
  • 网络economical speed;Economic speed;economicspeed
  1. 试验表明半潜体使经济航速阻力减小18~23%,设计航速阻力减小5~7%。

    The model experiment results show that SSB may reduce the ship resistance 18 ~ 25 % at economical speed , and 5 ~ 7 % at design speed .

  2. 一方面,高油耗船舶受到冷漠,并逐渐淡出市场,同时,不少船公司采取了加船减速的措施,尽量使用经济航速,降低燃油消耗。

    On the one hand , high fuel consumption ships are being cold , and gradually exit the market at the same time . Many shipping companies take additional measures to slow speed to make use of economic speed to reduce fuel consumption .

  3. 最后从轮机管理的角度出发,分析选择最佳经济航速运行时,存在的技术问题及相应的对策。

    Finally , we then from the engine management point of view , analyze the technical issues and solutions in selecting an optimal ship operational speed .

  4. 根据184条船模浅水阻力曲线及部分相应的深水阻力曲线,计算了经济航速、临界航速和不同航速下的兴波阻力系数。

    Based on 184 . ship models ' shallow water resistance curves and part of corresponding deep water resistance curves , calculated results for economic speeds , critical speeds and wave making resistance coefficients at different velocities have been obtained .

  5. 阐明技术为经济服务,航速为市场服务的问题。

    It illustrates that technology should serve for economy and speed should serve for market .