
  • 网络Economic investigation;economical detection
  1. 经侦专业之素质要求与课程设置

    The Quality Requirements and Course Arrangements for Economic Investigation Major

  2. 湖南省经侦工作调查与思考

    Thinking on the Work of Investigation and Detection of Economy in Hunan

  3. 经侦案件追赃中的有关问题研究

    On Some Problems in Recovering the Booties during the Investigation of Economic Crimes

  4. 单位经济犯罪案件的立案标准,是经侦理论和实践的一个难题。

    The economic crime by unit is opposite to the personal economic crime .

  5. 经侦民警职业化培训中案例教学的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Case Teaching in Vocational Training of Economic Crime Investigation Police

  6. 经侦领域校局合作的探索与实践

    A Probe into and Practice of " School-bureau Cooperation " in the Field of Economic Investigation

  7. 经侦部门有必要加强司法会计知识的普及,并逐步实现司法会计技术的专门化。

    It is necessary for the department of economic investigation to disseminate knowledge of judicial accounting .

  8. 经侦部门的情报信息系统有待于进一步改善。

    The intelligence and information channel of the investigative department of economic crime needs to be improved .

  9. 浅谈经济效益论经侦工作效能的延伸

    On Economic Efficiency & Benefit

  10. 新时期经侦人员专业素质构成、现状及提高途径

    The component and the Status quo of Economic Investigators ' Professional Quality and the Means to Improve it in New Age

  11. 系统功能覆盖包括侦查员、业务主管领导和情报信息工作人员在内的各类经侦民警的业务工作需求。

    And the system functions cover investigators , business executives and business needs of all kinds of economic police including information staffs .

  12. 按照经侦基础工作的对象、实施的方式、实施的主体可以做出不同的分类。

    The classification may be made in accordance with the subject of the work , its implementary means , and the organ that implements the work .

  13. 经济犯罪侦查信息工作是经侦工作的重要基础,是新形势下同经济犯罪作斗争的有力工具。

    The information work of economic crime is an important base of the information work of economic investigation as well as a strong tool to fight with economic crime .

  14. 近年来,工程建设商业贿赂犯罪案件数量增加,呈上升态势,及时破获此类案件是经侦部门的全新课题。

    In recent years , there are more and more cases of business bribe crimes in project construction , which has brought a new task to the economic investigation departments to solve the cases .

  15. 大量的经侦工作实践证明,经侦工作的效率与工作体系的构建、合理的运行模式、科学的管理存在着极为密切的关联。

    Plenty of practice in our investigation of economic crimes has proven that , there 're close links between the efficiency of investigation of economic crimes and working system construction , reasonable operation pattern and scientific management .