
  • 网络econometric model
  1. 以天津为例,建立了天津地方财政预算内支出的经济计量模型,具体诊断、识别出国家财政税收政策行为变迁发生的年份、影响程度和运行机制。

    We have established the econometric model for Tianjin local government budgetary expenditures .

  2. 中国劳动力市场非均衡经济计量模型

    Disequilibrium Econometric Model of Labour Market in China

  3. 空间经济计量模型Bootstrap检验的水平扭曲

    Size Distortion of Bootstrap Tests for Spatial Econometric Model

  4. 空间经济计量模型BootstrapMoran检验有效性研究

    Research on the Efficiency of Bootstrap Moran Test in Spatial Econometric Models

  5. 其他定量的研究方法主要包括投入产出模型、线性规划模型、宏观经济计量模型(ME)等,本章描述了CGE模型作为政策分析工具与它们相比的优越性。

    Other quantitative analytical methods include I / O model , liner programming model and Macroeconometric Model etc.

  6. 但计算汇率偏差是一件非常不确定的事情,将其纳入贸易政策,会带来围绕宏观经济计量模型方法无休止的争论,很有可能出现没完没了的世界贸易组织(WTO)诉讼。

    But the calculation of exchange rate misalignments is a highly uncertain business , and incorporating them into trade policy will involve endless debates – and most likely perpetual World Trade Organisation litigation – about the methodology of macroeconometric modelling .

  7. 在一般条件下讨论了实用的经济计量模型中扰动项方差的上界,并说明在相当大一类估计方法中,Dufour(1998)的结论仍是成立的。

    Under some general assumptions , the upper bound of the estimators of the disturbance variance in econometric models is discussed . The conclusion given in Dufour ( 1988 ) is still valid among a quite large class of econometric estimating mathods .

  8. 宏观经济计量模型的应用&对长航干线直属港口总吞吐量七五指标的预测

    Application of Macro - Econometric Model to Prediction of Port Throughput

  9. 工程包含的过程、变量和常量名太多多方程经济计量模型

    Project contains too many procedure , variable , and constant names

  10. 煤炭行业职工工资收入经济计量模型研究

    Research on the Econometric Model for Employee 's Income in Coal Industry

  11. 理性预期经济计量模型的求解方法及应用分析

    The solving method and applying analysis of econometrics model of rational expectation

  12. 在现有的经济计量模型中多是采用多元线性模型。

    Mostly adopt the plural linear model in the existing econometric models .

  13. 基于经济计量模型的通货膨胀分析

    The Analysis on Inflation Based on the Econometric Model

  14. 传统经济计量模型的缺陷与非参数估计

    Defects of the Traditional Econometrics Model and Nonparametric Estimation

  15. 一种水污染损失经济计量模型及其应用

    An econometric loss model of water pollution and its application to Hohhot City

  16. 商业企业的顾客满意度经济计量模型研究

    Research on the Economical Calculating Model of Customer 's Satisfactory Degree to Business Enterprise

  17. 工业水污染损失的经济计量模型

    Economic Metrology Model of Industrial Water Pollution Loss

  18. 这个顾客满意度的经济计量模型是一个递归模型。

    The economy measure model of this customer satisfactory degree is a recursive model .

  19. 经济计量模型的数据标准化方法

    The standardization method of data in econometric models

  20. 空间相关数据的空间经济计量模型

    Spatial econometric models for data with spatial dependence

  21. 经济计量模型在经济政策分析中的作用

    Function of Econometric Model in Economic Policy Analysis

  22. 参照环境经济计量模型,得出反应环境变化的多种曲线。

    According to environmental economy metric model , draw multiple curves that reflect environment changes .

  23. 论宏观经济计量模型的发展

    On the Development of Macroeconometric Models

  24. 经济计量模型的选择

    The Choice of Economic Measuring Model

  25. 多元单一方程经济计量模型

    Multivariate single equation econometric mode

  26. 宏观经济计量模型

    Macro economic quantitative model

  27. 广义简单经济计量模型

    Extended simple econometric model

  28. 长期记忆性的存在使得有可能通过建立非线性经济计量模型以改进价格预测效果。

    The discovery of long memory suggests possibilities of constructing nonlinear econometric models to improve price forecasting performance .

  29. 首先是对投入产出模型、差分模型和经济计量模型对于状态空间模型的同构变换研究;

    This paper starts with investigating how to transfer the input_output and econometric models into the state space specifications ;

  30. 接着阐释了研究消费结构常用的经济计量模型,即需求函数模型与多元统计分析方法。

    Then it introduces the economic measurement model , namely the demand function model and the method of multivariate statistical analysis .