泛应用于分析经济、管理、心理学等领域的问题。

    In practice , structure of the equation model was used in the analysis of economic , administrative , psychology and other areas widely .

  18. 本文从哲学、科技、经济文化和社会心理学等方面探讨了情感化设计的必然性,从商业应用和理论发展两方面论述情感化设计的发展现状。

    This thesis discusses the inevitability of emotional design from the aspects of philosophy , science and technology , economic culture and psychology , narrates its development from the two aspects of commercial application and literature discussion .

  19. 通过对通货膨胀成本和失业成本的比较分析以及对经济主体行为的心理学分析,可见通货膨胀率和失业率的双温组合是我国目前理想的政策选择。

    After a comparative analysis of cost of inflation and unemployment , and a psychological analysis of the behavior of economic subjects , it can be concluded that a proportional combination of inflation rate and unemployment rate is the best choice for the policy-makers in China .