
  1. 经济学与伦理学的契合:经济行为的道德合理性

    The Agreement between Economics and Ethics & The Rationality of Economical Behaviors

  2. 经济伦理学的合理建构,是经济学与伦理学长期互动融合的结果。

    The rational construction of economical ethics is the consequence of the continuous interaction between economics and ethics .

  3. 作为一门新兴的交叉学科,经济伦理学是经济学与伦理学相互渗透的产物,其特定对象和任务是科学反映经济活动在伦理道德上的合理性问题,使经济活动始终具有善的价值取向。

    Asa new and intersecting subject , Business Ethics aimed at the moral reasons and good orientation of economic activities .

  4. 亚当.斯密问题的实质是经济与伦理、经济学与伦理学的关系问题。

    The essence of the " Adam Smith problem " is the relation between economics and ethics , economy and ethic .

  5. 经济与伦理的互动和融合,需要经济学与伦理学的交流和合作。

    The interaction and combination of economy and morality is in urgent need of the communication and cooperation of economics and ethics .

  6. 经济与伦理、经济学与伦理学的关系是经济伦理学研究的重要课题。

    The relations between economy and ethic and between economics and ethics are the important problems of the study between economical ethics .

  7. 产生“亚当·斯密问题”的重要原因在于斯密本人对经济与伦理、经济学与伦理学的把握存在着矛盾。

    The important cause that formed the Adam Smith Problem lies in that Smith himself had a contradiction in grasping the relations between economy and ethic and between economics and ethics .

  8. 循证医学中经济学与伦理学相关性思辩英美两国卫生资源配置的制度经济学解释

    The Consideration on the Relativity between Health Economics and Ethnics in Evidence - based Medicine The Explanations on the Allocation of Health Resources in UK and USA by Institutional Economics Chinese Health Economics

  9. 阿马蒂亚·森从研究经济学与伦理学之间的分离现状出发,深入经济学的历史,主张经济学与伦理学的结合,并基于此,提出以自由看待发展的发展观。

    Based on the study of the separation between Economics and Ethics , Amartya Sen advocates the integration between Economic and Ethics , and suggests the view of development which treats development problem freely .

  10. 当代经济学家越来越注意经济学与伦理学之间的结合,用经济学方法考察人们的道德行为,大有入侵伦理学领域的趋势。

    In modern times , the combination of the economics and the ethics has caught economists ' attention . Using the methodology of game to observe moral behavior is the tendency of ethics field .

  11. 本文分析了经济学与伦理学关于平等问题的不同观点,提出了社会平等的理由,认为应从平等权利和平等机会等方面来建构一个平等社会。

    In this article we analyse the views of equality of economic and ethics , provide the grounds of social equality . We think an equal society depends on equal rights and fair equality of opportunity .

  12. 从经济学与伦理学历史发展演进的关系着手,分析现代经济学贫困化现象的原因和表征;还研究了经济学家的伦理道德问题。高校学报窗口功能弱化的原因及对策

    This paper studied the symptoms and causes for the weakening of modern economics from the development relationship between economics and ethics . ON THE CAUSES FOR THE WEAKENING OF THE WINDOW-LIKE FUNCTION OF ACADEMIC JOURNALS OF INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEM

  13. 在智慧文化中,技术接受科学和哲学的指引,经济学与哲学伦理学重新结盟,科学自觉地与哲学对话,哲学善于体悟不可言说的存在。

    In the culture based on wisdom , technology will be guided by science and philosophy , economics will be combined with ethics , science will have dialogue with philosophy , and philosophy will try to understand things that cannot be put into words .

  14. 本论文以哲学的唯物辩证法为研究方法,从经济学与哲学、伦理学的相互关系、相互作用入手从而确立经济伦理学的主要内容和主要问题。

    This paper employs the materialism dialectic method of philosophy to establish the main contents and issues of question of economic ethics , which is derived from the interaction of economics , philosophy and ethics .

  15. 文章的第三部分探讨了水资源使用权的理论基础的制度价值,分别从法学、经济学、生态环境与伦理学方面分析了为什么要建立水资源使用权制度。

    The third part revolves around the theoretical foundation of the relevant system on usufruct of water and its merits , with an explanation from the juristical , economic , environmental and ethical points of view .

  16. 《伦理学与经济学》一书指出经济学与伦理学的严重分离,铸就了当代经济学的一大缺陷,也造成了伦理学的贫困;

    The book points out the serious separation of economics and ethics , which casts a large defect for modern economics as well as makes the poverty for ethics .

  17. 森的自由发展观具有重要的理论贡献:第一,指出经济学的健康发展必须实现经济学与伦理学的联姻;

    First , it shows that the sound development of economics depends on the combination of economics and ethics .

  18. 重构经济学的伦理维度&对经济与伦理、经济学与伦理学关系的反思

    Restructuring the Ethic Dimensions of Economics : - Reflections on the Relationship of Economy and Ethic and that of Economics and Ethics

  19. 在经济学日益疏远伦理学的思潮下,1998年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者阿马蒂亚·森却掀起了一场复兴经济学与伦理学联盟、重建经济学伦理之维的革命。

    Among the trend of economics daily alienating from ethics , Amartya Sen , the Nobel Prize winner of economics in 1998 , launched a revolution of reviving a union of economics and ethics , and reconstructing an ethical dimension in economics .